Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1025

Mayor Klan exclaimed: "Master Diego, don't be kidding! The three of them go to the dark forest. Even the elves who dominate the dark forest will think twice!"

The scope of the dark dense forest is very large, the elves only occupy one third of the dark dense forest, and the remaining two thirds are the territory of dark monsters.

Mayor Crane’s concerns are naturally not unreasonable.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Take ordinary soldiers to go, but it's a burden. The three of us are just right to go."

Mayor Crane said anxiously: "However, if you all have three long and two shortcomings, I will die of guilt. Even if I do not die of guilt, the citizens of Arno will scold me to death."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Put your heart in your belly, Mayor Kelan."

Mayor Kelan sighed helplessly, "Well, it's just that, no matter what help you need, Lord Diego, please tell me and I will do my best to do it." Tiantian Shuba Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, I see, but we don’t need anything for the time being. Old Gan, you prepare, I will talk to Thorin first."

"Okay." Gandalf nodded, and at the same time took a sip of Shire tobacco.

After arriving in the gloomy jungle, he can no longer keep smoking like this.

The scent of Shire's tobacco will alert the monster, so Gandalf can only take a few more sips now.

Xufeng pointed to the parchment map on the desktop and said, "I took this map."

Mayor Crane said quickly: "Of course!"

Xu Feng rolled the parchment map and put it in his pocket.

The dwarf expedition team also had a map, but that map was in Thorin's hands, so it was naturally impossible to give it to Xufeng.

Therefore, Xufeng must prepare a copy.

He followed the passage inside the arrow tower and walked towards the arrow tower on the east side.

When he reached the east side of the arrow tower, the dwarves had already set up a cauldron on the tower, the instant noodles had been soaked, and they were inviting the human guards who were guarding them to eat together.

The Terran guards had never seen instant noodles before, and they all felt very curious. After some of them tried a bite, they immediately ate with excitement.

The dwarves laughed and laughed, and didn't take the city defense seriously.

Even Solin, who has always been stern and majestic, is holding a large ocean bowl and happily drinking instant noodle soup.

Xu Feng frowned slightly.

This kind of military discipline is really lax.

However, considering that the Terran guards are already very tired, it is understandable to relax with instant noodles.

Xufeng cleared his throat, "Oh, are you all eating?"

When the dwarves saw Xufeng, they stood up and saluted together, and invited Xufeng to eat with them.

Xu Feng waved his hand, "I was full at the banquet just now. I came here to chat with Thorin alone."

Thorin drank the instant noodle soup in one bowl, then wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and said, "Okay, no problem."

Xufeng said: "We take a step to speak."

Thorin followed Xu Feng to the edge of the deserted arrow tower.

"What's the matter?" Thorin asked suspiciously.

Xu Feng smiled lightly and said: "It's nothing, just come to tell you, I still have hammers with Gandalf, the three of us will leave the team temporarily."

Thorling's eyes widened suddenly, "What?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "It's just for the time being. We are going to see the situation in the dark dense forest at the other end of the canyon."

Thorin asked, "Why are you running so far? Isn't the ogre just outside the city?"

Xu Feng said: "Yes, the ogres are indeed outside the city, but they shouldn't have appeared here. They gave up their previous territory and crossed the canyon. There must be a reason. We have to find out the reason. That's fine."

Thorin frowned and said, "Is it necessary? We just passed by here, and I have promised to help the townspeople of Canyon Town deal with the ogres. Now, we only have to wait for the four ogres to appear. Join forces and kill them, and then we can continue on the road. Why do you want to run so far and go to such a dangerous place?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Sorin, I'm here to tell you about this, not to ask for your permission, but to inform you."

Xu Feng didn't want to reason with Thorin, because the two people's insights weren't on the same level at all, and it was useless to understand the reason.

Chapter 134

Thorin was startled slightly.

He didn't expect "Diedi" to be so hard-hearted.

It stands to reason that "Diedi" is only a member of his team, and a member of the team should obey his command of the captain, but "Diedi" has no intention to obey him at all.

This makes Thorin, who has always had a strong self-esteem, very angry.

Of course, he didn't show it directly, but coldly said: "Swordsman, I think you have forgotten, you signed the expedition agreement, you must obey me."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I've seen the agreement. It doesn't say that you must absolutely obey the expedition captain's order. It just says that you can't betray your teammates."

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Aren't you still betraying your teammates?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course not. You dwarves stay here to deal with the ogres, and I, Gandalf, and Hammer, the three of us are going to find out where the problem lies. Who should betray whom. Besides, until the ogre problem is resolved, the expedition team will not be able to move forward, let alone betrayal."

Thorin frowned and said, "You are an out-of-article."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Perhaps, I have to see the situation on the other side of the canyon with my own eyes."

Thorin said with a sullen face, "Are you really going to do this?"

"Yes, I really intend to do this." Xu Feng said firmly.

Thorin said coldly, "Well, then you can do whatever you want. However, if you don’t come back after we kill the ogres, we won’t wait for you, but just hit the road. If you can’t catch up We, it’s not that we abandon you, but you abandon us! At that time, I have the right to kick you all out of the expedition team! You don’t want to get a penny!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Okay, I understand what you mean."

Xufeng's participation in the expedition team was not for money at all!

Thorin threatened Xufeng with money, obviously he didn't really know Xufeng.

However, Xu Feng didn't care.

Thorin bears a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, and his thoughts are somewhat extreme. In addition, even if he is a self-serving person, Xu Feng is an extremely good person, so it is impossible for Thorin to be biased against Xu Feng.

"Then," Thorin said coldly, "Good luck to you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sorin, there is one more thing I want to remind you."

"What's the matter?" Thorin said arrogantly.

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