Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1026

Xufeng said: "Listening to the description of Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas, the four ogres should be very cunning. You must be careful. The best way is to wait for us to come back after we finish exploring and encircle them. If we don’t come back, you must remember not to go out of the city to pursue them at will."

Thorin sneered, ignoring Xu Feng's reminder, but turned and walked back to his original position.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy.

His suggestion is actually very pertinent.

Ogre's own power is very strong, especially in the case of frontal combat, their attack power and defense power are not so easy to deal with.

Although the strength of the dwarf expedition team is not weak, the problem is that most of the dwarves are too impulsive. He likes to go up and be tough. This will suffer when confronting an ogre.

Why can Canyon Town last so long without being attacked by the four ogres?

In fact, it relies on the defense of the arrow tower.

Although this kind of defense is about to be broken by the ogres, as long as the dwarves can help the human guard to strengthen the defense of the arrow tower, it should be no problem to drag it for a day or two.

However, looking at Thorin's attitude...

Hope he can stay calm.

Xu Feng sighed faintly in his heart, then turned back to the arrow tower passage.

Thorin's Yu Guang glanced at Xu Feng's back, knowing that Xu Feng's back had completely disappeared, and he took back the after-light.

He is a prince, the king of the lone mountain in the future, he doesn't want to be blamed by a human being.

Ogres are indeed very dangerous, but this duel can also be regarded as an advance exercise-if the expedition team can’t even handle four ogres, what hope is there to pass through the Misty Mountains? Is there any hope to fight the dragon Smaug?


I want to show all of you, my Thorin's commanding ability!

I also want to let all of you see the fighting strength of our Lone Mountain Dwarves!

After we kill the four ogres, we will set off immediately!Leave "Diedi" behind them far!See if they dare not disobey my orders!

Thorin raised his head proudly while thinking about this.

Xu Feng returned to the hall of the arrow tower.

Gandalf smoked his pipe clatteringly, "How's it? Hit a nail?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's not just a nail, it's a nail rake!"

Gandalf laughed loudly. "Thorin's temper is indeed stinky and hard, but he is not to blame. In fact, the dwarves of the Oak Shield family are not too gregarious. This is why the territory of Oak Shield In Gushan, and Gushan is at the northern end of the Misty Valley, the reason why it is the farthest from other dwarven tribes."

Xufeng sighed, "However, I am very worried about Thorin and the others. Unfortunately, I can't persuade him."

Gandalf said, "It's okay. Let's go back quickly. Even if the ogres attack Canyon Town, they won't be able to beat Thorin so easily."

"Yeah." Xu Feng nodded slightly.

He wanted to leave the hammer here to protect Thorin, but considering Thorin's current temper, if he left the hammer, it would make Thorin even more extreme.

Therefore, go and return quickly is the wisest choice.

"Lao Gan, can you send the three of us into the dark dense forest together?" Xu Feng asked.

Gandalf replied: "Yes, but I have to reserve enough mana so that we can teleport back again. So I can't teleport the three of us to the depths of the dense forest, only teleport us to the other end of the canyon. And, teleport After finishing, I have to rest in the canyon and wait, lest I can't teleport back."

The dignified gray-robed great mage, even the energy transmitted by two groups is not enough!

This is really a headache.

Xufeng smiled helplessly, "Okay, just take care of picking up us, and I will leave the rest to the hammer."

"Okay." Gandalf took a deep breath, condensing a brilliant blue teleportation rune with his hands.

Xufeng and Iron Hammer immediately stood on the teleportation rune, the blue halo completely enveloped them, and they turned faster and faster.

Mayor Crane said anxiously: "Master Diego...Be careful!"

Xufeng smiled and waved.

The blue light exploded in front of Mayor Crane, stabbing him to open his eyes.

When he finally could see clearly, the three of Gandalf were gone, only a teleportation magic ashes remained on the ground.

Chapter 135 Do I Need To Show You That I'm Domineering?

On the other side of the canyon.

A brown bear covered with abscesses is walking feebly.

Every time it took a step, green rancid acid was flowing from its mouth, and the acid dripped on the ground, burning shallow pits.

It found a rabbit squatting on the ground.

The rabbit is also covered with abscesses and is also infected by the smell of monsters.

The brown bear suddenly rushed towards the rabbit, the rabbit fled in a panic, and the entire forest suddenly became extremely noisy.

At this moment, a magical light lit up in front of the two infected animals.

The rabbit was stunned.

The brown bear chasing it was also stunned.

After a few seconds, the dazzling blue light disappeared and three figures appeared in front of them.

Gandalf heaved a sigh of relief, "Finally... it was delivered safely."

Sending three people at a time, he had never tried before.

It was after he met "Diedi" that he dared to try such dangerous magic moves.

The hammer looked at the rabbit and brown bear in front of him and said, "What happened to these two animals?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Probably I have never seen portal magic before, I was shocked."

The hammer shook his head, "Your appearance is covered with abscesses, and you still have green acid in your mouth. I'm afraid you are infected?"

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "This is the dark dense forest. It is also the place where Morgoth demonized half-orcs in the First Era. Morgoth is near here, experimenting with elves and beasts, putting the most beautiful elves and the ugliest The beasts of "were forcibly combined to create a half-orc. Similarly, the creatures in this area are more or less affected by Morgoth’s dark magic, and so are their descendants."

The hammer frowned and said, "Oh my God, these animals are really pathetic."

Gandalf sighed: "Yes, it's a pity that we can't save them. The magic energy in them, although not like a plague, can infect people."

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