Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1027

Xu Feng showed the sword of Triton, and said coldly: "In this case, let's help them get free and reincarnate."


Before the hammer's "wait" was finished, Xu Feng rushed forward.

The rabbit reacted first and hurriedly turned around and ran, while the brown bear let out an angry low roar and swept towards Xufeng with his huge and decadent paw.

Xufeng dexterously avoided the brown bear's charge and sweep, and pierced the running rabbit with a single sword.

The rabbit screamed and fell into his own pool of green blood.

Xu Feng drew his sword and turned around and slashed directly at the brown bear's head.

The brown bear hurriedly raised his front paw to block, and the sword of Triton undoubtedly chopped off the brown bear's paw.

The brown bear roared in pain, the green blood spattered from the wound, it didn't dare to fight Xufeng anymore, and limped away and fled away.

However, even a rabbit can't run away, even a brown bear with a broken front leg can't run away.

Xufeng chased up with a stride, and the sword of Triton in his hand chopped off the brown bear's head without mercy.

The brown bear's head was different, and there was no more sound.

This area was also completely quiet.

The hammer sighed helplessly, "Is it necessary? They are just animals."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "No, they are not animals, but monsters. Although they do have a miserable life experience, they are monsters after all."

Gandalf sighed, "It's a pity, if Radagast is here, it should heal them."

Xufeng said: "The last way to cure them is not to come one by one, but to thoroughly clean up the half-orcs and the monster pollution here in the dark dense forest."

"It's not easy." Gandalf took out Shire Tobacco and hesitated, but in the end it didn't ignite.

This is no longer the territory of the human race, nor the territory of the elves, but the only area between the human kingdom and the elven kingdom.

This area is so large that no light force can take over and manage it. Moreover, the resources here are also very scarce. The forest is full of creatures infected by magical energy, and their flesh and blood can't be used, it can be said that there is no Any economic use value has only troubles and responsibilities, so there is no force to intervene here.

In fact, if you don't go to Canyon Town, you can also go to the Misty Mountains through this dark forest, and then go to the Lonely Mountain through the Misty Mountains.

This is the closest straight line distance.

However, the expedition team did not choose this route, because this route is too risky. There are not only ordinary monsters such as rabbits and brown bears, but also many high-level monsters such as half orcs and ogres.

If the expedition team chose to walk from the dark forest, it would have increased the difficulty ten times, or even more.

Anyone who is a little bit sane will not enter the dark forest.

Xufeng took out a parchment map and said, "Lao Gan, where are we roughly?"

Gandalf looked at the map carefully, pointed his finger at a point on the map and said: "We are here, the territory of the ogres, probably within three kilometers in front of us."

Xufeng nodded, "Then you just wait for us here, Hammer, you come with me to explore ahead."

Gandalf said quickly: "You two are too dangerous, so let me go with you."

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, you stay here and restore your magic power as soon as possible. In case we need you, you must be able to teleport us to Canyon Town at any time. That is your most important task."

Gandalf can only nod, "Okay, I see."

"Hammer, let's go." Xufeng collected the map and walked towards the dense forest in front of the black hole.

The hammer leaned slightly towards Gandalf, and then followed in Xufeng's footsteps.

The dark dense forest is indeed worthy of the name.

The forest here is very pristine, with trees covering the sky.

Any tree can be hundreds of meters high.

Walking in such a dense forest is like walking in the kingdom of giants.

The tall trees completely covered the sunlight above the dense forest, and only faint light and shadow could penetrate in. Such brightness of light also caused a lot of trouble to Xufeng and Iron Hammer.

"Don't move!" Xu Feng raised his hand to stop the hammer behind him.

The Hammer froze for a moment, and then saw that there were dozens of piebald snakes that were thicker than a bucket in front of them.

The hammer said in astonishment, "These monsters are too scary, right?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "There are a total of eleven poisonous snakes entrenched here, and each of them is at level 50. It can be beaten down, but it is very difficult and has nothing to do with our goal this time. Let's bypass it. they."

The hammer glanced at his mouth, "I thought you would rush up aggressively and kill all these disgusting snakes."

Xufeng said calmly: "Do I still need to prove to you whether I am aggressive enough?"

Chapter 136

"...Okay." The hammer shrugged.

She has indeed seen the domineering scenes of Xufeng, who once singled out the son of the sea god, and once turned the tide in all kinds of scenes that were hopeless!

Of course, Iron Hammer recognized Xufeng ten thousand points.

She would never question Xu Feng's decision.

She put away the hammer in her hand, lightly heeled behind Xu Feng, and bypassed the group of huddled snakes from another path.

After walking forward for a while, they encountered a few sick wolves infected by magical energy. Xu Feng was not polite, and directly killed all these sick wolves.

Then they moved on.

This is already considered to be the territory of ogres, but after walking for a long time, they did not see any trace of ogres.

Hammer frowned slightly and said, "Where are the ogres? Aren't they the overlord of this territory?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "It seems that there is a problem here."

The hammer pointed to a cave not far away and said, "There is a cave over there, do you want to go in and take a look?"

Ogres like to live in caves, so if you see a cave, you have to explore it.

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "I'll go in first, and you will stay outside. If the situation is not right, you will run away immediately."

The hammer asked: "What about you?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Idiot, I can run much faster than you."

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