Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1028

The Hammer smiled helplessly: "That's also true."

"You just wait here." Xu Feng stepped into the dark and humid cave.

The entrance to this cave is long and narrow, and a pair of animal bones are piled up in the passage, and there are foul smells and slight hissing noises.

There are huge spider webs on both sides of the cave wall.

And under Xufeng's feet, there were some half-meter-high white cocoons scattered. Some cocoons were hard, and some cocoons had become soft and were shaking.

Xu Feng proceeded cautiously, not touching any cobwebs or cocoons.

The hammer outside the cave whispered: "Hey, Xufeng, what's the situation inside?"

Xu Feng frowned slightly, and said with his mind: "Don't talk! Tell me with your mind."

The hammer stuck out his tongue and quickly said with his mind: "What's the situation?"

Xu Feng responded with thoughts: "There should be no ogres here, it looks like a spider cave."

The hammer said with a thought: "Isn't it? How big is this spider to live in such a cave?"

Xu Feng responded with thoughts: "It must be a big spider."

The hammer asked with his mind: "Should I go in and help?"

Xufeng responded: "No, I am going to quit myself."

"Okay." The hammer was slightly disappointed in his thoughts.

The poisonous snake in front of Xufeng did not fight, and now Xufeng, the spider cave, does not plan to explore.

The Hammer suddenly felt that coming to the Dark Forest this time was really meaningless.

Xufeng's purpose has always been clear, that is, to find the place where the ogres lived before, and to see why the ogres cross the canyon.

When Xufeng turned around and prepared to walk out of the narrow and curved passage, he suddenly felt that something was wrong in the cave.Ba Shan loves everything around him as before, without any changes, but he just feels like being watched by a powerful enemy.

He secretly activated the spiritual vision system to scan the dark cave.

There is almost no light in the cave, and normal people can't see it clearly, but Xufeng, as a survivor, can use his unique vision system to roughly see the surrounding situation.

In the state of spiritual vision, he saw strips of fluorescent green spider silk forming a wall of spider webs. This wall of spider webs directly blocked the way he exited!

Xu Feng secretly took a breath of air in his heart.

When did this happen?

Why is he unaware of it?

Xufeng turned off Lingshi and stared at the spider silk wall with his naked eyes, but found that he could not see anything.

Xufeng's hair was suddenly terrified!

This spider silk is actually invisible!

The prey that enters this spider cave will be trapped in the spider web without realizing it!

What a risk!

If I hadn't been cautious just now, but turned my head back, I am afraid it has become the food in the cocoon of the big spider.

Xufeng calmed down, activated the Spirit Vision system again, and searched for other locations in the cave quietly.

Above his cave, there is a raised rock, and there is a layer of small hole in the rock, and in that small hole, there is a giant spider that is two meters high!

This spider is waiting there patiently, like a statue, and it's a hidden statue!

The skin of this giant spider is also black, with some dark red spots in the middle. It is difficult to find in the dark cave, even if you are facing each other!

If it weren't for the vision system, no one would have discovered this terrifying giant spider!

Xufeng glanced, and a line of bright red characters appeared on the head of this giant spider: Target Level: Level 55.

...It is indeed a dark dense forest, the strength of this monster is too strong.

Xu Feng thought about it slightly, instead of turning back and going back, he continued to walk towards the cave.

The hammer was a little impatient while waiting outside, and couldn't help but ask with his thoughts: "Hey, what are you still rubbing inside? Come out!"

Xu Feng replied with thoughts: "The entrance of the cave has been sealed by invisible spider silk, I will find another way."

The hammer hurriedly said with his mind: "How could this be? Do I need to cut it for you from the outside?"

"No, don't act rashly." Xufeng said with thought quickly: "When I need your help, I will definitely call you."

"All right," Iron Hammer replied helplessly.

Xufeng calmly walked into the cave, and the giant spider's worm's eyes also moved in Xufeng's direction.

The cave was full of stench, and Xu Feng resisted the feeling of vomiting and walked into the cave.

The inside of the cave is very wide, the size of a basketball court, and the surrounding walls are covered with dried blood. There are still some corpses of indistinguishable species and shapes on the ground. Some are bones, some are still bloody fur. .

It seems that this giant spider is really harmful.

However, this is the hinterland of the dark dense forest. Most of the animals here are monsters infected by the magical power of Morgoth. It is not a pity that monsters eat monsters.

Xu Feng turned around in the cave and found that there was no way out, so he settled down, sat cross-legged on a flat rock, and closed his eyes slightly.

It seemed to be resting, but in fact, Xu Feng was squinting his eyes and using his spiritual vision to observe the movements of the giant spider.

The giant spider saw that Xufeng hadn't come out for a long time, and finally couldn't hold back, crawled out of the hidden hole, hung upside down, walked on the top of the cave, and walked to the top of Xufeng's head. on.

Chapter 137 Weakness of Giant Spider

Xufeng still closed his eyes slightly and sat there quietly, as if he was asleep.

The giant spider's eight legs slowly accumulated energy, and then suddenly swooped down from the top of Xufeng's head!

Xufeng had already prepared everything. While the giant spider was accumulating his power, he secretly took out the sword of Triton and the sword of Boromir!

When the giant spider swooped down from the top of the cave and could not change its trajectory, Xu Feng suddenly rolled, avoiding the sharp mouthparts of the giant spider, and at the same time the two swords in his hand were like a meat grinder full of electricity. , Cut quickly to the belly of the giant spider!

He has just observed it with the eyes of spiritual vision. The giant spider's body is covered by a thick chitin shell. The armor value is extremely high. With his strength, it is almost difficult to penetrate that layer of chitin shell. of.

Therefore, Xu Feng must find another way to find the weakness of the giant spider.

It's a pity that the Lingvision system can't see through the enemy's weaknesses, and all of this can only be judged by Xufeng.

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