Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1029

Generally speaking, the abdomen of animals is very fragile, and the giant spider jumped from the top of the cave, just exposing the abdomen to Xufeng, so Xufeng is no longer polite.

The Sword of Triton and the Sword of Boromir were madly cutting to the giant spider, and Xu Feng also used all of his strength without any softness.

He knows deeply that to deal with level 55 monsters, if you don't give it up as soon as they come up, it will only become more and more dangerous.

The Sword of Triton and the Sword of Borromir are definitely good swords, the attack power of the Sword of Triton is slightly weaker, and the effect of the Sword of Borromir is more defensive.

Xu Feng's strength and sword skills are not exquisite, but it is a pity that these two weapons have dragged him down a little.

Every sword struck the giant spider's abdomen, as if it were on a thick steel plate.

Xufeng's hands were numb with the tiger's mouth, but the giant spider suffered only a little skin trauma, and even no blood came out.

Of course, Xufeng’s counter-attack still shocked the giant spider. The giant spider raised its mouthparts and sprayed a crystal-like venom towards Xufeng. Xufeng quickly dodged and avoided the giant spider. Take this three steps back.

Xufeng shook his numb fingers and stared at the two-meter-high giant spider calmly.

With the eight worm eyes on the giant spider's flat head, each one stared at Xufeng.

Its mouthparts are constantly squirming, as if making crystal spider silk.

Xufeng had already lost the opportunity to move first, and when his level was obviously not as good as the opponent, losing the first move meant he was in danger.

The giant spider moved its legs and feet carefully, and then quickly retracted it.

It is also the first time that it has seen such a powerful human being. This human being can not only see through his transparent spider silk wall, but also see through its ambush, and can also use itself as a bait to counter ambush it.

This is the only one that can counter ambush it among its many opponents!

The giant spider tried two times and found that Xufeng hadn't attacked it, so he rushed forward, and two long sharp claws stabbed towards Xufeng fiercely.

This giant spider is two meters tall, but when the legs are stretched out, it is four meters long.

Its legs can easily reach Xufeng, but it is difficult for Xufeng to reach the giant spider.

Xufeng immediately activated the crane-shaped body technique and dodged in the crazy piercing of the giant spider.

The crane-shaped body technique is not only a body technique that moves and drifts, but also a body technique that saves energy. The giant spider stabbed more than 20 times in a row, and no one hit Xufeng.31

A few times it seemed to be hit, but in fact it only hit the afterimage of Xufeng.

As Xufeng dodged, he used the sword of Triton and the sword of Boromir to chop the leg and foot joints of the giant spider.

However, the chitin shell of the giant spider is too thick. When Xufeng uses the crane-shaped body method to evade, he can't cut the leg and foot joints of the giant spider at all.

Xu Feng was not anxious either, but continued to dodge the sting of the giant spider with a calm mind.

The giant spider's strength gradually increased, because it had realized that Xufeng's strength was not strong. If it were strong, its abdomen and leg and foot joints would have been pierced by Xufeng long ago.

Therefore, the giant spider no longer shrinks, but frantically launches rounds of attacks at Xufeng.

Every puncture left a deep gouge mark on the ground or wall, and the whole cave was rumbling and shaking.

Xufeng dodged and retreated, leading the giant spider to go outside the cave.

The giant spider pursued it all the way, and its attack on Xufeng was completely crushed.

Since Xufeng tried two attacks, he hadn't made any more moves, just dodged all the way.

Pulling the giant spider to the front of the invisible spider silk wall, Xu Feng suddenly dashed.

The giant spider rose up to kill, completely forgetting that there was an invisible spider silk wall in front of him. When Xufeng was only ten centimeters away from the spider silk wall, he returned to the boat and released the crane with one move. Bounced back to the side wall of the cave!

The giant spider screamed in horror immediately, and it also realized the existence of the invisible spider silk wall!

Although the invisible spider silk wall is fabricated by itself, it will not have any adhesion effect on itself, but it will be very troublesome if one head hits it.

The giant spider hurriedly stopped its legs and feet, but its body was too large, its inertia was too high, and the impact was so fierce that it was difficult to stop it for a while.

And at this time, Xu Feng rushed from the cave wall to behind the giant spider, facing the giant spider's chrysanthemum position, it was a whirlwind slash!

The giant spider screamed sharply, and the huge body could no longer hold back its strength, and slammed into the spider silk wall it had woven.

The spider silk wall was torn off immediately, and the spider silk stuck to the body of the giant spider.

Its legs and feet were constantly waving, like eight sharp sickles, the mouthparts also sprayed out crystal-like venom, and the spider silk entangled in the body was rapidly dissolving.

Xu Feng wanted to kill the giant spider in one go, but now it seems that this guy is not that easy to kill.

However, Xufeng already knew the weakness of the giant spider, that is—chrysanthemum.

While the giant spider was still busy handling its own silk, Xu Feng jumped up, directly over the legs and feet of the giant spider's scythe waving wildly, and rushed out of the giant spider cave in one breath.

As soon as he rushed out of the cave, a forging hammer hit Xufeng fiercely.

Fortunately, Xu Feng subconsciously reacted quickly enough, and instantly raised Boromir's sword to block.

"Ah!" The hammer wielding the forging hammer saw that it was Xu Feng, and quickly reduced his strength.

The forging hammer slammed on the sword of Borromir, causing a harsh metal clamor.

Fortunately, the hammer regained its strength in time, otherwise, even if Xufeng was not injured, his arm would still be numb for a while.

Chapter 138

"Hammer, you want to murder your husband!" Xu Feng exclaimed.

The hammer couldn't help his face flushed, and whispered: "What murdered your husband? I thought it was a monster spider! I thought you beat the monster to the ground, but I didn't expect the monster to beat you. Falling flowers and flowing water. Besides, you are not my husband!"

Xu Feng smiled helplessly: "Fortunately not!"

The hammer raised the hammer in annoyance, "Damn it! I would have knocked it down once I knew it, and I won't let my strength go!"

Xufeng grabbed the hammer and suddenly dragged the hammer into his arms.

The hammer exclaimed, and as soon as he was about to use the forging hammer to counterattack, he saw a thick and sharp leg that pierced towards the location where she was just now.

The power of the legs and feet was so great that the hard rock wall at the entrance of the cave was instantly torn apart by this powerful piercing force!

The hammer's face paled in shock.

Xufeng didn't stop, shouting "Go" in a low voice, and quickly rushed tens of meters away with the hammer.

The giant spider curled up with its legs and feet, rushed out of the narrow hole, and sprayed crystalline venom towards Xufeng and the hammer.

Xufeng dodged while holding the hammer, and said in a deep voice, "Iron hammer, you are heavy."

The hammer blushed and roared: "I'm not heavy! I just have a pair of forging hammers on my body, okay! My two hammers are made by Xuan Tie. Don't look at the small hammers, but the two hammers add up to it. It weighs two hundred catties!"

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