Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1030

Xufeng smiled and said, "Oh, it's no wonder, I said, how do I feel that I am holding a 500-jin object!"

"Fuck you Xufeng!" The hammer couldn't help but yelled, "You mean, I weigh three hundred catties?! You let me go! Let me go! I don't want you to hold it!"

"Okay, that's what you said." Xu Feng smiled, then put down the hammer.

The hammer was dumbfounded, "Xufeng! You really left me behind! You said good brotherhood!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "No matter how heavy the brotherhood is, it is not as heavy as your weight."

Iron Hammer roared angrily: "Xu Feng! There is a kind of you come here! I want to kill you!"

Xu Feng speeded up and disappeared into the dark dense forest.

"...Isn't it?" The hammer took a breath of horror, "Xufeng, did you throw me here alone? I..."

Just as the hammer was about to curse, a fierce wind came from behind him.

The hammer jumped hurriedly, able to avoid the giant spider's scythe.

The giant spider has rushed in front of her. If you don't run, it will definitely become a Chinese meal.

As soon as the hammer gritted his teeth and turned his heart horizontally, he directly threw the forged hammer in his right hand at the giant spider's worm eyes, and then dodged continuously, evading towards a safe distance.

Her speed is far less than Xu Feng, after all, she is not an agile warrior, but she used a flying hammer to attack the giant spider's worm eyes, but it delayed the giant spider's attack, and thus bought herself more time.

The giant spider opened its mouth, bit the flying hammer thrown by the hammer, and swallowed it directly.

The hammer suddenly felt creepy in his heart.

Her forging hammer is not very special, it's just made of profound iron, and its item level is only level 40.

Such a weapon has no advantage at all when dealing with level 55 enemies.

In fact, the hammer is not without the opportunity to get better weapons, but the hammer prefers hammers. She always feels that only things that can strike iron can be used smoothly.

And now, one of her favorite weapons was directly eaten by giant spiders!

Apart from the heartache, Iron Hammer felt a little desperate.Number six

Not only was this giant spider too strong, but what was even more desperate was that at this critical time, Xu Feng even abandoned her because of her weight.

The disliked weight was nothing at all, but... Suddenly, Iron Hammer realized that she silently liked Xufeng in her heart, not like friends and brothers, but girls like men.

It hurts because I like it.

If Iron Hammer didn't have Xufeng in her heart, then when Xufeng left her, she would only have anger in her heart.

But now she was powerless to anger, and there was only despair in her heart.

Once a person has a desperate mentality, he will unconsciously choose to give up.

The Hammer still had a chance to fight the giant spider, but now she has no fighting spirit at all.

After the giant spider ate her forging hammer, her long legs slammed down towards the hammer.

The hammer dodged in a panic, barely avoiding the first few rounds of stabbing.

But her body style has been completely messed up, and every time she dodges, she is in a dangerous state.

The giant spider raised its legs and feet and directly flew the hammer.

The hammer fell heavily to the ground, feeling the bones all over his body breaking.

She struggled to get up, but the giant spider was faster and rushed to her in an instant. The huge mouthparts opened and bit her head fiercely.


The hammer sighed in his heart, ready to accept his destiny.

And at this moment, a fast black shadow suddenly flashed behind the giant spider, and the two long swords in his hand were output in the chrysanthemum part of the giant spider at a speed that the naked eye could not see clearly!

The giant spider screamed suddenly, and didn't care about attacking the hammer at all, but twisted in pain.

The hammer froze for a moment, and tears came out uncontrollably.

"Xu Feng! Lao Tzu is going to kill you! Woo! You bastard! You actually left Lao Tzu here alone! Woo!"

Don't look at Iron Hammer's usual carelessness, acting even more boyish than boys, but inside her heart is always a girl who needs care.

Xufeng desperately attacked the giant spider's chrysanthemum, while shouting: "You avoid it! After killing this giant spider, I will do whatever you want!"

"That's what you said!" The hammer clenched his teeth, supported the almost broken body, and drew from under the giant spider.

Xu Feng had nothing to consider anymore, and the sword of Triton and the sword of Borromir in his hand were brought to the extreme.

The giant spider hissed and turned his head, preparing to bite Xufeng's weapon with his mouthparts.

Once the weapon is bitten, Xufeng will be passive!

At this moment, the "paralysis and suffocation" effect of the sword of Triton was triggered!

The giant spider was fixed in place!

good chance!

Xufeng poured all his power into the sword of Triton and the sword of Boromir, the two swords combined, and he stab the giant spider's chrysanthemum fiercely!

The paralyzed giant spider has no defense!

Power penetrated from its chrysanthemum part, and then its abdomen completely exploded!

Crystallized venom splashed out all over the sky, Xu Feng was too late to dodge, and her arm was sprayed with crystallized venom!

Chapter 139 I'm Not Tasteless!

"Xu Feng!"

The hammer exclaimed, struggling to stand up, trying to rush towards Xufeng.

Xu Feng shouted: "Stand there and don't move! Be careful of these venoms!"

The hammer can only stand in place.

After the giant spider's abdomen was exploded, its huge body kept twitching, and black poisonous blood flowed out of its sharp mouthparts, and the eight insect eyes stared at Xufeng resentfully.

Xu Feng forcibly endured the numbness of his right arm, and jumped up and fell from the top of the giant spider's head. The sword of Boromir in his left hand pierced the giant spider's head fiercely!

The giant spider struggled a few times, and then there was no sound.

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