Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1038

Xufeng pierced through with a fierce son, and grabbed the hammer by the waist.

"Are you okay?" Xu Feng asked.

Hammer struggled desperately: "I'm fine! Let go of me!"

Xufeng frowned and shouted: "Don't move, the dark water river has been splashed by you! If the murloc is disturbed, we will be in great trouble. Even if the murloc is not disturbed, the sound of your swimming has to be attracted. Come half-orcs!"

The hammer said quickly: "What should I do? I am a blacksmith. I deal with by the stove every day. For swimming... I am really not good at swimming."

Xufeng was angry and distressed, "You swim so badly, so you jumped off first?"

The Hammer blushed and said: "I didn't expect the water here to be so powerful! And, I really want to help you, I don't want you to risk it alone! Because...we, we are brothers !"

Xufeng could see the affection in Hammer's eyes. He knew that Hammer did this for not only "brotherhood", but also a deeper feeling.

Xufeng sighed, "Come on, climb on my back, and I will swim with you."

The hammer said in surprise: "Like a tortoise?"

Xufeng frowned and said, "You are the tortoise."

The hammer grinned, "Okay, I know, but can you do it? You said before, I am heavy."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't ask a man if it's okay, it's very rude, don't be wordy, come up soon."

"Yeah." The hammer hurriedly climbed onto Xufeng's back.

The muscles on Xufeng's back were very strong, and the hammer's body was close to his back, and his heart jumped wildly uncontrollably, and his body temperature rose to the extreme!She was like a stove.

Originally, the water temperature in the underground river was extremely low, and Xu Feng planned to burn part of his physical energy to maintain his basic body temperature, so as not to be frozen in the river water, but now it seems that it is not needed at all.

Xu Feng didn't have time to think about anything, carrying a hammer on the surface of the dark river upstream to the side of the orc outpost.The front of the Fate Outpost was heavily guarded, while the side and the back were backed by a steep ridge. It was impossible for anyone to break through from the direction of the ridge, so there was no half-orc guarding the outpost.

It's just that the underground river that turned up at the back is exactly the underground river waterfall that falls vertically from the height of the ridge. The water is extremely surging. If you want to go upstream, you can't do it without enough physical fitness.

Xufeng's physical stamina is not an advantage, it can even be said to be a disadvantage, not to mention that he is carrying a hammer on his back.

A wave of water pushed over, and Xu Feng felt that all the strength of his body was taken away.

The hammer said quickly: "Xufeng, or you let me down, I should be fine."

In terms of physical fitness data alone, Hammer’s stamina is indeed stronger than Xufeng’s, but Hammer’s swimming skills are too poor. Under such water flow conditions, it’s useless to have physical fitness without swimming skills. .

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "No, just lie on me. If you come down now, it will cause trouble for both of us."

The Hammer said apologetically, "...I'm sorry."

Xufeng took a deep breath, swam a few meters forward, and was pushed back by the surging waterfall.

His stamina was further consumed.

If this continues, two more rounds, he and the hammer will sink to the bottom.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Hammer."

"It's here." Hammer responded hurriedly.

If Xufeng let her go down, she would jump down without hesitation, even if she would be drowned, she didn't want to hurt Xufeng.

Xu Feng said, "Do you still have Xingyue Tea on your body?"

The hammer was startled, and said quickly: "Yes!"

"Give me a drink."

"Okay!" Iron Hammer immediately took out a cup of Xingyue Tea from his inspiration inventory.

This Xingyue Tea was originally given to her by Xufeng for free, but now Xufeng needs it, and of course she would like one hundred of them.

Xufeng frowned and said, "My hands are paddling, you have to feed me!"

"Yes!" The hammer hurriedly opened the lid of Xingyue Tea, probing his hand to put the mouth of the cup to Xu Feng's mouth.

The water wave was too big, and Xu Feng tried to drink it several times, but unfortunately they didn't drink it because of the shaking of his body.

Instead of drinking it, he wasted half a cup of Xingyue Tea!

"This won't work!" Xu Feng's physical stamina has reached its limit.

This is the shortcoming of not paying attention to balanced development and adding attribute points to strength and agility.

When facing an enemy, strength and agility are naturally the most useful attributes. However, in this situation, no matter how high the strength and agility, physical support is needed.

The hammer looked in his eyes, anxious in his heart.

Just die!

The hammer turned his heart and withdrew Xingyue Tea, Gudong drank it into his mouth, then stretched his neck and used his mouth to find Xufeng's mouth!

This can greatly reduce the waste of Xingyue tea, and it can also be very accurate... docking!

As soon as Xu Feng tilted his head, the two pairs of lips touched together, and Xingyue Tea followed the hammer's mouth and poured it into Xu Feng's mouth.

Xufeng immediately felt his physical strength recovered a lot.

Moreover, the power of this kiss also boosted Xu Feng's morale!

Xu Feng was full of strength. With a hammer on his back, he suddenly jumped up and directly crossed the most turbulent waters. He could swim to the shore within ten meters!

Xu Feng said loudly: "Come again!"

Chapter 147 Entering the Orc Outpost

"it is good!"

The hammer took another sip of Xingyue tea and delivered it to Xufeng's mouth.

At this time, she didn't care about being shy.

Besides...it's normal to be shy the first time, this is the second time, the third time, someone who is familiar with each other, and not an outsider, what else is shy?

The hammer skillfully "docked" with Xufeng, and delivered Xingyue tea to Xufeng's mouth.

Xu Feng's stamina improved again, and with a leap, he rushed out of the swift dark river with a hammer, and fell on the hard rocks of the river bank.

"I go!"

Xufeng held his knee in pain.

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