Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1039

The hammer was not injured because it had Xufeng as a pad on Xufeng's back, and Xufeng grinned in pain.

After all, his armor value is also very inferior.

The hammer ignored the others, and quickly held on to Xufeng, lowering his head to check the injury on Xufeng's knee.

"It's okay, it's nothing serious." The hammer breathed a sigh of relief.

Xufeng looked at the hammer and couldn't help but smile happily.

The hammer blushed and said, "What are you smirking? I'm checking your injury!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Looking at the way you are now, you are a very woman."

Only then did Hammer remember that his coat was taken off, and he only wore a thin layer of close-fitting clothing. Moreover, these close-fitting clothing had been soaked and completely attached to her body.

No wonder... Xu Feng would say that he is like a woman.

The hammer is a woman himself.

Xu Feng covered his heart with his arm, and said angrily: "Turn around! Don't watch it!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Iron Hammer, I'm very tired now, and my knee is still injured. Don't toss me. Besides, what should be seen or not, what should be touched and shouldn't Have you seen it before? There are no outsiders here, so I just close my eyes."

The hammer opened his mouth and said angrily: "You... well, you are right. There is no one other than you. In short, you can't tell what happened today. If you dare to leak half With just one word, I will let you walk on your legs for the rest of your life."

Xu Feng smiled wryly, "It's too scary."

"The top priority now is to dry us up." The iron hammer took out the forging hammer and condensed it on the forging hammer with his mind. The forging hammer immediately burst out with an orange light and flame.

The surrounding temperature also increased, the moisture on the hammer body quickly evaporated, and the body quickly became refreshed.

The iron hammer put the high-temperature forging hammer beside Xufeng, and the moisture on Xufeng's body quickly dried.

"This weapon can actually dry clothes." Xufeng smiled: "Hammer, your blacksmith can't do it anymore. You can also open a laundry shop, which is absolutely cost-effective."

The hammer shook his head, "Forget it, I don't want to wash other people's clothes, I like to smash things."

After the moisture on their bodies was dried, they put on their clothes.

The Hammer asked: "Have you recovered?"

Xufeng shook his head, "Not yet, I took two sips of Xingyue Tea, which is not enough to recover all my physical energy."

The hammer frowned and said, "You've all gone ashore, do you want me to feed you?"

Xufeng smirked and said, "You're so sweet!"

The Hammer said in embarrassment, "Xufeng! You hate it! Don't mention what happened before us! Otherwise, brothers won't have to do it!"

"Good! No mention, no mention." Xu Feng helplessly took out a cup of Xingyue tea and drank it in one fell swoop.Weichang then sat cross-legged, waiting for the effect of Xingyue Tea to be fully released.

In less than a minute, Xu Feng let out a sigh of breath, and he stood up easily.

"Let's go, there is a gap in the mountain col in front, we will get in from there."

"it is good."

One after another, the two came to the gap in the Orc Outpost Mountain Col.

The spiked fences next to it are nearly three meters high and cannot be climbed at all. There are also three-meter-high spikes at the gap, but the gap is more than one meter shorter, so this spike is only two meters high. , It looks like a broken tooth.

This height is not difficult for Xu Feng.

After all, Xu Feng's agility is high enough, and there is also a crane-shaped body technique bonus.

However, this height is very embarrassing for the hammer.

First of all, the height of the hammer is only 1.7 meters, and the agility is not enough, and there is no special body style. Under this condition, it is absolutely impossible to jump directly over the two-meter-high spike fence.

And the surface of the spiked fence was covered with poisonous spikes, it was impossible to climb at all, and could only leap into it.

Xufeng deliberately said: "Oh, hammer, you can't get in, or you can just wait here, and I can get in by myself."

The Hammer said quickly: "No! It's finally reached this point, I don't want to stay here like this!"

Just now I was undressing again, and I was feeding Xingyue Tea with my mouth. The Hammer paid a lot!

Now, just let her wait outside, it's no different from killing her!

Xufeng stretched out his palm, "What should I do? Can't I hold you and jump in?"

Hammer's eyes lit up, "Then you hold me and jump in."

Xu Feng said embarrassedly: "Oh, isn't it good? We kissed and hugged and hugged today. People who don't know, think we are a couple!"

The hammer raised the hammer and wanted to hit, "You are so much nonsense! Let you hug it!"

"Good!" Xu Feng happily walked to the hammer, hugged the hammer's buttocks, and directly carried the hammer on his shoulders.

The hammer exclaimed in a low voice: "Xu Feng! Are you hugging?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "This will save effort, get ready, we are going to jump!"

With that, Xu Feng squatted deeply with his knees, and then suddenly jumped, using the crane-shaped body technique to jump directly over the spiked fence.

Iron Hammer only felt that the spiked fences were passing by, and before she exclaimed, Xu Feng had already landed steadily.

Xufeng immediately put down the hammer, and then whispered: "We have entered the Orc Outpost. Now we must be extra careful and stop playing around."

by!It sounds like I am playing around!

Obviously you, the pig's hoof, are playing around, OK!

Iron Hammer really wanted to hit Xufeng's iconic smirk face all the time.

At this time, a green demon eye the size of a goose egg wandered in mid-air.

Xufeng immediately grabbed the hammer and hid in a dark corner.

The demon's eye looked around for a while, then wandered elsewhere.

The hammer whispered: "What is that?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "That should be the eye of the demon used by orcs to patrol. The eye itself does not have any attack power. However, once we are seen by the eye, our whereabouts will be exposed immediately, and the outpost alarm will sound. Up."

Chapter 148 Half-orc cave

The hammer frowned and said: "That eye wanders very fast, and the range of alert is very large, we should kill it first."

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