Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1040

Xufeng shook his head, "No, even though the eyes have no attack or defense power, they can be dropped in seconds with a single shot, but one missing eye will also attract the attention of the Orc Outpost."

The hammer sighed, "This can't be killed, and that can't be killed, it's really frustrated."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don’t worry, we either don’t do it. If we want to do it, we naturally have to make a big one. Things like the guards and the eyes of the devil are all small. There is no need for a few small ones. Hello, it has delayed our major events."

The hammer nodded, "Yes, you are right."

Xufeng waited for the demon eye to patrol for a while, and after grasping the patrol route of the demon eye, he found the opportunity and pulled the hammer toward the ogre cave.

The area of ​​the outpost is very large, and many military-grade buildings have been built. Xufeng pulled the hammer and passed the wolf stable first, and saw a dozen huge wolves sleeping inside, including one. Most of the places are vacant.

Xufeng did not alarm these wolves, but bypassed the wolves and continued along the road to the Ogre Cave.

The supplies of the orcs at this outpost are all in the cave, so that's where Xufeng's real purpose lies.

When passing by the square, Xufeng saw a dying ogre tied to a stone pillar in the square. The ogre's body was covered with traces of being beaten with a whip, and his hands and feet were still in shackles.

Obviously, the ogres living here were not directly killed by the half-orcs, but the young and strong ogres were left behind and let them serve as slaves.

Half-orcs need slaves to do some dirty work, and when the dirty work is done, these ogres will still be killed.

The hammer whispered: "This is the first time I feel that these ogres are also pitiful."

Xu Feng smiled faintly.



But Xufeng never thinks about the situation of the weak, thinking for the weak will only make herself become the weak slowly.

Xufeng took the hammer around the square, pressed against the wall, and touched the door of the cave.

There was a low roar from the cave, and a harsh whip sound.

A half-orc inside roared with a beast-like voice: "Hurry up and work! Within ten minutes, you rubbish must carry all the supplies to the warehouse. If you are lazy, the ogre on the square is you. The end!"

"... But sir," a dull voice pleaded, "We haven't eaten anything all day, we really don't have the strength!"


The whip's voice sounded again, and the ogre who had just pleaded screamed at any time.

"Hmph, you still have the strength to scream, this shows that you can still work!" The orc supervisor said grimly, "You rubbish, the reason why you didn't eat today is because you haven't finished your work today! When will I finish my work and when will I have food! What are you still doing in a daze! Work quickly!"


The creepy whip sound rang again, and the whole cave was screaming and wailing.89 Shuku Xufeng winked slightly at Iron Hammer, and the two of them walked in lightly together.

The cave was brightly lit, and the ogres each carried a one-meter-square material box and walked hard into the cave passage.

They have shackles on their hands and feet, and the shackles and the shackles were also connected with chains before, this is to prevent anyone from escaping.

A sturdy overseer is standing proudly on the platform, his position facing away from the direction of the hole.

Beside him, there are two heavily armed orc warriors.

The two orc warriors also turned their backs to the entrance of the cave, and their eyes were always watching the ogres' every move.

After all, for them, behind is their base camp, and the ogre in front of them is the only enemy they worry about.

Don't look at these ogres being so obedient now, but the half-orcs knew very well in their hearts that these ogres had long wanted to resist rebellion.

At the very beginning, the Orc scout troops raided the ogre's cave with 400 troops, and before the ogre could react, they all captured the ogre.

In terms of quantity, although the ogres are not as large as the half-orc scout troops, they also have a population of two to three hundred. After removing the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, at least more than one hundred ogres are quite effective.

The half-orcs killed all the useless ogres. Only a few ogres were able to escape. Most of the young and middle-aged ogres were chained with iron chains and worked as slaves to the half-orcs.

Now, the leader of this outpost has sent most of the scouts out to investigate. The troops in the outpost are not that many. If the ogres are rebelled, it will cause immeasurable losses to the outpost. .

Therefore, whether the orc supervisor or the orc warrior, they all looked at these ogres as if they were facing an enemy.

The reason for not feeding these ogres is not only because they don't want to waste their own food, but also because they are afraid that after they are full, they will have the strength to break the chain to rebel.

The considerations of the Orc Supervisor and the Orc Warrior are naturally correct.

However, they never expected that two human races actually touched in and stood behind them.

In order to avoid being heard by the orcs, Xufeng said to the hammer with thoughts: "The ears of the orcs are elf ears, which are very sensitive. We use our thoughts to communicate."

"Good." The hammer replied with thoughts immediately.

Xufeng said with thoughts: "You go and kill the overseer. I will kill the two orc warriors. Let's move together. We must use the strongest killer move to deal with their most vulnerable parts. We must kill with one blow, otherwise , We’ll be stunned, and we will end up miserably by this ogre.”

The hammer replied with thoughts: "Okay, I understand."

"Are you ready?" Xu Feng asked with thoughts, while slowly showing his sword of Triton and Sword of Borromir.

The hammer also showed her two forging hammers, aimed at the raised back of the overseer's head, and replied with thoughts: "Ready."

"I'll count down!" Xu Feng said with thoughts: "Five, four, three, two, one, do it!"

The two flew up at the same time.

The two forging hammers of the iron hammer condensed all her strength, with a fiery flame effect, like a meteorite from outside the sky, and slammed into the back of the orc supervisor's head!

And Xu Feng directly activated the dexterous cloak, and turned into a blast of wind, brushing twice beside the two orc warriors.

Chapter 149

The whole battle started quickly, and ended equally quickly.

The overseer of the orc hadn't realized what was going on, his head was smashed into his shoulder, his brain splashed, and he didn't even scream out.

And the other two half-orc warriors only flashed in front of them, and then they felt their necks hot.

Before they reached out to touch them, the black blood in the upper neck artery spurted out, and then, their heads rolled off their shoulders.

The combination of Xufeng and the hammer was seamless, and the three half-orcs in the cave were solved instantly!

The ogres present were all taken aback.

Although the supervisor whom they hated so much is dead, they are also very scared!

After all, this speed of killing is really too strong to describe in words.

When they saw that the people who killed the orcs were only short and thin human races, and one of them was a female, they were even more horrified and speechless.

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