Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1041

Xu Feng stepped on the corpse of the orc supervisor and said coldly, "Do you want to die or live?"

The ogre looked at each other, and no one dared to answer.

They couldn't figure out the temper of this human swordsman. When he said nothing, he chopped off the heads of two powerful orc warriors. If they wanted to kill their group of ogres, it would be better than boiled water. simple.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "What? You are all dumb? I'm asking you, do you want to die or want to live!"

One of the ogres with the welts on his body said cautiously: "This, humans, human adults, of course we want to live, as long as you let us go, we will definitely repay you."

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "It's okay if you let you go, but what can you do if I let you go? Your home has been occupied by dirty orcs, and your parents, wives and children are also The orcs are slaughtered, and you are lingering and panting like dogs. Even if I let you go, you dare not resist the oppression of the orcs on you!"

One of the young ogres opened his fangs and said, "No! We dare to resist! We live a life that is worse than death, and I have bought it a long time ago!"

"Yes! We dare to resist!"

"We are going to kill those half-orcs!"

"Kill all the orcs!"

The voice in the cave became louder. At first, only a few of the ogres were shouting, and then all the ogres were shouting.

Xufeng pressed his palm, and said in a deep voice, "Be quiet, don't call in the orc guard."

The ogre quickly became quiet.

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "If you dare to resist the orcs, I can let you go."

One of the ogres was surprised and said, "Didn't humans always call us ogres? Humans have always regarded us as monsters! How can humans wish to exterminate us so kindly?"

The other ogres also stared at Xufeng cautiously.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "It doesn't matter if you don't believe me. I do treat you as monsters, but we now have a common enemy, that is half-orcs. If you are unwilling to resist half-orcs, then Stay honestly in the iron chain and be a slave for a lifetime. You have endless work every day, and you have to endure hunger every day."

An ogre sobbed in pain: "I don't want to live this way! Mankind! Save me! I'm going to fight the orcs!"

"Yes! Fight with them!"

"I want to fight with them too!" Huaxia Library

"I want to give them back ten times the cost of the suffering I have suffered in the past few days!"

The other ogres also raised their arms and shouted.

Xufeng quickly pressed his palm, "Okay, don't shout, since you all want to resist the orcs, then I will let you go, hammer, and break their shackles."

Iron Hammer frowned slightly, "Xu Feng, are you sure? Ogres have always had no faith."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I know."

"Okay, then, listen to you." The hammer lifted the forging hammer and knocked on each chain, and all of them broke.

The ogre who had regained freedom rushed out into the cave immediately.

But they didn't rush to the scout barracks, but rushed directly to the gate.

Suddenly, the entire outpost had alarm horns, and all the scouts rushed out to intercept the ogres.

How could an ogre with his bare hands be the opponent of Orc Scouts?

However, these ogres are trapped beasts and they all know that once caught, there is really only a dead end, so they are all in a desperate state.

The number of scouts has been divided into most of the troops to explore the surrounding area, and the number of scouts left in the outpost is not as large as that of ogres.

The battle between the two sides immediately fell into a stalemate.

The hammer said with a smile: "This is good, the dog bites the dog——Xufeng, which side shall we help?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "There is no help on that side, let's go burn the supplies."

"Good!" Hammer smiled happily.

The two of them continued to walk into the large cave, which was very spacious, and the materials were neatly stacked in the cave.

The Hammer exclaimed: "The food here is going to pile up into mountains! It seems that the Orcs are really going to use this place as a secret military fortress! Fortunately we found out, otherwise, we will have another time. In two weeks, the Kingdom of Jarno will be directly breached. Xufeng, you can be regarded as saving the entire Kingdom of Jarno."

Xu Feng smiled faintly.

The hammer asked: "Shall we start burning now?"

Xu Feng looked around and pointed to a pile of wine jars in the corner and said, "Sprinkle all the wine on these supplies, so that the orcs will not be able to save the fire if they want to fight the fire. The entire cave will be burned down, and they will not be able to take it anymore. This is an outpost or a military fortress!"

"Good!" The hammer ran to the corner immediately, and just an altar of fine wine hit the mountain of material boxes.

Xufeng turned to the direction of the armory to check the supplies in the armory.

There was nothing in the armory, but there was a pile of "trash" full of cobweb dust in the corner.

Come to think of it, this pile of rubbish should be the spoils obtained by the ogres attacking people passing by in the dark dense forest. Because the ogres are very large, they are not used to the weapons and equipment of the alliance countries, so they are thrown here.

And because it was thrown here all the year round, it was covered with cobwebs and dust, and it was so dirty that it was treated as rubbish by the orcs.

Xufeng didn't care about this pile of rubbish at first, he just took a boring attitude and activated Ling Vision to scan.

Suddenly, a striking red arrow popped up on the Lingshi light curtain, and the direction of the arrow pointed directly at the pile of garbage!

Chapter 150 Treasures in the Trash

Baby in the trash?!

Xu Feng couldn't help his eyes brighten.

Wouldn't it be so lucky?

But it is also possible. After all, in this cave, there have been ogres since the first era. After living for so long, the ogres must have some family background.

Besides, the Lingshi system can't go wrong, and there must be high-level transcendent items in the garbage.

Xufeng walked to the "garbage dump" and squatted down, pulling away the cobwebs and dust on it with his hands.

In this pile of rubbish, there are several pieces of gold armor, with a complicated clan emblem printed on the armor. It seems that the master of the armor should be a warrior with considerable status and identity before his life.

However, this golden armor was nothing extraordinary, and Xu Feng disappointed them and threw them aside.

Although gold is a very valuable thing, it is meaningless to a strong man like Xufeng from the plane of survival.

Under the golden armor, there are some broken chain armors. These chain armors are also made by famous sects and skilled craftsmen, but unfortunately, in the last battle of their owners, the chain armors were still damaged. .

Under the chain mail, there was a shield with a clan emblem. Xufeng thought that the shield was an extraordinary item, but after only touching it, he was disappointed.

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