Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1045

On the other side of the rock, the ground is full of bucket-like piebald snakes!

This is exactly where Xufeng went around!

Xufeng didn't choose to fight with these piebald snakes, but now, these piebald snakes just came in handy!

Those half-orc scouts and wolves, one counts one, and the other counts one, and they are all planted in the piebald snake pile.

On the other hand, Xufeng carried the hammer in one hand, and held the edge of the rock wall tightly with the other, and did not jump off.

He just made a fake move, and then deceived ten elite orc scouts.

In terms of strength, these ten half-orc scouts are definitely much better than Xu Feng.

However, in terms of IQ, the total of ten of them is not enough to play the game.

After the orc scouts all fell into the snake den, Xu Feng leaped vigorously and jumped back to the rock again.

Then he put down the hammer.

The hammer made her lips turn purple with fright, especially the moment when Xufeng carried her into the snake's nest. Although she believed in Xufeng very much in her heart, she was still frightened and about to faint.

Ten women, nine are afraid of snakes, and the hammer is no exception.

"...Xufeng! You killed Lao Tzu!" Iron Hammer roared angrily: "Why didn't you explain to Lao Tzu earlier!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Who knew you were so afraid of snakes, but now it's okay. To compensate you, I ask you to play a game."

"What game?" The Hammer asked with a frown.

"This game is called Hamster." Xufeng said with a grin, "Take out your hammer. In case a half-orc scout and a wolf want to jump up, you can hit their heads with a hammer and hit them again. Go down."

The hammer happily said, "Haha, this game is so cruel, but I like it!" After 90 watched, the hammer showed two forging hammers, guarding against the rock.

The scene below is already in chaos.

After the orc scouts jumped down, they realized that they had been fooled. They wielded a machete to chop the surrounding piebald snakes while looking for a way out.

But their actions clearly angered the piebald viper completely. Hundreds of petal vipers swarmed up, entangled the wolf's legs and feet, and the orc scouts were also thrown on the ground by the vipers, biting in various ways.

These piebald venomous snakes are also monsters. Although they are not as powerful as wolves and orc scouts, they are huge in number, and there are neurotoxins on their teeth. Once they are splashed by a poisonous snake, they are either dead or disabled.

Several orc scouts left the wolves and hurriedly jumped over the rocks.

Just halfway through the climb, I saw the hammer standing on the rock, grinning at them, and then two sledgehammers greeted me.

The strength of those half-orcs scouts, but in this case, they can't show it at all.

They couldn't parry and block the hammer's attack, they could only let go of their hands and fell into the snake's nest again.

There was a scout who didn't want to enter the snake's den anymore. He climbed up with the hammer's attack and finally stuck his head. He was hit by the hammer on his head, directly smashing the Tianling cover.

His body then fell uncontrollably into the snake's den, and was instantly swallowed by the piebald snake.

This cruel scene lasted ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, the group of petal poisonous snakes gradually dispersed contentedly. Except for a pool of tar-like black blood on the ground, there was not even a bone residue left.

The hammer took a deep breath, "This group of monsters are really too powerful. Fortunately, when we came before, we didn't disturb them."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Okay, let's go, go back to Lao Gan."

After these half-orc scouts are eliminated, there will be no intentional half-orc scouts to chase them. The outpost built by the half-orcs in the dense forest is completely finished. Naturally, Xu Feng can safely turn back to deal with the valley town. Four ogres are gone.

The two of them bypassed the snake's den and quickly returned to the place where Gandalf was.

Gandalf was pacing back and forth on the spot, his whole body looked restless, he tried to take out Shire tobacco several times to smoke a bag of cigarettes, but finally chose to give up.

Shire tobacco is too fragrant and too easy to expose the smell.

"Old Gan!"

"Diedi!" When Gandalf heard Xufeng's voice, he was immediately excited: "Diedi! Ms. Hammer! You are finally back! This is great! I just heard where there is an explosion on the ridge in the distance. Voice, it worries me!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Oh, nothing. We investigated and found that the ogre’s nest was occupied by a group of orc scouts. The group of orcs was building with great fanfare. They wanted to take the ogre’s territory. , Built into a military fortress."

"What!" Gandalf said in horror: "This kind of thing happened? It seems that Asog has been developing secretly in the past few years! No way! I have to tell the Saint White Council quickly!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't get excited about Lao Gan, these are all small things."

Gandalf said eagerly: "Diedi, maybe you don't know much about strategy. If the Orc Scout builds an outpost in a place like the dark dense forest, it would be tantamount to nailing a nail in the kingdom of the alliance! In the north, you can go straight to the Kingdom of Arno, in the northeast, you can assault King Elrondell, King Rohan in the southwest, and Gondor Kingdom in the south! This is—

Xufeng was not in a hurry, but the hammer on the side could no longer be heard.

"Hey, Gandalf, can you listen to us to finish talking? Humph, we have completely destroyed the orcs outpost! The explosion you just heard was that we blew up the cave where they stored supplies The sound of destruction! The half-orcs don't even think about building outposts there anymore. This time, their losses are extremely heavy!"

Chapter 154 Critical Comfort

"What?" Gandalf's eyes widened in astonishment. "You, you two, solved an entire Orc Outpost? How is this possible?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "It is naturally impossible to rely on the strength of the two of us alone, but as long as we use our brains a little, we can do it."

Gandalf said excitedly: "Diedi! You are so amazing! Even the headache of the Holy White Council was solved directly by you! You are really the most outstanding youth of mankind!"

Xufeng smiled and waved his hand. "It's nothing. In fact, since the four ogres harassed Canyon Town, I was worried that those ogres would not leave their own territory for no reason, so I I have to insist on coming here to take a look. As expected, half-orcs build outposts and military fortresses there. I have seen half-orcs’ material reserves. They want to upgrade their outposts to military fortresses in the next one or two months. , Their materials are enough for tens of thousands of people to eat and drink. And if it is really delayed until that time, the alliance country will be bloodbathed.

Gandalf said with lingering fear: "Yes! Thanks to you this time! I really don't know, I really don't know how to thank you."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I don't know what's going on in Canyon Town, let's go back quickly."

"Alright! Alright!" Gandalf quickly gathered magic power and opened a faintly blue portal array. Both Xufeng and Iron Hammer stood beside Gandalf, the blue light flashed, and the three of them were completely formed. Disappeared.

On the ground, only a trace of magic burned.

At the same time, in the Arrow Tower Hall of Canyon Town, Mayor Crane was pacing back and forth, waiting anxiously.

Standing next to him was Thomas, the captain of the Canyontown guard. Thomas was now covered with scars and bandages on his arms.

"My lord mayor, don't walk back and forth again. Even if you walk through the floor, you won't be able to solve the problem."

"Of course I know that the problem can't be solved! But!" Mayor Crane said with a sigh, "The temper of Prince Thorin is too stinky, why don't you listen to it! Lord Diego deliberately confessed to him before he left. I rushed out and confronted the ogre, but he just didn’t listen! Now, not only their dwarves have been captured by the ogres, they are about to be boiled into broth! We also have a few here. A soldier was taken away! What’s more terrible is that Lord Diego and Archmage Gandalf don’t know when they will come back! Don’t know... if they can come back! The dwarf doesn’t matter, but if Lord Diego There was an accident with Grand Mage Gandalf, and the lives of all of us in Canyon Town combined, I am afraid that it is not enough to pay!"

Captain Thomas also sighed heavily, "Yes, this is all over."

At this moment, the blue light burst in the center of the hall, and three figures appeared in front of Captain Thomas and Mayor Crane.

Mayor Crane rubbed his eyes, tears almost burst out, "Master Diedi! Grand Master Gandalf! And Ms. Hammer! You...uuuuuuuuuuuuu, you are finally back!"

Xu Feng asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

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