Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1046

Mayor Crane said quickly: "Just three hours ago, the ogre came to harass the arrow tower on the east side of us again. Prince Thorin took his dwarves and rushed out to fight the ogre! No! Not to mention, Prince Thorin and their combat effectiveness are still very strong. The ogres fought and retreated, and have been retreating back to the canyon jungle. Captain Thomas and I persuaded Prince Thorin to accept it as soon as we saw it. After all, the food has been repelled. The human demon, the arrow tower on the east side is also saved. I said that after Master Diego came back, I would see what to do next. As a result, I didn’t know that sentence angered Prince Thorin. He looked very angry. I insisted on taking the dwarves into the jungle to kill the ogres. In desperation, I had to ask Captain Thomas to order some soldiers to assist Prince Thorin. After all, if I could kill the ogres in one go, it would be considered a success. "As a result, after we entered the jungle, we were ambushed by two ogres! They are not four ogres, but six ogres! Two. Only hiding in the dense forest, four came out looking for food! Those nasty ogres are too cunning! Our formation was disrupted by them from behind, and all of us were caught off guard. The dwarves rushed to the front. We were all caught, and seven or eight of us were caught by the ogres. Only a few people were left and fled back.

Thomas said in pain, "I blamed this thing. If I can hold on and don't send people to assist the dwarf team, there will be no such situation. Now, our military strength is seriously insufficient. If we cannibalize The demons are attacking Canyon Town at this time, and we can't hold it anyway."

Xu Feng said lightly: "Don't worry about Captain Thomas, the ogres will not come to attack the city at this time."

Captain Thomas nodded in relief.

Since Lord Diego said so, he naturally didn't have to worry about anything.

Hearing Xufeng went on to say: "At this time, it's time for dinner. Ogres like to eat human flesh. Presumably they are busy making soup right now."

Captain Thomas burst into tears when he wowed.

This comfort is simply a crit-style comfort.

Mayor Crane said quickly: "Master Diego, please help them! I think you will not sit back and watch, do you?"

Xufeng sighed slightly, "This fellow Thorin...Forget it, I won't blame him anymore, let's solve the problem first. Captain Thomas."

"The subordinates are here!" Captain Thomas quickly wiped away his tears and stood straight.

Now, even if Xu Feng asks him to go up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire, as long as the soldiers who can rescue him come, he is willing to do it.

Xufeng asked: "You have been to the canyon dense forest. Tell me, what is the terrain over there?"

Thomas said without hesitation: "The ogre's lair is on the mouth of the canyon. It is very narrow and can only accommodate three people side by side. This is why our team was double-teamed as soon as they entered the mouth of the canyon. Passed. At the mouth of the canyon, less than a hundred meters away, there is a three-meter-square hole, and the ogre lives in that cave."

Xufeng asked, "How deep is that hole? Are there other entrances?"

Thomas immediately replied: "Yes, a long time ago, even when no ogres came to this side of the canyon, I had sent people to explore the surroundings. I personally went in the cave. The inside of the cave is very spacious. It stands to reason. It’s okay to accommodate an army of twenty people, and it’s okay to have six ogres living in it. As for the other opening..."

Chapter 155 I Know Someone Can Save Them

Captain Thomas recalled carefully, and finally said with certainty: "There is one other opening, but that is the opening of the pangolin. The passage is winding and extremely narrow. Generally, only small beasts can pass. Normal people are It's impossible to pass. So, there are indeed no other entrances and exits except the opening on the front.

Xu Feng asked, "How big is the hole?"

Thomas gestured with his hands, and Xu Feng saw that Thomas gestured like a basketball hoop.

The hammer next to him shook his head, "This kind of hole is impossible for normal people to pass through."

Xufeng smiled faintly, "Oh right, where is my friend Baggins?"

"Master Baggins?" The turn was too fast, and Mayor Crane didn't react at once.

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's Bilbo, the hobbit."

Mayor Crane said quickly: "Oh! Lord Bilbo! He is still there, and his east wall is anxiously waiting for the miracle to appear."

Xufeng nodded slightly, "Although Bilbo has no combat effectiveness, he already regards the dwarves as friends."

Gandalf said with satisfaction: "Yes, the person I chose is not wrong!"

He first chose "Diedi" and then Bilbo. With these two decisions, even Gandalf himself felt that he was too wise.

He puffed up Shire tobacco without panic at all.

After all, there is "Diedi" here, and he can even destroy the Orc Outpost. What else can't be done by him?

Just smoke at ease!

Xufeng said, "Go, go see Bilbo."

Mayor Crane said eagerly: "Master Diego, please be blunt. I don't think we should abandon those dwarf friends and human guards at this time."

Thomas also said quickly: "Yes, Lord Diego, only with your order, we can mobilize the youth of the town to go to the canyon and fight the ogres!"

Xufeng smiled as he walked, "Fight? What do you do? If the youth in your town are really capable of fighting, they would have dealt with the ogres by themselves. Do you still need us? Also, Captain Thomas, you are also from the valley. Those who escaped over there, you should know how cunning the ogres are! Now, at least 25 of us have been captured by them, so many hostages in their hands, even if we really kill them, we can still kill the ogres. How is the demon?"

Thomas asked eagerly: "Well, what should I do! Can't you really watch them being eaten by ogres?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Don't worry, you are far enough away, even if you really cook them, you won't see them."

Thomas is really going to cry now.

Xufeng no longer paid attention to Crane and Thomas, but hurried towards the east arrow tower.

Gandalf and the others followed.

On the arrow tower on the east side, there are still a few wounded people guarding with red eyes. Their companions who were getting along with each other have been taken away, and they are all very sad.

Bilbo Baggins was wearing a very ill-fitting armor, with a helmet like an iron barrel on his head, and holding a long sword almost as tall as his head.

If it weren't for his special size, Xufeng would never recognize him as Bilbo.

Bilbo looked at the distant jungle, and his whole person looked very uneasy.

"How do you dress like this?" Xu Feng asked.Today's Literature Network Bilbo was shocked. He turned his head and saw that Xufeng Gandalf and them were all back, and they burst into tears. "Diedi! Hurry up, save Thorin and the others!"

Xufeng nodded, "I will, but I will save you first."

With that, Xufeng took off the heavy iron bucket helmet that was pressing on Bilbo's shoulder.

Bilbo was sweating profusely, and he let out a long sigh of relief, "Yes, this did save me, I was almost suffocated."

Xufeng untied the completely unfit armor on him again, and Bilbo was relieved.

Xufeng asked, "Who dressed you like this?"

Bilbo quickly said: "It's not to blame others, I asked them for an armor. I wanted to save Thorin, but... until the moment you came, I didn't have the courage to go."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Fortunately, you didn't go, so you just dressed like this. I'm afraid that if you can't walk to the canyon, you will have to exhaust yourself first."

Bilbo was only 1.2 meters tall and weighed only 50 catties, and the armor and saber that had just been worn on him weighed one hundred and fifty catties.

The advantage of the Hobbit is never to fight head-on, but to maintain dexterity.

Dressed so awkwardly, either exhausted himself to death or let the ogre take it away as a snack.

Bilbo blushed and said, "I too... I was in a hurry. But luckily you are back. Go and save Thorin and the others, as well as the human guards. Save them all."

The guards on the arrow tower all looked at Xufeng expectantly.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I can't save it."

"What?" Bilbo looked at Xufeng in horror.

Everyone present also looked at Xufeng in surprise.

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