Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1047

"It's impossible!" Bilbo said eagerly: "Diedi, in my heart, you are a miracle creator. As long as you are there, there is no crisis that cannot be solved! You must save them! If you are Blame Thorin for not obeying your orders and angry, then I can apologize to you on behalf of Thorin first!"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "To be honest, I do have a little bit of anger, but I am not a stingy person, let alone disregarding Thorin's lives because of anger. I said I can't save it, that's me It really can't be saved."

All the people present fell into endless grief.

Hammer and Gandalf frowned.

To be honest, the trouble this time is really not small.

Ogre's combat effectiveness is very strong, and Canyon Town does not have enough troops here, even if the three of Xufeng, Hammer, and Gandalf unite and go directly to fight the ogre, it will not be able to save the current situation.

After all, these six ogres are very cunning and will ambush, and they still have 25 hostages in their hands.

As long as the ogres feel that they cannot beat Xufeng and the others, they will take out hostages to force Xufeng and the others to capture them. At that time, if Xufeng disobeys the ogres, the hostages will be boiled and killed alive and obey the ogres. If so, Xufeng and the others will also become hostages.

Xu Feng wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Just when everyone felt that there was no hope, Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Although I can't save it, I know there is someone who can be saved."

"Who?" Bilbo asked excitedly.

Xufeng raised his finger and pointed at Bilbo, "You."

Chapter 156

Bilbo was startled, then blushed and said, "Diedi, at this time, you can just shake me up, okay? You can't even save them. How can I be saved? You saw it just now, I What a ridiculous appearance in armor! I now feel that I made a mistake when I came out this time. I can't help with anything! I'm just a waste!"

As Bilbo spoke, his eyes were red.

Xufeng patted his immature shoulder and said with a faint smile: "Bilbo, don't be so pretentious, you have your advantage."

Bilbo smiled bitterly: "What is my advantage? Can't wear armor or take a sword, is it an advantage?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Of course."

Bilbo frowned and said, "Diedi, the more you talk about it, the more outrageous you are. This is obviously a disadvantage, how can it become an advantage!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "The so-called pros and cons originally coexisted. When faced with a certain situation, it is indeed a disadvantage to be unable to wear armor and cannot take a weapon, but when faced with another situation, this is actually the opposite. It’s a big advantage."

Bilbo looked at Xufeng in surprise.

At first, he thought that Xufeng was joking, but Xufeng was so determined that he was definitely not joking.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Now, the only question is, do you have the courage to save Thorin and the others."

Bilbo gritted his teeth and said: "If I can really save, if I am really useful, then I am willing, but now I have no confidence in myself at all."

Xufeng smiled and said: "There will be confidence, I only need your courage now, tell me Bilbo Baggins, are you a hobbit without courage?"

Bilbo clenched his fist hard, "I am not!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Your voice is too small, like a mosquito, I can't hear you clearly."

Bilbo shouted loudly: "I am not!"

Xufeng shook his head, "I still didn't hear clearly."

Bilbo used all his strength to shout loudly: "I am not! I am not a coward! Although I am small, I am different from other hobbits! I have courage!"

Xu Feng laughed, "That's good, then Thorin will be saved."

"But..." Bilbo still didn't understand Xufeng's intention.

Not only Bilbo, but other people didn't understand what Xufeng planned, especially Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas.

Mayor Crane felt that this was probably because Lord Diede deliberately dumped the pot, Lord Diede must be afraid that the rescue would not come to Thorin, so he deliberately found a hobbit like a weak chicken to carry out this rescue. task.

Captain Thomas was also full of despair. He believed in Xufeng, but he did not believe that a hobbit of about 1.2 meters could become the savior.

Xufeng turned around and said to them: "You stay here, Gandalf and I have hammers, and Bilbo will go. Oh, remember to prepare for the dinner. We have to celebrate when we come back tonight."

The muscles on Mayor Crane's face twitched slightly.

If everyone is cooked and eaten by the ogres, what merit would you celebrate...

Mayor Kelan murmured in his heart, but he didn't dare to neglect the slightest, "Yes, we will prepare now."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's good, Lao Gan, let's walk."

Gandalf knocked his pipe and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go."

Bilbo said in astonishment: "Wait, let's just go like this? Don't you plan first?" Schoolbag Xufeng smiled: "Time is running out, while I walk, I will tell you the plan-open the east gate!"

"Yes!" Captain Thomas quickly ordered: "Guards, open the city gate and let Master Didi and the others go out!"

The damaged gate on the east side opened creakingly, and Xu Feng took Gandalf and the others, stepped out of the gate and walked towards the entrance of the canyon.

Mayor Kelan stood on the arrow tower, looked at Xufeng and the others, and sighed, "It seems that Lord Diego is not as powerful as the legendary one. Judging from his current performance , It's more like a guy who is trying to get a reputation."

Captain Thomas next to him also said in a deep voice, "Hmph, I've seen it a long time ago. How could he have done such a great job when he is so young? I think, Bacheng was abducted and deceived. I can’t take it anymore, I can only use the Hobbit as a substitute for the dead ghost. Unfortunately, the Hobbit still seems to trust him!"

Mayor Crane sighed, "Unfortunately, it hurt our Canyon Town!"

Captain Thomas asked: "So, the dinner...Are we still preparing?"

Mayor Crane raised his brows, "Prepare? Prepare him for a big-headed ghost! Let's wait to see how he comes back in embarrassment and how to shirk responsibility!"

"Okay!" Thomas nodded heavily.

the other side.

Xufeng took Lao Gan and the others to the entrance of the canyon.

The terrain here is narrow, with ancient trees standing, it is indeed a good place for ambushes.

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "We have to investigate first, lest we also encounter an ambush."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "No, there is no ambush here."

Gandalf was startled, "Are you sure?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, I can be sure."

As he approached the canyon, he scanned it with his spiritual vision, and there was no ogre at the entrance of the canyon.

This is actually very easy to explain. The ogres have caught so much "food", and now they are busy cooking pots and boiling water, how can they run out to ambush if they are in the mood?

What's more, in the eyes of the ogres, humans are vulnerable. They have severely damaged humans. Humans dare not come over and cause trouble in a short time. Even if they want to deal with them, they don't have that force.

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