Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1048

Gandalf walked into the canyon entrance nervously.

Sure enough, they didn't receive any surprises until they reached the center of the canyon.

The cave of the ogres is in front, and Xufeng can already hear the ogres laughing.

These six ogres escaped from the cave at the outpost. They didn't want to go back to save their people, but started living here happily.

The Hammer couldn't help asking: "What do we do now? Go in and kill them personally?"

Xufeng shook his head and said: "No, they have hostages in their hands. The ogres are very cunning. They will let four people come out to deal with us, and leave two people in the cave to take care of the hostages. If the situation is not good for them, they will immediately Will take hostages to blackmail us."

"Then what should we do?" The Hammer asked impatiently.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Didn't I say it all? It depends on Bilbo."

Bilbo said helplessly: "But I can't beat the ogres at all!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You don't need to fight, you just need to get in from another small hole."

Chapter 157 Be the First to Boil Me!

Bilbo was startled, "Go in through the small hole?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, I have asked, the hole is probably this big--".

Xufeng gestured to a hole the size of a basketball hoop.

Bilbo nodded slightly, "Such a big hole...

"Infinite Movie World" Chapter 157 is the first to cook me!

Chapter 158 You are bullshit!

White Beard Bahrain said quickly: "No! If you want to cook, be the first to cook me!"

Kellie rushed and said, "If you want to cook, cook me first!"

Philip also said loudly: "No! Don't fight, you have to cook me first!"

Two ogres, Ada and Arrow, walked over angrily.

Ada roared: "What's the noise! ​​Shorty! It's not your decision to cook whoever cooks first! You are so short and full of earthy smell, if you cook you first, the whole pot of soup will be spoiled. of!"

Arrow also said grimly: "Yes! If you want to cook first, you have to cook a bit of the smell of human titi broth! When there are really no humans to eat, we will consider eating you fishy dwarfs!"

Thorling flushed with anger, he never expected that in the food industry, their dwarves were also discriminated against!

The human guards next to him almost cried, "No! Don't eat us! We, we are not delicious!"

A Luo grinned and said, "No, your meat is very fragrant. My saliva has been flowing from the afternoon until now, I can't help it!"

As he said, Arrow stretched out his hand to catch the human guard.

Ada on the side banged Arrow on the back of the head with a fist as big as a casserole.

Arrow screamed, "What are you doing! Ada!"

Adah shouted angrily: "The boss specifically confessed to us just now that if these people lose a piece of meat, they will take us as the first dinner! Did you forget?"

Arrow said quickly: "Of course, of course... ahem, I forgot, I'm just scaring this human being, haha, look at him, isn't it fun?"

Ada also hugged his fat belly and laughed, "Indeed, it's so fun! I guess he was scared to pee his pants haha!"

"Humans are really timid and disgusting creatures!"

"But it tastes delicious!"

The two ogres laughed and discussed.

The captured human guards all looked ashamed, but there was nothing to do.

Fear is itself one of human instincts.

Because I know fear, I will seriously think about how to deal with it.

A person without the slightest fear is either a pure idiot or a neurotic.

However, in addition to a heart of fear, human beings also have a heart of courage.

The so-called courage means that I am obviously afraid, but still stand up.

Such a person is a noble person and a true warrior.

The two ogres were exchanging their experience of cooking human flesh, and the other four ogres walked out of the cave.

The leader of the ogre with half-broken fangs saw that Xufeng was just a person, and then he smirked, "Boy, you think we don’t have enough meat tonight, so come and give us some more? Haha, also Okay, we just accept it all."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You want to eat me, yes, of course you can, but before eating me, I have something to tell you."

The ogre leader winked at his men, and two of the ogres then quietly moved to the side and secretly doubled Xu Feng.

"Okay, what's the matter, then just talk about it." The ogre leader deliberately delayed time, he didn't want to let the flesh of his mouth just run away.

And Xufeng was also delaying time. He must give Bilbo enough time to enter the cave and pour Shire Tobacco and Moonmian Tea into the cauldron.

Xu Feng smiled, and said unhurriedly: "Do you know where I came from?" The ogre leader of Variety Literature also said unhurriedly: "Does this still need to be guessed? Didn't you just yell? Are you trying to save your companion? Then you must come from the direction of Canyon Town, right?"

Xufeng smiled, "Yes, I did come from the direction of Canyon Town, but before I arrived in Canyon Town, I went to a place. Can you guess where it is?"

The ogre leader saw from the corner of his eyes that his two subordinates were already in place, and he could tighten the circle of Xufeng immediately.

He immediately sneered: "How can I guess this? Do it!"

The four ogres rushed towards Xufeng.

Their strength is around level 50, a bit weaker than the strength of the Orc Scout, but their speed and strength are not bad at all!

It's no wonder they can escape from the lair, and it's no wonder Thorin and the others will be caught in an ambush by this group of ogres.

However, Xufeng had been prepared for a long time. When the ogre rushed towards him, Xufeng immediately activated the crane-shaped body technique, jumped directly out of thin air, and then returned to the boat and let go of the crane, and fell ten meters away. The rear.

The four ogres had no time to react, they ran into each other and fell to the ground in embarrassment!

This is a good opportunity to shoot!

Xufeng clenched his fist subconsciously, and then released it.

No matter how good the opportunity is, you have to hold back!

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