Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1049

Otherwise, if it is not possible to ensure that one move can directly kill the four ogres, then the two ogres on the east side will control the hostages, and then all the plans will be messed up!

With Xufeng's current strength, if you want to kill four 50-level ogres in one move, the chance of success is very slim!

If Xufeng can take the enemy's fencing, relying on the slashing attribute of the enemy's fencing to the monster, coupled with the special effects of the Shadow Energy Orb, it is possible to do it.

However, in that case, Xu Feng must first raise his level to level 45!

At this time, unsafe things cannot be risked!

After all, this is about the lives of Thorin and Bilbo!

If Thorin and Bilbo are dead, then this reward mission will be a failure!

Even if Xufeng can defeat the Orc leader Asoge, it is meaningless!

Xu Feng calmed down and let himself relax as much as possible.

The four ogres clutched their huge heads and got up in embarrassment.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Several people, but it's not a festival, why do you show me such a big gift?"

The leader of the ogre suddenly became angry, "Boy, don't hide if you have the ability!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "You are a fool if you don't hide! And, before I finished speaking, you all rushed forward. Isn't this too rude?"

The ogre leader asked grimly: "What do you want to say?"

Xufeng said, "I just asked you to guess where I came from."

The ogre leader said impatiently: "You are from Canyon Town!"

"Yes," Xu Feng said with a smile: "But I said again. Before I came to Canyon Town, I went to a place. Guess where it is?"

The head of the ogre said angrily: "How can we guess this?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Can't guess? Okay, then I will tell you-I just came from your old nest, not the current one, but your cave on the dark water river."

The ogre leader widened his eyes in astonishment, "You, you're bullshit!"

Chapter 159 Spike!

Xufeng laughed, "No, I'm not bullshit, your cave has been occupied by orc scouts, am I right?"

The head of the ogre was shocked, "How did you know?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Are you a pig? I didn't tell you just now, I just came over there."

The ogre leader trembled and asked, "How's the situation over there...how? Has the orc scout retired?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, I think there are no Orc scouts there anymore."

The ogre leader exclaimed with joy.

As the saying goes, golden nest and silver nest are not as good as your own dog nest!

Ogres naturally like the lair where they have lived for a long, long time. Living in the lair, they are used to everything, while "wandering" outside, they are not used to anything.

Take things like eating and drinking. If you are in the old nest, although it is difficult to eat human flesh, there are many monsters near the old nest. They just go out hunting and eat and drink for three to five days.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Lao Lao has everything in its pots and pans, as well as self-brewed ogre black blood wine, as well as various delicious and condiments.

And here, everything has to be built from scratch, to make a fire, and you have to find a cauldron to boil the water. The humans here are not easy to deal with. They have been harassing for almost a week before finally finding a chance and catching it all at once. Lived so many people.

However, they also know in their hearts that this is not the way to go, because humans will gather troops to encircle and suppress them.

Therefore, in contrast, they are naturally more willing to return to the ogre's lair.

One of the ogres said excitedly: "Boss, we can go back! This is really great! We can tie all our captives with iron chains and take them back to our lair."

The ogre leader was also very excited, but after all, he was a small leader, and compared to the average ogre, he still had a little more IQ.

He rolled his eyes and asked in a cold voice: "Human, you said there are no orc scouts there, how can you prove it?"

Xufeng sneered, "Why should I prove it to you? I just tell you that there are no Orc Scouts anymore. Oh, yes, not only there are no Orc Scouts, but there are no Ogres."

The ogre leader said in surprise: "How is this possible? There are at least five or six hundred ogres in our place!"

Xufeng shrugged, and said lightly, "They were all killed by the orcs. It's that simple. The warehouse of the orcs was blown up and the supplies were gone. The orcs scouts went to kill the ogres, and then the ogres. They were all dead. The half-orcs died for more than a half, and there was no need to stay there, so they all left."

"This! This!" The ogre leader trembled, "No, I don't believe it, I definitely don't believe it!"

At this time, Xu Feng's thought voice of a hammer came in his mind: "Xu Feng, Bilbo is already in place, and it is estimated that the two ogres inside will be recruited soon."

Xufeng immediately replied with thoughts: "Excellent, you quietly copy from the side bread, and when I shoot, you will also attack from the side!"

"Good!" said the hammer with a thought.

After interrupting the thought call, Xufeng sneered and said to the ogre: "By the way, I have to tell you one more thing."

"Say!" the ogre leader gritted his teeth.

Xu Feng said coldly, "I blow up your ogre cave, and I called the orc scouts to kill those ogres. Well, I also killed two ogres myself. It."

"Asshole!" The ogre leader was about to split, raising the mace in his hand and shouting loudly: "Kill him for me! Kill him!"

The ogres immediately screamed and rushed towards Xufeng. Xufeng did not dodge this time, but only showed the sword of Triton and the sword of Boromir directly, and greeted the ogre who rushed forward. .

The ogre grinned, thinking that Xufeng was a kind of noodle like a human guard. He didn't even have a defense, so he smashed it with a mace.

The moment he raised the mace, the center line was completely exposed.

Xufeng swiftly cut in, and the two long swords in his hand pierced out at the same time. The first sword pierced the ogre’s throat, and the second sword cut directly along the breach, cutting off the ogre. Head!


The other three ogres were dumbfounded.

They never expected that a human being would have such terrifying strength!

When they reacted and prepared to double-team Xufeng, Xufeng had already flashed back to a safe position.

But the iron hammer appeared from the side unconsciously, and the two mysterious iron forging hammers in his hand, with the effect of fiery flame, slammed into the waist of one of the ogres.

The ogre screamed in pain immediately, and the hammer took the opportunity to smash it. Although the ogre was not dropped by the hammer, it basically lost its fighting ability.

The ogre leader yelled in horror: "No! We are in ambush! Ada! Hurry up and bring the hostage out!"

And just a few minutes earlier.

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