Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1050

Bilbo carefully walked through the crooked and narrow cave to the cave**.

He first saw a big pot in the middle of the cave, the water in the big pot was already boiling.

Beside the cauldron, guarding two drooling ogres with grinning faces.

The height of these two ogres is three meters tall. In contrast, Bilbo is just a little rabbit.

In the corner of the cave, tied up with a group of downcast dwarves, and a group of human guards who are about to be scared to cry.

Bilbo took a quick count and found that there were not many of them.

This shows that the tragedy of cannibalism has not happened yet.

Bilbo felt relieved for a while, but then frowned.

The two ogres have been guarding the cauldron all the time, how should this be medicine?

Xufeng's conversation outside has already begun, if you don't hurry up, you will miss the opportunity.

Bilbo thought quickly, and then quietly touched the corner.

His movements are very light, and his steps are completely silent.

So much so that he walked to Thorin's side, Thorin did not find him.

Bilbo was a little smug, he poked Thorin's arm with his finger lightly.

——If he is holding a knife in his hand, hum.

Of course, even if he really had a knife in his hand, he couldn’t kill Thorin. Where is Thorin’s basic defense value. To kill Thorin, Bilbo must first have real power. Row.

Thorin was shocked by such a light jab. He looked back and saw Bilbo standing beside him grinning, and then shuddered again.

He opened his mouth wide and almost screamed.

Bilbo hurriedly said in a low voice, "Sorin, don't say anything!"

Thorin nodded quickly...

He really couldn't imagine where Bilbo came from.

Before Gandalf said that Bilbo was a qualified snitch, Thorin didn't believe it at first, but now Thorin completely believes it.

Chapter 160: Master Snitch

Bilbo lowered his voice and said, "Sorin, I need to add something to the ogre’s pot, but the two ogres are right next to the pot, so I need you to make some noise and make the ogres Lead away."

Thorin lowered his voice and said: "This is simple, leave it to me, you hide first."

"Okay." Bilbo hid quietly behind a small rock. His figure was so small that he was completely blocked by the small rock.

Seeing that Bilbo was hiding well, Thorin shouted loudly: "Ogres! I am your ancestor!"

The two ogres, Ada and Arrow, gave Thorin a white look, ignored him, and continued to exchange cooking experience.

Thorin couldn't help frowning and said, "I fuck the ogre his mother!"

The dwarves next to them heard that their prince, who always pays attention to etiquette, burst out such foul language, and they all couldn't help frowning.

The two ogres remained unmoved, still talking about cooking skills.

Sora stood up angrily and slammed directly into the human guard.

The human guard who was hit by him screamed immediately.

The scene suddenly became turbulent.

Ada frowned and said, "Is this dwarf crazy?"

Arrow said: "Oh, if you are crazy, you can't eat it. I heard that there is a disease in cattle called mad cow disease. It is estimated that dwarves are similar to cows. If dwarves are mad, they will get mad cow disease. If we eat, we will be infected with madness."

Ada said quickly: "Then we have to go and see."

The two ogres stood up at the same time and walked towards Thorin.

In order to attract their attention, Thorin immediately pretended to be stupid even harder.

Bilbo took the opportunity to press against the wall, quickly and silently, and slipped to the big pot that was higher than him.

Fortunately, there were two rocks next to the cauldron where the ogres had just sat on. Bilbo climbed onto the rocks and took out Shire tobacco and the cup of moon sleep tea.

The smell of Shire's tobacco irritated his nasal cavity, mixed with steam and made his nose itchy.

He almost sneezed out of control.

Fortunately, at the last moment, he tried to control it.

He hurriedly poured Yuemian tea into the hot pot, and then threw four good Shire tobacco leaves into it.

Then, he quickly jumped off the rock and hid in the corner next to him.

At this moment, Ada was grabbing Thorin by the neck, wanting to beat him violently, the fragrance in the cauldron suddenly diffused, and the whole cave was filled with this fragrance.

Ada said in surprise: "What does this smell like?"

Arrow shrugged, "I don't know, maybe our cooking has a very special effect."

"Wow haha!" Ada threw Thorin aside and walked quickly to the cauldron.

He leaned down and smelled it, and then nodded heavily, "Sure enough! It really is the taste of our soup! Strange, this soup hasn't boiled meat yet, how can it taste better than boiled meat?"

Arrow smiled and picked up a spoon, "Don't worry about it, try it first before talking."

Ada slapped Aro on the back of his head.

Arrow said aggrieved: "Why hit me!"

Ada said in a deep voice, "The boss explained that we can't eat until they come back!"

Arrow said unconvincedly: "The boss just said, we can't eat meat, but now, we don't eat meat either, we just drink soup, right?"

Ada blinked, then nodded, "Yes, we just taste the soup for the boss, this is definitely okay."

Arrow grinned, took the big iron spoon, and continued to serve the soup.

As soon as he brought the iron spoon to his mouth, Ada knocked Arrow on the back of the head again.

Arrow dropped his spoon, clutching his head and said, "Why are you hitting me again?"

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