Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1051

Ada said: "Huh! I don't understand this! I want Lao Tzu to drink first!"

Arrow didn't dare to resist, so he could only obediently hand over the spoon to Ada.

Ada took the spoon, took a spoonful of soup happily, brought it to her mouth, and took a big sip.

"Wow! It's so delicious!" Ada's eyes were red with excitement, "I have never had such a delicious soup in my life! I can drink such a soup, even if I die immediately, It can be considered contented!"

Arrow hurriedly found another small spoon, filled a spoonful of soup, and drank it.

After drinking, Arrow felt that he was going to go to the sky, "It's... so delicious! You're right, it's worth drinking such soup even if we die now!"

The two looked at each other excitedly, and when they wanted to serve a second spoonful, they heard the sound of fighting from outside.

Ada said: "There is a fight outside, go and see."

Arrow said: "What do you look at, the boss let us look at the hostages."

"Yes." Ada grinned: "Then let's continue drinking soup!"

The two put their spoons into the cauldron, and before they waited for the second spoon to be filled, the effect of Yuemiancha came into play. The two fainted directly beside the cauldron, snoring loudly.

Bilbo, lying behind the rock, let out a long sigh of relief and walked out from behind the rock slowly.

Kili said excitedly: "Master Snitch! You are amazing!"

Thorin also paid tribute to Bilbo.

Bilbo suddenly felt embarrassed. In fact, it couldn't be easier for him, and he felt that he didn't have much energy.

He first walked tentatively to the two ogres and kicked them lightly with his feet.

The two ogres slept like dead pigs, without any reaction at all.

Bilbo was relieved and boldly drew a dagger from the waist of the ogre named Ada.

To the ogre, it was just a small knife for cutting meat, but to Bilbo, it was like a heavy sword.

Holding this big sword, Bilbo staggered towards Thorin.

Thorin was a little worried that this master snitch would fall and stabbed himself to death.

Finally, he walked in front of Thorin, and Bilbo strenuously cut the rope that bound Thorin.

"Leave it to me, Master Snitch." Thorin took the dagger from Bilbo's hand.

In the past, Master Snitch was a mocking name, but now Master Snitch is a respectful name.

All the ropes of Thorin's dwarves were cut, and the dwarves cut all the ropes of the human guards.

It didn't take long for everyone to regain their freedom and each took their own weapons.

At this time, the battle outside the cave is still in progress...

Xufeng dropped the first ogre in seconds, and the hammer attacked and maimed the second ogre. The leader of the ogre immediately yelled: "Ada! Arrow! Take the hostage out!"

Unfortunately, there was no response.

Chapter 161

"not good!"

The ogre leader yelled strangely, "Something happened inside! Go back!"

After that, he didn't care about the duel with Xufeng, but hurriedly returned to the cave.

As long as he can return to the cave first, he will be able to hold the hostage in his hand, and then he can use this to force Xufeng to surrender.

However, as soon as he rushed to the entrance of the cave, he was blocked by a strange force.

There seems to be an invisible wall of air at the entrance of the cave!

The ogre leader slammed into it again, but still couldn't enter the cave!

And Xufeng took advantage of this moment, and joined forces with the hammer, and dropped the remaining ogre in seconds.

Outside the cave, there is only one enemy left, the leader of the ogre!

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "You're done."

The ogre leader said in horror: "How could this be? Human, what kind of magic did you use?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I don't know such high-end magic, but since you asked, I will let you die--Lao Gan, come out!"

Gandalf walked out of the shadow of the dense forest with blue light on his palm.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "This is the great gray-robed mage of the Holy White Council, Gandalf."

The leader of the ogre obviously had heard of Gandalf's name. He quickly threw down his weapon and said with a pleading expression: "Archmage! Forgive me! I will leave the human domain and will never come again."

Gandalf said coldly: "For monsters, there is only killing, no forgiveness!"

With that, the blue light in Gandalf's hand condensed into a frosty arrow, dragging a long magic tail flame, and shooting directly at the ogre leader.

Seeing that it was useless to beg for mercy, the ogre leader immediately grabbed his weapon, turned and ran.

However, magical attacks lock the soul.

No matter how fast the ogre mage runs, it is impossible to avoid it.

Frostbolt brought the bone-piercing extreme low temperature and directly frozen the huge body of the ogre leader in place.

The face of the ogre leader showed a slow and terrified expression.

Before that, he was still laughing at human beings for being timid, and when disasters came to him, he was also terrified.

Xu Feng carried the sword of Triton and the sword of Borromir and walked to the ogre leader, and with two ruthless swords, he directly chopped off the head of the ogre leader.

The magic air wall that sealed the hole was also eliminated immediately, and Thorin and the others rushed out holding their weapons.

When he saw the scene on the ground, Thorin was stunned.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, it's all solved."

Thorin blushed and said, "Sorry for the swordsman, I... have caused you trouble."

As the king of the Gushan royal family, Thorin has always been arrogant, but after today's incident, he can no longer be arrogant.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "It’s nothing Thorin, don’t worry about this kind of thing—you gather everyone, we are going to go back to Canyon Town, Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas in Canyon Town are already crazy. And, I have already asked them to arrange a dinner. Tonight, we can have a big meal." To listen to the book, Solin said happily: "I actually miss eating instant noodles more than having dinner. taste."

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