Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1052

Xufeng laughed, "Okay, you can eat whatever you want!"

Thorin said excitedly: "Swordsman, you are really amazing, thank you for saving us all again."

Xu Feng waved his hand, "This time, you don't have to thank me. I just killed a few ogres at best. It is Bilbo who really played the key role. You should thank him well."

Thorin immediately turned around and said to Bilbo, who had just walked out, "Bilbo, on behalf of all the dwarves, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

Bilbo scratched his head in embarrassment, "Ah, I didn't do anything."

Xufeng asked, "By the way, have you dealt with the two ogres inside?"

Bilbo shook his head, "Not yet."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Then I will deal with it, and you will also prepare. When you are ready, leave together."

After speaking, Xu Feng took the sword of Triton and the sword of Boromir and stepped into the cave.

After a while, he took two bloody ogres' heads and stepped out.

He threw all the heads of the ogres together, "Here is six ogres heads. All the ogres in the entire area have been destroyed. As for the ogres’ old lair, they should also be destroyed. The half-orcs are destroyed, and even if there are so few fish that slip through the net, they dare not come to the human domain to make a mistake."

Thorin asked in surprise: "Orc?"

He is particularly sensitive to this word. After all, in the Battle for the Blue Mountains, the big orc leader Azog killed his grandfather and his father disappeared.

Xufeng smiled faintly, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, we went to the dark forest this time, just to verify that something forced the ogres to the human domain. I initially suspected it was a half-orc, and The facts also proved my speculation. The Orc scouts gathered a team of two hundred scouts at the ogre’s lair in the dark dense forest, built a outpost, and is gradually expanding the scale of the outpost. The materials are enough to eat and drink for 10,000 Orc soldiers, and this number is still growing."

Thorin said in horror: "What! The half-orcs have established a outpost in the deep valley of the dark forest! No! The location there is too terrible. If you don't control it in time, the entire Middle-earth Continent will probably suffer! Gandalf! You should return to the Holy White Council immediately!"

Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco, and said unhurriedly, "It's okay, Diego has already taken care of it."

"Processed? What do you mean?" Thorin asked in astonishment.

Gandalf smiled and said, "It was done, that is, the outpost was razed, and the ogre’s nest was destroyed and burnt down. The half-orcs in it were killed and injured, and all the supplies were gone. The ogre was directly destroyed. Mission."

Thorin looked at Xu Feng in astonishment, "Swordsman...Are you a god?"

Xufeng laughed, "Low-key, low-key, I'm actually just an ordinary man."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Diedi, you are good at everything, but there is a little bad, that is too modest."

Damn, I'm a reverse pretender, OK?

Xu Feng murmured inwardly.

Thorin asked curiously: "Swordsman, I really want to know, how did you kill the entire Orc Outpost alone?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I'm actually not alone, there is also the hammer girl."

Thorin looked at the hammer with respect.

The hammer said quickly: "Okay, I'm all hungry, how about we talk while walking?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "Take the head of the ogre, take it back and hang it on the city gate, so that the residents of Canyon Town can be happy!"


Chapter 162 Completely confused!

The dwarves and guards happily returned to the direction of Canyon Town.

Along the way, Xu Feng lightly told Thorin how he and the hammer destroyed an entire outpost.

Of course, he didn't disclose the story about his relative privacy with Hammer.

After he finished speaking, the hammer nodded with satisfaction at him.

But Thorin shook his head in amazement, "Awesome, really amazing... Swordsman, I really admire you, there are talents like you in the expedition team, so why don't I worry about my great cause of restoration!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "It's nothing, in fact, I'm just lucky."

Thorin smiled and said, "Gandalf is right. You are good at everything, but there is a little - too humble."

The group soon returned to the east gate of Canyon Town.

At this time, there was grief in Canyon Town, and a black gauze symbolizing funeral was also hung on the east gate.

There are not many soldiers guarding the city. The other soldiers either go to take their turns or go to the funeral in the center of the town.

Seeing that the door was closed tightly, Gandalf frowned and shouted, "Hey, is there anyone? We are already back! Open the door for us!"

A guard standing on the arrow tower poked out his head. First he was taken aback, and then he exclaimed: "You, you are humans or ghosts!"

Gandalf said angrily, "What is this! We are obviously all human!"

The guard said loudly: "Impossible! Lord Thomas said you are all dead! This must be because of the funeral in the center of the town, that is why your soul was called!"

A rescued guard shouted loudly from below: "Stone! It's me! Nair! I really don't have me. We were all saved by Lord Diego and Lord Bilbo! We are still alive!"

The guard named Stone on the arrow said in horror: "Nair? It's really you? And Peide? Delop? You, you are all alive?"

Nair shouted loudly: "Yes, we are indeed still alive! If you don't believe it, you can look at our shadow! If we are ghosts, there is no shadow!"

Stone looked at it, and it was just as the sun was setting. The sunlight stretched everyone's shadows, which was extremely obvious.

Stone said excitedly: "You really are alive! Great! Great! I'm going to open the door for you!"

As he said, Stone ran down the stairs, and then, the broken door opened little by little.

Stone and several other guards rushed out excitedly. The two waves of guards hugged together, and everyone cried happily.

Thorin frowned slightly. He felt that these humans were really fragile, and it was a happy scene, but they were about to cry.

However, he didn't say anything on the surface, but waited quietly, waiting for the mood of the guards to calm down.

After a while, the guard named Stone walked up to Xu Feng and gave a solemn military salute.

"Master Diego, you are really our savior! Please allow us to pay you the highest respect!"

Other guards also lined up, solemnly saluting to Xufeng.

Xu Feng waved his hand, "You are welcome, in fact, it is not me that you should be most grateful for, but Bilbo. The most important point of this action is how to enter the cave from an extremely narrow passage and feed Add condiments to the human-devil's cauldron. This is something none of us can do. Only Bilbo Baggins can."

The guards on the scene immediately saluted Bilbo and shouted in unison: "Thank you Lord Bilbo for saving us!" He flew across Bilbo and suddenly looked a little embarrassed. He quickly said: "No, no, thank me, I didn't do it. What."

Thorin smiled and said: "Well, let's go in and talk about it. By the way, where are Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas?"

Guard Stone froze for a moment, and then said apologetically: "They...they went to the town center for a funeral."

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