Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1063

As for Xuedi, he is not so picky, and he eats whatever he has.

It's just that when she was eating, she always found a corner with no one, then put the sword of thunder on the ground, forbid anyone to approach, and then turned her back to the crowd and faced the wall.

In this way, she can take off the Medusa mask and eat noodles with peace of mind.

Looking at Xuedi's back, Bilbo couldn't help but ask Xufeng in a low voice: "Why is she eating with us behind her back?"

Xufeng smiled. Just about to answer, Iron Hammer rushed to say: "Because she is so ugly, she is afraid that others will see that she can't eat, so she eats with us behind her back.

Xuedi said in a deep voice from a distance: "Idiot, be quiet when you say bad things about me behind your back, so I can hear them."

The hammer said angrily: "I will never back you when I say bad things about you!"

"Idiot." Xuedi took instant noodles with chopsticks into his mouth, involuntarily let out an exclamation, and then ignored the quarrel with the hammer, and ate it instead.

Although the instant noodles here are the same as in the real world, the ingredients are completely different.

The meat inside is the best meat, oil, and oil.

The most important thing is that the seasoning inside is from Shire region, similar to Shire tobacco seasoning.

This seasoning is very fragrant, and it can make you feel happy and relaxed after eating.

Even Uncle Lin Hai was full of praise, "It's delicious, delicious, I have never eaten such delicious instant noodles in my life!"

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "I want to taste it too!"

When he walked to the cauldron and was about to serve himself a bowl, Kili frowned and stood in front of him, "Sorry, the instant noodles have been eaten."

Duke Yang stretched his neck again and said, "Nonsense, there are obviously more in there! I have seen them all!"

Kili raised his eyebrows and said, "Our dwarves are famous in Middle-earth because of the appetite. These in the pot are our second bowl."

Gong Yang said in astonishment: "You actually want to eat two bowls for a meal?"

Qi Li said coldly: "No, to be precise, we have to eat three bowls for a meal. If we are not afraid that instant noodles are not enough, we can still eat four or five bowls."

Duke Yang muttered softly: "You are not afraid to die..."

"What did you say?" Kili asked with a frown.

Gong Yang hurriedly laughed and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing, you eat yours, and when you finish eating, you can lend me the pot for a while."

Qi Li said coldly, "Okay, but you are responsible for cleaning the pot for us."

Gong Yang said helplessly, "Okay, okay."

It's not easy to eat instant noodles.

According to Yang Gongzai's true thoughts, he actually prefers roasted rabbit meat.


It is more reliable to eat instant noodles.

Seeing that the whole room was sucking and eating instant noodles, Gong Yang was even hungry no matter what.

After eating for a while, Bilbo came over with a bowl.

"Mr. Yang Gongzai, are you hungry?"

"Does that still need to be asked?" Duke Yang said gratefully: "Bilbo is still kind-hearted!"

With that said, Duke Yang went to pick up Bilbo's bowl again.

However, Bilbo did not let go, but guarded his bowl and said: "You mean, if you are hungry, I will stay away from you, lest you take my instant noodles..."

"You..." Duke Yang said with grief and anger, "It's over, there are no good people in this world!"

Bilbo said regretfully, "Really... I'm sorry."

After speaking, Bilbo bypassed Yang Gongzai and went to add another bowl next to the cauldron.

The dwarves are naturally willing to let Bilbo eat another bowl. After all, Bilbo is a member of the expedition, and Bilbo has saved all of them.

After everyone has eaten and drank enough, it will be an hour later.

Gong Yang was so hungry that he was dizzy, and finally waited until the last dwarf finished eating before he finally had the opportunity to get the cauldron full of Shire seasoning.

There is a bite of noodle soup at the bottom of the pot.

Gong Yang couldn't help swallowing again.

He told himself not to drink the dwarf's pot water, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to the survivalist.

Anyway, I can eat instant noodles right away, so I have to endure it if I am hungry!

Gong Yang gritted his teeth again and dumped all the soup base in the pot, then ran to the small river outside and brushed the cauldron clean.

Then, he filled half a pot of water and prepared to cook three packs of instant noodles in one go, no, four packs of instant noodles!

Wa hahaha!I can finally eat something hot!

I want everyone to see my skills and craftsmanship in cooking instant noodles!

As soon as Gong Yang happily walked into the house holding half a pot of water, Xue Di walked towards him.

"Meeting." Xuedi said coldly.


"The small woods outside." Xuedi said coldly, and then walked by Yang Gong.

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Wait, please? I just finished cooking the pot!"

Xuedi said coldly: "It's okay if you don't come."

"Really?" Gong Yang said in surprise again.

Xuedi said coldly: "In the future, the Xuedi team won't have yours."

Duke Yang shivered suddenly, and quickly put down the cauldron, hungry, and walked out with the Snow Emperor downcast.

Chapter 174 What is the noise!

In the woods.

All members of Xuedi team arrived.

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