Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1064

Xuedi looked around and said lightly: "Now we are going to have an impromptu meeting, Uncle Lin Hai, can you create a barrier here so that people outside can't hear and see what we are talking about? ."

Lin Hai nodded and said, "It's okay, but with my ability, this kind of shielded barrier won't last long."

Gong Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay, that's okay."

If it lasts too long, he will starve to death.

After the meeting is finished earlier, he can also eat instant noodles earlier.

Xuedi asked faintly, "How long will it last?"

Lin Hai apologized and said, "Probably it can only last for five minutes at most."

Gong Yang suddenly grinned again.

It's only five minutes.

Emperor Xue said coldly: "Why, again, Yang Gong, you seem to be very happy?"

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "No, no, of course not! Alas, Uncle Lin Hai, you said you didn't make any progress! Only five minutes? What is enough?"

Lin Hai said ashamedly: "I'm sorry...but after five minutes, I only need to rest for two minutes to continue to gather the shielding barrier."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "It's okay, Uncle Lin Hai, we just wait for you, don't worry."

Yang Gongzai's expression instantly solidified.

How can you not be in a hurry!

After five minutes, wait another two minutes, then another five minutes, and another two minutes... This meeting, I'm afraid it will be delayed until midnight!

Hungry to death!

Gong Zai Yang grunted in his stomach.

Xuedi asked coldly: "Who is talking?"

Gong Yang hurriedly closed his mouth again.

Even if he died of starvation, he did not dare to offend the eldest sister Xuedi.

Seeing no one was speaking, Emperor Xue said coldly: "Well, let's have a meeting now, Uncle Lin Hai, work hard for you to gather the barrier."

"Okay." Lin Hai took a deep breath, then used his mental thoughts to condense a blue barrier.

This semi-spherical barrier enveloped all the members of the Xuedi team. From the outside, there was nothing here, and only the spiritual vision could scan it.

The blue barrier is slowly fading, and after five minutes, it will completely disappear, and by that time, the Snow Emperor Team will reappear in the small forest.

Therefore, when the barrier effect is over, the meeting must be interrupted, waiting for Uncle Lin Hai to regain his energy, and then reconsolidate a new barrier.

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "We have limited time, so I won't say any more nonsense. We have a formal meeting. Because this time, we acted in two groups, and different things happened on each road. Before we start the internal auction, we have to summarize our respective information, so that everyone knows it well, and it will lay a solid foundation for us to act together in the future."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The Snow Emperor said in a deep voice, "Well, let's talk about it first from our side. We set out from the port of the Shire and sailed all the way by boat—"

Xu Feng suddenly raised his hand and said, "Wait a moment."

Xuedi said coldly, "Xufeng, what can you do?"

With a smile, Xufeng took out a parchment map from his pocket and spread it out in front of everyone.

"Here is a map of Middle-earth. Snow Emperor, look at the map, it will be more vivid and specific."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Well, this map is very good. Then I will continue to say-we set out from the port of Shire, which is here -"

While talking, Xuedi used her slender finger to point the location of Shire Port on the map.

Then, another arc was drawn from the port of Shire.

"After we set off from the port of Shire, we took a boat all the way to a small port in the Kingdom of Gondor, right here."

Xuedi clicked the map again.

"Next, we landed from here and directly entered the green forest. This is also the fastest way to find the brown-robed mage Ruidagast."

"When we entered the green forest, some strange things happened." Xuedi said in a deep voice, "Some trees will move behind us. At first, we thought it was an illusion, but when we came back, the kind of prying eyes The feeling is getting stronger and stronger. What's more troublesome is that those trees are really trees, not disguised by something else. Therefore, our spiritual vision scans are also useless."

"We walked in the Green Forest for a whole day, but we couldn't find the way ahead or the way back. Only then did we realize that we were trapped."

"After a brief analysis, I took Uncle Lin Hai and Duke Yang to hide in an old tree, waiting for the arrival of Ruidagast. Sure enough, after another day, Ruidagast Came in his rabbit sleigh. When he saw us, he thought we were enemies—"

As soon as he said this, Lin Hai stood up and said, "Sorry Xuedi, I have to interrupt you. There are still more than 30 seconds before the barrier disappears. I suggest that we temporarily adjourn the meeting and wait two minutes for my recovery. Continue the meeting."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Well, good."

Gong Yang couldn't help saying, "This is too much trouble, isn't it? I mean, uncle Lin Hai has worked hard.

Lin Hai smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of being tired, and I'm quite supportive when I just eat. It happens to be active, and it can be regarded as practicing barrier magic skills."


Uncle, you are still eating, my brother, I'm almost fainted from hunger!

Duke Yang really wanted to cry without tears, but he dared not say anything.

The light blue barrier quickly disappeared.

Everyone is waiting in place.

After Uncle Lin Hai recovered for two minutes, he condensed a barrier again and enveloped everyone in it.

"Okay." Uncle Lin Hai sighed slightly.

Emperor Xue said faintly: "Then let's continue the meeting. Where did I say it when I arrived?"

"Idiot." The hammer reminded in an angry tone: "You said you got to the Green Forest by boat."

Xuedi replied in a cold voice: "You are an idiot! What I clearly said is that I took a boat from the port of Shire to a small port in the Kingdom of Gondor, and then I reached the green forest from the small port! When did I Say, I arrived at Green Forest by boat directly? Green Forest has no port at all!"

The hammer hugged his arms in front of him and said, "Huh, it's clear that you didn't say it clearly!"

"You didn't listen carefully!" Xuedi said in a deep voice.

"You didn't make it clear!"

"You didn't listen carefully!"

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