Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1066

Although the damage is a weakness, the special effects are super awesome!

Can suck blood, but also transform into his own life!

This sword is really suitable-Duke Yang!

Everyone in the team cast their eyes on Yang Gongzai.

Duke Yang clutched his grunting belly again, and said bitterly, "Everyone, what are you doing looking at me?"

The hammer frowned and said, "What else can you do? Except you, whose primary attribute is health!"

Gong Yang smiled bitterly again: "But, I'm not good at making swords!"

With this sword, you have to charge forward, and he is not so stupid!

The hammer frowned and said, "Then what will you do?"

Gong Yang thought again, "...chopsticks."

The hammer immediately showed his hammer, "Are you looking for a hit?"

Duke Yang hurriedly said: "I, I, I really don't know how to use swords! You, if you have to let me take them, then don't ask me for shadow power points?"

Xuedi said coldly: "No, the rules are the rules. If you decide to make an internal auction, you must bid, otherwise, everyone will be imbalanced in the future. Once this imbalance occurs, the team's hearts will be lost."

Duke Yang cautiously said, "Then...how many shadow power points does this sword require?"

Xuedi groaned slightly, "A level 50 weapon also comes with three special effects. If such equipment is placed in the auction house, the reserve price should start at 5000 shadow energy points. Our rule is to cut the reserve price by half. My own person, that is, 25,000 shadow power points."

"2500 Shadow Energy Points!" Duke Yang exclaimed again, "No way, no, I can't afford it!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's okay, you have deducted from your salary, until the deduction is full, okay, cross him."

The Emperor Xue immediately threw the Demon Cave Sword to Gong Zai Yang.

Duke Yang held the Demon Cave Sword again, crying without tears, "I was forced to cross!"

Chapter 176

In fact, to be fair, the Demon Cave Sword is indeed very suitable for Yang Gongzai.

Yang Gongzai's advantage is high health, and the advantage of this sword is to absorb the health value and convert it into the health value of the sword holder.

This also means that after having this Sword Demon Cave Sword, Duke Yang no longer has to shrink back, but can rush forward with the sword.

Even if he is cut by the enemy, it doesn't matter, because he can still absorb and transform through the Demon Cavern Sword. If he could last for a minute without dying, then with the Demon Cavern Sword, he can last for at least two minutes.

This extra minute is enough for Xufeng to complete a round of desperate output.

Therefore, whether in terms of team improvement or personal improvement, the Devil's Cave Sword is a good tailor-made sword for Duke Yang.

The only drawback is that if you wear this sword for a long time, it will make Duke Yang become evil again.

However, again, Duke Yang will definitely not wear this thing for a long time. Duke Yang doesn’t want to charge into the battle anymore. Even if he uses this sword in the future, he will be forced to use it at all. There is no problem of long-term wearing.


With Duke Yang’s strength, no matter how evil he is, where can he go?

Seeing Duke Yang with a bitter expression on his face holding the black magic cave sword temporarily, Uncle Lin Hai on the side was full of envy, "It's great... even Duke Yang has weapons, it's great."

Lin Hai always wanted to build a real staff, but unfortunately, he didn't have the luck of Duke Yang.

Gong Yang replied bitterly, "Uncle Lin Hai, if you want, I'll transfer it to you! 3000 shadow power points are cheap to you, how about?"

Lin Hai said angrily: "You fellow, do you want to earn me a price difference of 500 shadow energy points? Humph, in fact, the price difference of 500 shadow energy is really nothing, but unfortunately, what I want is to increase mental attack power. Staff, not long sword."

Gong Yang sighed again and said, "I don't want a long sword either."

He can't wait to stay at the back of the team and never charge up.

Xufeng said coldly: "Duke Yang, this sword is really suitable for you. It can not only improve your ability, but it may also save the entire team at a critical time. If you don't want it, it is Don’t want to contribute to this team, if you don’t want to contribute to this team, then you leave this team."

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Don't do it, I want it, I will...soul bound."

Soul-bound equipment, except for the death of the soul, will not be unbound.

Gong Yang resisted the intense hunger, and tried to concentrate his mind. It took a lot of effort before he finally bound the level 50 Demon Cavern Sword to his soul.

"Congratulations." Uncle Lin Hai congratulated him sincerely.

Gong Yang sighed again and looked at forty-five degrees, "Since then, there has been another swordsman on the rivers and lakes."

Hammer sneered, "You are a bitch."

"..." Duke Yang did not dare to talk back.

After resolving the ownership of the Demon Cavern Sword, Xu Feng turned his head and asked Xuedi: "Where do you have other extraordinary items?"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "No more."

As the captain, she had only obtained an extraordinary item, which was indeed a little lacking.

However, she felt that a level 50 extraordinary item was already a very good harvest, although this harvest only strengthened Duke Yang.

Yang Gongzai is the biggest shortcoming of this team, strengthening Yang Gongzai can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings of the entire team.

Therefore, Xuedi was quite satisfied.

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "Gong Yang, remember, you now owe the team 2500 shadow power points. In addition to your own 500 shadow power points, you also have to give everyone 500 shadow power points. You pay now, but I will deduct it from your future remuneration."

Yang Gong said with a sad look: "I know."

Xuedi said to Xufeng again: "Well, it's up to you to auction now."

As soon as Xufeng was about to speak, Uncle Lin Hai stood up, "Wait a moment, the time for the barrier is up, let me rest for a while and open a new barrier."

"Also." Xu Feng said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work, Uncle Lin Hai."

Lin Hai said embarrassedly: "I blame my poor ability, otherwise, there won't be such trouble."

"It's okay," Xu Feng comforted: "It won't take long for us to become stronger."


Lin Hai nodded, drank a cup of Xingyue tea, rested for two minutes, and then formed a barrier again.

Xuedi said: "Okay, Xufeng, you can start."

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