Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1067

Xufeng immediately said: "Okay, the first extraordinary item on my side is this ring in my hand."

After speaking, Xu Feng raised the back of his hand and showed the ring of the Smurf in his hand to everyone.

In fact, everyone had noticed that there was an extra ring on Xufeng's hand long ago, and it was scanned with the Spirit Vision system, and all the attributes were clearly seen.

However, Xu Feng gave a brief introduction: "The properties of this ring are average, with only 50 spirit points, but the special effects are OK. Wearing this ring can avoid all adverse negative effects."

"It stands to reason that this ring should be more suitable for Uncle Lin Hai, but this ring was given to me by Prince Arno Arsson, so that I can enjoy his prince treatment. If I give it to Uncle Lin Hai , I’m afraid it will cause some unnecessary trouble."

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "In addition, the 50 spirit is still a bit useful for me. After all, I also need spiritual power to communicate with you, and the special effects above are also very useful for me. There are too many equipment with negative special effects. With this ring, these special effects are nothing at all."

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Brother Xufeng, you don't need to explain so much to me. This was originally given to you by the prince. How can I ask for it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, extraordinary items belong to the team. It stands to reason that you can bid for this Uncle Lin Hai. I am explaining to you, because I do have a demand for this, so I will also bid."

Xuedi said faintly: "In that case, you two will bid, this ring...1000 shadow energy points start shooting."

Duke Yang on the side immediately said: "Wait, my Demon Cave Sword is also level 50, why does my 2500 start shooting, but Xufeng's ring starts shooting with 1000 shadow energy points?"

Xuedi said coldly: "This ring does not have any main attributes, and the special effects are just to eliminate negative effects. When placed in the auction house, the starting price is only 2000. Let’s cut half, and the internal starting price is naturally 1000. Able to count."

Gong Yang said helplessly: "Well..."

Xuedi turned his head and said, "The shooting starts with 1,000 shadow energy points, and you two will bid."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Uncle Lin Hai, you bid first."

Chapter 177 I'm Pursuing The Ultimate Killing

The hammer said with a smile: "Uncle Lin Hai, lift him! Lift him!"

The so-called "carry him" is to raise the price, so that Xufeng can get more shadow energy points.

In the internal bidding that was all his own, raising the price was just a joke. No matter how stupid Lin Hai was, he would not do that kind of thing.

Lin Hai smiled and shook his head, "No, no, this ring is too weak for me in special effects. Besides, many of the equipment I have used before were all hit by Xufeng personally. I always took advantage. Now Xufeng wants it, why should I fight?"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "So, Uncle Lin Hai gave up?"

Lin Hai nodded heavily, "Yes, I gave up."

Xuedi said faintly: "Then congratulations to Xufeng, you have 1,000 shadow power points and won this Smurf Ring."

Xuedi felt that although this Smurf Ring was also a level 50 equipment, the equipment Xu Feng obtained could not be compared with the Demon Cavern Sword.

The base price of the Demon Cavern Sword is 2500 shadow power points, which is ahead of the Ring of the Smurf by 1500 shadow power points.

When he thought of this, Xuedi felt a little pride in his heart.

Xu Feng thought for a while, "I'll give out 2000 shadow power points."

All the people present looked at Xufeng in astonishment.

Lin Hai quickly said: "Brother Xufeng, I have already given up. The reserve price is 1,000 shadow power points, and you can take 1,000 shadow power points!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, “It’s okay to get the reserve price of 1,000, but if you do that, it’s not interesting enough. It’s all my own, so I shouldn’t let everyone suffer. Let’s just have 2,000 shadow energy points. You give out 400 shadow power points."

Gong Yang happily said, "Good, good!"

Lin Hai hurriedly said: "Brother Xufeng, don't do this, this thing belongs to you in the first place, it is us people who have been taking advantage of you!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "We are all in a team. Everyone improves, and that is the real improvement."

Xuedi couldn't help but nodded slightly.

That's right, if this team wants to be strong and to go further, then it must improve as a whole.

This also shows that Xu Feng is not a selfish person, but the whole team in his heart.

Xuedi's affection for Xufeng improved a lot in an instant.

When he thought of saying "I love you" to Xufeng, Xuedi's face was hot with shame.

Fortunately, the Medusa mask blocked her face. Otherwise, she really wanted to find a place to sew in and couldn't get out.

For Xu Feng, 1,000 more shadow power points are nothing.

He is not fake and generous, but divides people and situations.

If he is not facing the Xuedi team now, he will definitely not have one more shadow power point. However, the Xuedi team is like his own siblings. The extra 1000 shadow power points are also used for each team. Personal strength is improving, so there is no problem at all if there are 1,000 more shadow power points.

Moreover, Xu Feng also has a lot of shadow power points in his hand. His current total shadow power points are 24655 points. It is very easy to buy something with 2000 shadow power points.

"Then I'll accept it first." Xu Feng smiled faintly, and raised his hand to bind the Smurf ring to his own soul.

Only soul-bound items can enjoy the special effects of this item, otherwise, it would take a lot of strength and energy to activate the special effects of the item.

After the Youlan Spirit Ring was bound to Xufeng's soul, Xufeng suddenly felt his spirit shocked.

After all, a 50-point mental power bonus is also a very good attribute.

Xu Feng sighed and said with a smile: "Okay, I will give you points for the shadow energy points, because I have other extraordinary items."

Xuedi's heart was shaken slightly.

She originally thought that the value of the extraordinary items she had obtained would be higher than the value of the extraordinary items Xu Feng had obtained, but now it seems that it is not necessarily true.

Emperor Xue said lightly: "What else?"

Xu Feng took out the sword of Borromir and said with a smile: "This sword, named the Sword of Borromir, was also given to me by Prince Arsson. However, this sword does not need to prove identity or anything. , So everyone can bid."

The Emperor Xue said lightly: "Arcson gave it to you again? How come this Arsson likes to give you things so much? Is he interesting to you?"

The hammer said immediately: "Yes! The prince's eyes on Xufeng can be called hunger and thirst!"

Xufeng said helplessly, "What nonsense are you talking about? Arsson has the ambition to rejuvenate the country. He saw that I was a talent, so he wanted to woo me. Okay, don't interrupt, everyone can scan this Boluo. Sword of Mir."

"Wait a moment." Lin Hai stood up awkwardly, "The barrier time is coming again."

Everyone can only stop first and wait for Lin Hai to rest for two minutes before opening a new barrier.

After the new barrier was opened, Xu Feng took out the sword of Boromir again.

"I have just said that this sword is also Arsson's saber. Its level is 50, and its attributes are +50 armor and +50 stamina. In addition, this sword has two special effects, the first one. The special effect is the broken armor effect. Every time you hit the enemy, there will be a layer of broken armor effect. Each layer of broken armor can reduce the enemy's armor by 50 points. Its second special effect is to increase the armor by 50 points. Armor, and every time the enemy is concentrated, a layer of 50 armor is added."

Xuedi was trembling slightly.

This sword... is simply tailor-made for her!

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