Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1072

He put the enemy fencing back into the inventory of the spirit table, not in a hurry to bind the soul.

After all, his current level has not been upgraded to level 45. If he is less than level 45, he cannot bind the enemy to fencing.

Then, Xu Feng said again: "I owe you 400 shadow power points for each of you in the previous Smurf ring. This time the enemy fencing, everyone should be divided into 1,600 shadow power points. Then, if you add up, I will give you each Two thousand shadow power points are right for a person. Everyone is okay, right?"

Lin Hai quickly said: "Too many! Brother Xufeng! It is not easy for you. Now you are dragging our entire team away alone. To be honest, we are already very grateful, and now let You give us so many shadow power points at once, we are ashamed!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "It's nothing. The true value of this enemy fencing sword can reach 30,000 shadow power points. I am very happy to buy it now with only 8,000 shadow power points. Besides, I Give you shadow power points, which you use to improve yourself, that is to improve the entire team. It is not a day or two for everyone to enter Middle-earth. You should know the degree of danger in Middle-earth—especially the last time, if not The dark power of Demon Lord Sauron has just recovered, and the five of us are probably all killed by him."

Everyone tensed up at the thought of the situation.

Xufeng continued: "So, everyone don't care about these kind things. Since I am willing to buy this shadow power point, it means that it meets this value in my heart, and everyone can take it with peace of mind. Strong, next time we face Demon Lord Sauron, we will be more calm."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Yes, we are a whole."

At the beginning, if Xu Feng hadn't concentrated everyone's thoughts, it would be impossible for Xue Di to resist Sauron's dark magic.

Therefore, for the importance of the team's overall strength, Xuedi is naturally very clear and attaches great importance to it.

Iron Hammer said with a smile: "What are you polite with Xufeng? A big dog! Come on, first pay for my 2000 shadow power points."

Xufeng laughed, and then transferred his shadow energy points to the hammer.

After the Hammer received 2000 shadow power points, he immediately paid 1,000 shadow power points to everyone present.

"Well, the debt of my Crystal Energy Orb is over." The hammer said happily.

Not only is it over, but there is more to earn!

It's strange to be unhappy!

Chapter 182: You Can't Control

Then, Xu Feng transferred 2000 shadow energy points to Uncle Lin Hai.

Uncle Lin Hai is naturally grateful.

With this shadow energy point, the debt he just owed to the Shadow Energy Orb was also paid off.

This is equivalent to getting a Shadow Energy Orb for nothing, and also earning it.

Next, Xufeng gave Duke Yang another 2,000 shadow power points.

Yang Gong laughed happily again: "I knew that with Brother Xufeng, there is definitely meat and soup to drink! Brother Xufeng, I hold your thigh."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, and said meaningfully: "Then you have to hug it, don't fall behind."

Duke Yang immediately nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Of course! I will hug it tightly. No matter how you shake it, you can't shake me off!"

The hammer frowned and said, "Duke Yang, you are really rascal."

Gong Yang laughed again and said, "How do others think about it? It's the most important thing to live well."

Uncle Lin Hai smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, a guy like you can actually say such reasonable things."

"Bah!" Iron Hammer said grimly, "He just made excuses for his own uselessness."

Gong Yang smiled again, but he still didn't care.

This is not the first time he has been scolded for "wasteful", and his expression seems to have long been used to it.

Xu Feng transferred the last 2,000 shadow power points to Xuedi, and Xuedi accepted it without seeing it.

She is 100% assured of Xufeng.

What's more, even if Xufeng didn't give her the 2000 shadow power points, she had no objection at all.

Ever since the Xuedi team started the series of rewarding tasks, the entire Xuedi team has been drenched in Xufeng's light. To put it bluntly, without Xufeng, there would be no Xuedi team today.

Therefore, regardless of whether this team is called the Xuedi team, or that Xuedi is the captain of this team, the true soul core of this team is Xufeng.

"Okay, all my debts are cleared." Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You can deal with the remaining debts."

Therefore, Lin Hai and Yang Gong paid off their respective debts one after another. After all the debts were sorted out, Xu Feng checked his remaining shadow power points-there were 18455 points!

His original total shadow power point was 24655 points. After this internal auction, he bought a Smurf ring and a superb enemy fencing, and only spent 6,200 shadow power points in total!

In terms of item value alone, it's really a big profit!

Moreover, more importantly, through this internal auction, Xufeng completely revitalized the shadow power status of the entire team, allowing everyone to get a piece of equipment, not to mention a small amount of shadow power points. .

In this way, the strength of the entire Xuedi team has improved a very high level.

At this moment, Uncle Lin Hai stepped up helplessly and said: "...Everyone, the barrier time is approaching again."

Xuedi immediately said, "Is there anything else going on? If there is nothing to do, then the meeting will be adjourned and each one will go back to rest."

Gong Yang happily said, "Nothing! The meeting is over!"

With that said, he retracted the Demon Cavern Sword into his spiritual platform inventory, and then hurriedly ran in the direction of the house.

"...This guy is not saved." Uncle Lin Hai looked at Gongzai Yang's back and nodded helplessly.

Xuedi said faintly: "Uncle Lin Hai, you have worked so hard all night, go back and rest early. Xu Feng, you stay, I have something to talk to you."

"Yeah." Xu Feng nodded.

The hammer pouted, "Why leave Xufeng alone?"

Emperor Xue said coldly: "I want you to control?"

The hammer said unconvincedly: "Of course I can manage, he and he are my brothers!"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Are you in love with him?"

The hammer flushed immediately and jumped up, "Xue Di! What are you talking nonsense! We are pure brotherhood! We...we have nothing!"

Xuedi sneered and said, "Why, I was right? How else would you be so nervous?"

The hammer trembled and said, "I'm not nervous! I just... Forget it, I won't talk to you as a woman! I'm leaving, do whatever you like!"

With that, the hammer ran away in a hurry.

Xuedi watched the hammer's back disappear, and said lightly: "She really likes you. This should be the first time she likes a member of the opposite sex. So, Xu Feng, I still say that, don't let her down."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Tangled, I can't let you down either."

Snow Emperor turned away, "I don't care about you, my heart beats only to save my brother. I won't move any thoughts before saving my brother."

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