Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1073

Xufeng smiled and said, "You can't think about feelings. It is subconscious and you can't control it."

Xuedi pursed his mouth, "I asked you to stay, but I didn't want to talk about this kind of blissful matter with you."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't talk about it? Do you do it directly? Not so good? But I can do it anytime."

Emperor Xue said angrily: "Can you speak well!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "There are no outsiders here."

Emperor Xue said angrily: "That's not okay, I don't like men who are not serious."

Xu Feng smiled, "So, as long as I'm serious, you like me?"

Snow Emperor was startled, then changed his words and said: "No, I mean, I don't like you, whether you are serious or not."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, you won't like me anymore, so I will continue to be unrelenting to you. When there is no one in the future, should I call you Xiao Xuexue or your big wife?"

Xuedi instantly blushed to the root of her neck, but fortunately she was covered by a Medusa mask. Otherwise, she would really have no place to show herself.

"You, you are not allowed to call like this!" Xuedi said with a trembling voice.

She wanted to maintain her majesty as the leader of the Xuedi team, but in front of an unscrupulous man like Xufeng, she found that she couldn't do it at all.

She couldn't help thinking, if she were to change to another man, she would have said nothing, hacking with a sword, why would she be so indulgent to Xufeng's rudeness?

And... why call her the eldest wife?

This bastard guy is clearly setting aside a place for a little wife!

Wow, it's not much, he already thought about hugging left and right!

Xuedi gritted his teeth angrily, not wanting to talk to Xufeng.

However, the more you ignore Xufeng, the more exciting Xufeng becomes.

"Why didn't you talk to the eldest wife? Default? Well, it should have been like this a long time ago! Then it will be decided like this. When there is no one, I will call your eldest wife.

"You...Shut up!" Xuedi couldn't bear it anymore, "Can you talk about business!"

Xu Feng blinked, "Isn't this a business?"

"No!" Xuedi almost roared.

Chapter 183 You are so hardworking!

Xufeng rubbed her ears helplessly, "Well, old wife, you can talk business, I'm listening."

"Don't call me the eldest wife!"

"Oh, Xuexue!"

"Don't call me Xiao Xuexue!" Xuedi stamped his feet with anger.

This kind of stomping movement is a shy girl's exclusive movement, which is impossible to see in Xuedi in normal times, but now, facing Xufeng, Xuedi unconsciously uses it.

This shows that, subconsciously, Xuedi is no longer a majestic captain in front of Xu Feng, but just a shy girl.

Xufeng grinned and said, "So, you are not allowed to call you Xiao Xuexue, and you are not allowed to call you eldest wife. Is that what you want to tell me?

"Of course... not!" Xuedi was really about to be broken by Xufeng.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Then you still don't feel that it is business?"

Xuedi sighed helplessly, rubbed the painful temple with Qianqian's fine fingers, worked hard to sort out his thoughts, and then said in a deep voice, "What I want to discuss with you is how we should go next."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Oh, this is it? It's very simple. Now that we have merged, let's go all the way forward and protect Bilbo and Thorin to the Lonely Mountain."

Xuedi nodded and said, "I mean the same thing, but before making a decision, I think I need to communicate with you. In addition, you and the hammer are both members of the expedition team, and the three of us are not, and I don’t know how Will Lin welcome us."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "It's simple, don't want Gushan's treasure to be done separately."

Xuedi said, "Of course there is no problem with this."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then there is nothing to worry about. Okay, it's too early, let's go back to sleep."

Emperor Xue said angrily: "You are taking advantage of me again! Who wants to sleep with you!"

Xu Feng said helplessly: "You really misunderstood me, I really didn't mean that."

"Huh, who told you to always be so sloppy." Xuedi muttered.

Xufeng smiled and said, "I only do this when I am alone with you."

Xuedi said: "You can't do this when you are alone!"

Xu Feng smiled, "You can't control this."

After speaking, Xu Feng swaggered back.

"You!" Xuedi stomped annoyedly, "Xufeng! You wait for me!"

"Okay, I'll go to the bed and wait for you!" Xu Feng said with a smile.

"You..." Xuedi was blushing and didn't dare to talk any more.

At this time, Duke Yang had already returned to the hut one step earlier.

In the lobby of the hut, dwarves lay arrogantly. The snoring of the dwarves shook the sky. When Yang Gong walked on the ground, he could feel the ground trembling slightly.

After finally passing the hall and walking to the back room, Yang Gong smelled the scent of instant noodles.

Pushing the door, I saw that Bilbo was eating a large bowl of instant noodles.

Seeing Duke Yang coming in again, Bilbo smiled embarrassedly, "Mr. Duke Yang, I thought you were not coming back."

Gong Yang looked at the cauldron full of soup residues, and couldn't help asking: "Bilbo, what are you doing!"

Bilbo shrugged, "As you can see, I'm eating midnight snack. We Hobbits are not comparable to your humans. Your human appetites are big. You only need to eat three meals a day, but for us Hobbits. Said that one more meal must be added at 12 o'clock in the evening to sleep soundly."

Gong Yang asked again: "But, that's the pot I brushed..."

Bilbo laughed and said, "Aha, I said how clean it is! Mr. Yang Gongzai, you are so hardworking!"

Gong Yang is about to cry again, "It has nothing to do with being industrious! I want noodles! I want instant noodles!"

Bilbo stunned, "I'm very sorry, otherwise, I'll go and cook a bag for you now."

Gong Yang stared at Bilbo's big bowl again, and swallowed unconsciously.

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