Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1074

He was almost starving, especially when he saw instant noodles right in front of him.

"Your... for me to eat!"

"This!" Bilbo said quickly: "This is not so good, I have already eaten several bites."

Gong Yang rushed forward again and grabbed the noodle bowl. "It doesn't matter, I don't dislike it!"

With that said, Duke Yang held the noodle bowl again and ate it sucklingly.

In less than a minute, a whole bowl of instant noodles was eaten by Duke Yang.

This not only did not solve the problem of hunger, but made Gong Yang even more hungry.

Gong Yang smiled again and said, "Bilbo, are you full?"

Bilbo shook his head, "No, I just ate two bites..."

Gong Yang smiled again: "Then we cook two more packets?"

Bilbo smiled and said, "Good, good."

Gong Yang said again: "Then you go to the pot, and get a half pot of water back. I'll prepare instant noodles."

Bilbo said, "Okay, I will go now."

With that said, Bilbo picked up the cauldron strenuously and hobbled out.

Gong Yang leaned comfortably on the wall again, grinning and said: "Haha, I can finally instruct others, this feeling is really cool, no wonder Iron Hammer and Xuedi always like to instruct me! "

Bilbo left the house and came to the small river, brushed the pot carefully, added half a pot of water, and then walked back holding the cauldron.

His strength is very small, and his body is small. This kind of cauldron is a bit heavy for ordinary humans, let alone a hobbit.

But Bilbo wouldn't complain, and still tried his best to walk back with the cauldron.

After taking two steps, he stopped and rested, leaned back, and resumed his physical fitness before continuing to walk back.

Gong Yang waited left and right for a long time, but he didn't see Bilbo coming back, so he couldn't help but walk out of the room.

In between, Bilbo was struggling to hold the cauldron, walking staggering among a group of snoring dwarves.

Gong Yang frowned again and said, "Why is it so slow?"

Bilbo was about to explain. Suddenly, a dwarf turned over and caught Bilbo's foot!

Bilbo himself was already very strenuous. When he tripped like this, his body immediately lost his balance, and the whole cauldron fell on the dwarves.

The dwarves woke up from their sleep, shouted loudly, and the whole room was full of noise.

Thorin directly showed his battle axe, ready to fight.

The gray-robed mage Gandalf and the brown-robed mage Radagast also rushed out of the other room.

Xufeng and the others also ran to the living room and kept asking what happened.

At this time, Duke Yang retracted again and hid in the room.

Bilbo blushed and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I accidentally dropped the pot on the ground."

The dwarves were extremely angry. After all, when they were sleeping sweetly, they were thrown into a pot of water, and no one could accept it.

However, since it is Bilbo, the dwarves have nothing to complain about.

After all, Bilbo is their savior, and the dwarves never forget their kindness.

Chapter 184

The dwarves just muttered a few words, cleaned up the water on their bodies, and went to sleep.

The two archmages, Gandalf and Rydagast, saw that it was just a small accident, and went back to rest.

Bilbo sighed and picked up the broken cauldron, a little bit weeping.

Xufeng walked to Bilbo, "Who told you to wash the pot and fetch water?"

Bilbo said quickly: "No, this is my own voluntary."

Xufeng said, "In fact, I know if you don't tell me, it must be Duke Yang, right."

Bilbo reluctantly said: "I used up Mr. Yang Gongzai's water, so I should naturally give another pot of water to Mr. Yang Gongzai."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Bilbo, you are such a good person. You don't need to worry about this. I'll talk to Gong Yang again."

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Diego, you can always give me the best help when I need it most. It's a pity..."

Bilbo looked down at the broken cauldron, "Tonight, I'm afraid I won't have supper anymore. I can only wait until dawn tomorrow morning to see if there are pot sellers in the town, or can make up for the pot. "

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, if there are none in the town, the hammer will fix it for you."

The hammer is a senior blacksmith anyway, repairing a pot is definitely a trivial matter.

Bilbo was completely relieved, "Okay, thank you!"

"Get some rest early." After Xufeng calmed Bilbo, he returned to the room with a calm face.

Gong Yang was at the corner of the wall again, obviously pretending to sleep.

Xufeng stretched his foot and kicked him in the leg, but Yang Gong never woke up again.

Xu Feng said coldly: "If you pretend to be asleep again, I will kick directly between your legs."

Gong Yang quickly stood up again, "Ah! Brother Xufeng! What happened just now? I was very sleepy after I came back, and I don't know when I fell asleep."

Xufeng frowned and asked, "You let Bilbo go to fetch water by yourself?"

Gong Yang chuckled and said: "I was thinking...no need to be in vain. Besides, the pot of water was originally made by me. It was he who used my water, so I let him fight. It makes sense to fetch water. And—"

Gong Yang looked around again and made sure that there were no other people around. He lowered his voice and said, "Moreover, no matter what Bilbo said, he is just an NPC character in the plot. He is not the same person as us, you, Brother Xufeng. There is no need to really take him seriously."

Xu Feng said coldly: "Yes, Bilbo is just a plot NPC. I won't argue with you on this point. It's not impossible if you want to use him. But, do you know it? We offer a reward this time. What is the goal of the mission?"

Gong Yang was startled again.

Xufeng said coldly: "If you can't remember, then I'll tell you again. Our reward mission this time is to protect Bilbo and Thorin and escort them to the Gushan Palace safely."

No matter how stupid Yang Gong was, he knew what mistake he had just made.

His mistake was not to use Bilbo to work for himself, but to let Bilbo leave the house alone at this late hour.

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