Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1110

Xu Feng displayed his crane-shaped body technique, combined with his gossip and dragon walking position. In less than a quarter of an hour, he climbed down the steep cliff and landed steadily on the dark fortress. Hidden corner.

Xuedi broke free from Xufeng’s back with a red face. Of course, her pretty face was hidden behind the Medusa mask, so the shy expression on her face was not exposed, but her legs were soft and her fingers were slightly weak. The trembling and many other details that were bewildered, all exposed her heart at this moment.

Xu Feng smiled inwardly and asked knowingly, "Xue Di, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Xuedi said quickly: "No."

Xufeng said, "Oh? That's very comfortable?"

Xuedi automatically filtered out Xufeng's improper words, "What should I do next?"

Xufeng looked at the sky in the distance. It was already around five o'clock in the morning. The sun hadn't come out yet, but the sky in the east had begun to pale.

The dark fortress is located under the cliff gap, so there is still no light, only the torch of the fortress itself.

However, in another hour, the sun will rise, and the orcs in the Dark Fortress will wake up.

At that time, it would be impossible to destroy the dark fortress anymore.

Therefore, we must hurry up.

Xufeng pointed to the two half-orc patrolmen who came in the distance and said, "I will kill the one on the left. You control the one on the right. You can't let them make a warning."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Okay, I understand."

The two immediately hung in an ambush in the corner.

The two orcs patrolmen, yawning, came over staggeringly.

When they passed the dark corner, Xu Feng appeared silently from behind them, and the enemy fencing in his hand instantly attacked, directly opening the throat of the orc patrolman on the right.

The half-orc patrolman didn't even have a chance to shout, and a warm black blood arrow spurted from his neck, and the whole person threw directly to the ground.

The orc patrol soldier next to him froze for a moment. Before he could understand what was going on, Xue Di suddenly appeared in front of him.

The corners of the Medusa mask's mouth rose slightly, and the effect that confuses the mind was triggered.

The orc patrol suddenly straightened his eyes, and his mind completely lost resistance.

Xu Feng asked in a deep voice in the language of a half-orc, "Where is the material warehouse?"

"Enter the cave, keep walking, at the third fork...turn right, and you are the material warehouse." The Orc Patrolman said with a dull expression.

Xufeng continued to ask, "Where is your kitchen?"

The Orc patrol replied: "After entering the cave, go straight to the left, and you will find the kitchen and dining room."

"Very good." Xu Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then winked at Emperor Xuedi.

Xuedi didn't hesitate, raising the knife in his hand and cutting off the orc patrolman's head directly.

The head of the orc patrol fell to the ground with a sweet smile on his lips.

The special effects of the Medusa mask are really powerful.

Xufeng quickly moved the corpses of the two orc patrolmen to a dark corner, and then took Xuedi to the cliff cave.

At the entrance of the cave, there were also two orc guards guarding them. At four or five o'clock in the morning, when they were most tired, the two guards were dozing off with their respective spears.

Xu Feng and Xuedi repeated their old tricks, killing a half-orc guard instantly, and then confuses the other half-orc guard with a Medusa mask.

After bewildered, Xu Feng asked the same question again, which was also to confirm whether the orc patrol had lied.

The answer of the Orc Guard is the same, which shows that the Medusa mask is indeed completely bewitching these Orcs.

After asking for the answer, Xue Di raised the knife and dropped the orc guard.

Xu Feng quickly disposed of their bodies.

There is not much time left for them. The guards here will change their shifts within an hour at most. At that time, no matter where Xufeng and the others are, the entire dark fortress will be alert.

Chapter 221 I Can't Wait

After eliminating the two orc guards, Xu Feng and Xuedi quickly entered the cave.

The layout of the Dark Fortress is very similar to the layout of the outpost outside Canyon Town, and can be regarded as an upgraded version of the Canyon Outpost.

The barracks and the headquarters are outside the cave, and the inside of the cave is used to store important supplies.

If it is really a frontal battle, this dark fortress can stand for at least three years and five years without any problems.

Unfortunately, this kind of fortress is most afraid of being destroyed internally.

There is only one road in and out of the fortress, and once a fire breaks out, the company camp will burn.

Xufeng first found the kitchen. There was no one to guard the kitchen. In the kitchen, Xufeng found several large pots of oil and wine. He mixed the oil and wine together and poured a little every time he passed through a room.

After finding the material warehouse, use the oil and wine in the material warehouse to pour the food and equipment stored in the warehouse with oil and wine.

"Is it on fire?" Xuedi asked quietly.

Xufeng shook his head, "Don't worry, you have to do it on the barracks side too, lest they put out the fire."

The last time I attacked the outpost with fire, it was because an ogre was fighting against a half-orc, and even the half-orc scout was too late to save the fire.

Moreover, most of the orc scouts were not burned to death, but abandoned the burned outpost and returned to the dark fortress, which also triggered the ambush in the Mengshui Marsh.

So this time, Xu Feng didn’t want to make the same mistake again. He wanted to destroy the Orcs as much as possible. Even if they couldn’t be completely burned to death, they had to burn them seven or eight, so they would not dare to attack Raven on a large scale Dale and the Chasing Dwarf Expedition team are out.

Xufeng removed the oil jars and wine jars from the material warehouse, and gently splashed the oil on the door of the Orc Barracks, and then poured the wine in the wine jars into the large water tank nearby. .

After all the big tanks were filled with wine, more than half an hour passed.

Xuedi asked: "When shall we start the fire?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I don't light the fire, let's leave here first."

The Emperor Xue said in astonishment: "If you don't fire, how can you destroy the dark fortress!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "The orcs in the Underfortress are about to get up soon. What do you say the first thing they do when they get up?"

Xuedi shrugged, "How do I know this?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "They also want to eat and drink. Their first thing is definitely to eat. Therefore, the orc chef in charge of eating will start to make fire half an hour before the orc soldiers wake up. rice."

Xuedi was taken aback, and then he understood, "No wonder you are looking for a kitchen, it turns out you meant this!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, let's leave this place quickly, or climb from the cliff, come on, take the initiative to climb onto me."

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