Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1111

Xuedi automatically filtered out Xufeng's unconscionable words, and said in a deep voice, "I will have no problem climbing up."

Xufeng said, "If you slip your hand, all our efforts will be wasted."

Xuedi hesitated, "Okay, but you must not tell anyone about this."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, you and I know this."

With that, Xu Feng squatted down.

Only then did Xuedi kneaded on Xufeng's back.

"Hold tight." Xu Feng grinned.

Xuedi bit his lip and hooked Xufeng's shoulder with his arm.

Xufeng took a deep breath, leaped forward, and jumped directly onto the cliff, climbing quickly with both hands and feet at the same time.

Although he was climbing up with the Snow Emperor on his back, Xu Feng's body skills were fully displayed, and there was no need to wait for the Snow Emperor to climb, which greatly improved the efficiency.

After twenty minutes, they climbed to the top of the cliff.

After landing, Xuedi jumped off Xufeng's back. She was afraid that if she continued like this, she would fall completely.

Xufeng took a short rest, drank a cup of Xingyue tea, and took Xuedi to the entrance passage of the Dark Fortress.

Xuedi asked: "What should we do now?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Wait."

Xuedi nodded helplessly.

At this time, the sky had gradually lighted up, and the half-orcs in the dark fortress were gradually waking up.

As Xu Feng had expected, it was the half-orc chef who came to work first.

There are thousands of orcs in the Underfortress, and it is necessary to prepare breakfast for thousands of people, but it is a huge job, so you must get up early.

Dozens of orc cooks entered the kitchen sleepily and started cooking.

When sparks lit the wood, the oil and wine on the ground were also ignited.

In the beginning, none of these orc cooks realized that, after all, Xu Feng led the oil and wine to the outside room.

After waiting for the fire in the outside room to burn completely, the orc chef realized that something was wrong.

"It's on fire! It's on fire! Put out the fire!"

The cooks didn't care about cooking, and started to put out the surrounding fire in a hurry.

Although these fires are not too big, they are relatively burnt with oil and wine, and they have been burning for a while, so they are very difficult to extinguish.

After the chefs hurriedly extinguished a fire in a room, the flames followed the traces of oil and wine left by Xufeng and burned to the material warehouse and began to spread to the barracks outside.

Only then did the orcs chefs realize the seriousness of the problem, they immediately yelled, waking up the other orcs to put out the fire.

The material warehouse was full of wine and oil. Once ignited, the fire engulfed the entire warehouse.


A tremor of shaking the mountain came from the depths of the cave, and the entire ground was shaking, and the cliffs were also shaking, almost collapsed!

Xuedi took a deep breath, "It seems to be starting to work!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Unfortunately, our two powers are not strong enough. Otherwise, we can cooperate with the explosion of the cave and directly cut down the entire cliff. In this way, the entire dark fortress can be destroyed in one move. Up."

Xuedi sighed and said, "You are already very strong."

Xu Feng said seriously: "No, it's not enough, not enough."

Xuedi glanced at Xufeng secretly. Although Xufeng's appearance had not changed, Xuedi felt that he was admiring this man more and more in his heart.

After the cave exploded, the orcs were completely messed up.

At this time, the open flame of the barracks was also burning, and the half-orcs shouted to put out the fire, and then lifted water from the nearest water tank to put out the fire.

The water had long been replaced by Xufeng for wine.

Using alcohol to fight a fire has the same effect as adding fuel to a fire, even more terrifying than adding fuel to a fire.

When the panicked orcs reacted, the fire was out of control.

At least one-third of the half-orcs were directly buried in this "inexplicable" fire, and another one-third were injured as a result, and the entire dark fortress was completely messed up.

Xu Feng sneered coldly, "Xue Di, we will guard the entrance and exit, we will kill one if we rush out, and kill a pair if we rush out two."

The Snow Emperor drew the sword of Borromir, "I can't wait."

Chapter 222 Massacre of the Dark Fortress

The fire in the orc barracks was getting bigger and bigger, and the entire fortress became unsaved in the blink of an eye.

The commander of the Orc Troop was very embarrassed and gave the order to retreat from this fortress with little hope.

In any case, the fortress can no longer be kept, but the strength of the Orcs must be kept.

The orcs who received the order to retreat immediately rushed to the exit, but the exit was very narrow and could only accommodate three orcs side by side at most.

The half-orcs scrambled, in order to escape to heaven earlier, you vie for me among them, pushing and trampling.

A few guys with strong bodies and fast running rushed out of the half-beast crowd first, and embarked on the exit path with excitement.

Behind them, followed by a dense army of orcs, the whole path was full of people.

When they finally ran to the exit of the path, they saw a human woman wearing a silver helmet and silver armor with a silver Medusa mask on her face, holding a peculiarly shaped long sword and blocking them in front of them. .

The few orc soldiers in front were taken aback, and then rushed over with a strange cry.

Xuedi snorted coldly, the sword of Boromir in his hand danced with dazzling silver light, strong power blessed on the sword light, and instantly blocked the front few orc soldiers.

After all, Xuedi's offensive power is not too strong, her real advantage is defense.

And her purpose of standing alone at the exit of the path was not just to kill the half-orcs who rushed to the front. Her purpose was very simple, that is, one word: blocking.

She wanted to block these orcs who were scared by the fire. As long as no one can run out from here, the orcs behind will become more crowded and impatient.

At that time, she doesn't need to kill the Orcs, the Orcs will start killing themselves.

The half-orcs who rushed to the front were blocked by Xue Di's sword for five or six meters, and the half-orcs behind them fell to the ground like a wave.

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