Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1112

Before the fallen orc could get up, he was trampled on by the orc rushing up behind him.

The whole scene suddenly became more chaotic.

The half-orcs in the lead showed their weapons and rushed towards Emperor Xue, who was not anxious, and steadily confronted with the sword of Boromir in his hand.

The special effects of the Sword of Boromir are constantly triggered during the battle, and Xuedi's defense value is also continuously improved. As long as her physical stamina allows, her battle will not end, and her armor value will continue to accumulate!

As her armor continued to accumulate, the armors of the half-orcs on the opposite side were also weakened to 0 points by the sword of Borromir.

Without the armor value, these fierce orc warriors became vulnerable.

Before the Snow Emperor could use the sword of Borromir to solve them, the eager orc soldiers behind pushed the half-orcs with 0 armor to the ground and trampled them to death.

The orc soldiers charged towards Emperor Xue in batches, and Emperor Xue became more and more calm and calm.

She stayed at the exit alone, and she had the aura of being a guard alone, and tens of thousands of people could do nothing.

The Snow Emperor kept guarding for ten minutes and fought against hundreds of Orc soldiers until his physical strength dropped so severely that he finally slowly retreated a few steps.

The orcs soldiers were overjoyed. They finally saw the hope of survival. They desperately squeezed out, and in the process, naturally some of the orcs soldiers were trampled to death.

When Xuedi retreated, Xufeng flashed out from behind her.

Xu Feng didn't wait, but directly confronted the Orc soldiers as soon as he appeared.

The orc soldiers didn't care at all. They felt that if a human being in a small amount of battle against them, wouldn't it be seeking death?

Still really looking for death.

However, it is not that Xu Feng is looking for death, but they are looking for death.

On such a narrow and difficult to stand on the road, Xu Feng's crane-shaped body can completely reach the extreme state!

The enemy fencing in his hand has special effects that trigger 100 strength, crit monsters and restore physical energy!

After Xu Feng cut into the battlefield, the number of Orc soldiers dropped sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In less than ten minutes, the whole trail was full of corpses, and black blood was splattered everywhere!

Orc soldiers suffered heavy casualties. More than half of the orc soldiers died, and most of the remaining soldiers were injured. The number of people who can continue to fight is less than 100!

After Xufeng killed all the orcs on the path, he didn't rush into the dark fortress. After all, it was still in a state of flames, and it was not as good as the path in which he could give better play to his physical advantage.

The remaining half of the orcs didn't dare to hit the exit of the path anymore, but the fire behind them got bigger and bigger, and they had to find a way to leave.

However, Xufeng stood at the exit, like a god of death, they didn't dare to step forward.

Xu Feng also saw through their thoughts, if he continues to stand here, it will only be a delay.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, put away the enemy fencing sword and Triton sword in his hand, turned and left the path exit.

The half-orcs were suddenly surprised. A few brave ones rushed towards the exit, and the other half-orcs rushed towards the exit as if they were waking up from a dream.

But when they had just rushed to the exit, Xuedi, who had recovered his energy after drinking Xingyue Tea, stood at the exit again.

The orc soldiers suddenly screamed, and secretly scolded the "dog men and women" thousands of times in their hearts.

But no more scolding.

The Snow Emperor guarded the exit, and no half-orcs wanted to pass here.

When the half-orcs were all squeezing on the small road and preparing to make an impact, Xue Di retreated, and Xu Feng immediately rushed towards the half-orcs soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scene of howls and corpses all over the field.

All the orcs are desperate.

This can no longer be called a battle, but a massacre.

No, to be precise, torture.

Xufeng and Xuedi were merciless. Those half-orc soldiers were either killed by them, trampled to death by their own people, trampled to death by their own people, or burned to death by the fire behind them.

This almost no suspense battle lasted three full hours.

After the last half-orc soldier fell, Xufeng and Xuedi put away their weapons and left the dark fortress where the fire could not be controlled.

The Emperor Xue asked with concern: "Xu Feng, shall we let this fire continue to burn? Will the entire dark dense forest be burned?"

Xufeng shrugged helplessly, "Well, I really didn't think about it, but since Gandalf and King Elrond are there anyway, after we go back, let them use magic to extinguish the fire."

Xuedi nodded and said, "That's the only thing we can do. I didn't expect that the two of us would ruin a military fortress with thousands of people. I'm afraid that no one would believe this thing.

Xufeng looked back and smiled: "Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered that there was another bet between us."

Chapter 223

Xuedi tightly said, "What, what gambling?"

Xu Feng frowned, "Xue Di, in my impression, you are not the kind of person who speaks nothing."

Xuedi bit his lip and said, "Of course I am not."

Xufeng smiled, "Didn't you say before, if I could destroy the dark fortress, would you give me a kiss? Why? Want to regret it?"

Xuedi eagerly said: "I, I am not going back, but... I really didn't expect that you could do it!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't talk about those useless, come and come, honor your bet."

Xuedi eagerly said: "No! Xufeng! This kind of thing... is just a joke! Otherwise, besides this thing, you just say one more thing, no matter what, I can promise you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I just want this, nothing else."

"You!" Xuedi stomped annoyedly, "How can you be so shameless!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I saw that words are not counted, it is shameless, Xuedi, I would like to bet."

Xuedi turned around and resolutely said: "I don't!"

She was not actually rejecting Xu Feng, but... she had never done anything like this before!Moreover, she has always been indifferent in front of men, and now let her take the initiative to do this kind of thing, it would be better to let her head to death.

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, and said disappointedly: "Well, it seems that I am in your mind and it is not important at all."

Xuedi quickly said: "No! Xufeng, you...you...don't force me!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I didn't force you. If you don't want to kiss me, then don't kiss. I won't tell you anything that doesn't make sense anymore. You are still Captain Xuedi, and I am just your team member. That's it."

Xuedi's heart suddenly hurt.

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