Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1116

But humans are cruel creatures, so don't advertise any kindness.

When you eat eggs, have you ever thought about how the old hen feels?

When you eat steamed buns, you may have thought about the feeling of wheat being crushed thousands of times?

At the top of the food chain, you have to be cruel to other species.

Otherwise, you will be driven from the top of the food chain by other species.

Those Virgins who feel that everything is equal in the world, they disappear after a few meals.

As a survivor, Xu Feng saw all this thoroughly.

After returning the crystal cage containing the wolf cubs to his inventory, he returned to Rivendell with the Snow Emperor.

At this time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Rivendell has long been a lively scene.

But in King Elrond's Silvermoon Palace, the atmosphere was very solemn.

Chapter 226

In Rivendell, the first person to discover that Xufeng and Xuedi were missing was not Hammer, nor were they from Bilbo and the Dwarf Expedition, but the Princess of Evening Star Yawen.

Early this morning, Evening Star Princess Yawen hurriedly knocked on the door of "Diedi". She wanted to take her benefactor to visit Rivendell.

Although this city is not as prosperous as the capital of humans, the scenery everywhere is still very good.

To be honest, Yawen admires talents like Xufeng in her heart, and she also wants to have more contact with Xufeng and become good friends.

Of course, she didn't think further, after all, they are not even friends now, and only after they understand each other can they have a deeper relationship.

However, Princess Yawen knocked on the door several times, but there was no response inside.

Princess Yawen pushed gently, and the door opened.

Although it was a bit impolite to break in like this, Princess Yawen couldn't help being curious and walked in while saying hello.

Naturally there was no one in the room. When Princess Yawen pushed the door and entered, Xufeng and Xuedi were fighting energetically at the exit of the Dark Fortress.

Princess Yawen thought that "Diedi" had gotten up early and went for a walk, so she asked the elf guards in the Silver Moon Palace.

But the guards said that they had never seen "Diedi".

Princess Avin suddenly felt very strange.

When King Elrond passed on for breakfast, everyone discovered that not only "Diedi" was gone, but also Xuedi was gone.

Bilbo asked curiously: "Where did the two of them go?"

Gong Yang shrugged again, "Probably eloped, right?"

The Hammer frowned and said, "You say it again!? Why did my brother elope with that woman? Humph! If my brother eloped, he would also elope with me."

Gong Yang hurriedly changed his words and said, "Yes, big sister! They didn't elope, they didn't elope."

"Where did they go?" Bilbo scratched his head.

The dwarf expedition team were also frowning and worried.

Along the way, Xufeng has become the person they rely on the most, especially now that time is so tight, and the enemies on the road are staring at him, if Xufeng disappears, then they have lost their backbone.

Gandalf smoked Shire tobacco barkly and said nothing.

He believed that Xu Feng would never leave for no reason. Besides, the other members of Xuedi Team were here, and the members of Xuedi Team didn't panic, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

King Elrond said lightly: "Guests, please eat first. After breakfast, we have other things to discuss."

Thorin said coldly, "We have nothing to discuss with you."

King Elrond said faintly: "Then we have to have breakfast before we talk about it."

Thorin was not talking.

Because of the limited time, he was very anxious to leave Rivendell and go to Gushan. He originally wanted to lead the team to leave early this morning, but "Diedi" and Xuedi suddenly disappeared, which caught him by surprise.

Can't you leave without waiting for "Diedi"?

However, time really waits for no one.

Thorin looked at the vegetables on the plate, frowned and stood up, "I'm sorry, I'm not hungry."

With that said, he strode out of the Silver Moon Hall.

The other dwarves also followed suit.

Gandalf frowned and stood up, trying to chase Thorin, but King Elrond stopped Gandalf, "Gandalf, leave Thorin and them alone, I will take you to meet someone."

Gandalf asked in surprise: "Who?"

King Elrond stood up and said, "Follow me and you will know."

Gandalf nodded helplessly, and followed King Elrond.

Princess Yawen said to Hammer and the others in embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, but the hospitality was not complete, please forgive me."

The Hammer said indifferently: "It's nothing, you should just go busy."

Princess Arvin owed her body and hurriedly went out.

Gong Yang happily said: "Haha, great, these silver moon dishes are ours. If we can't eat them, we can pretend to eat on the road, or even sell them to others at a high price."

Having said that, Duke Yang filled up all the other green vegetables.

The hammer frowned and said, "Where did this fellow Xufeng go? I communicated with him, but he ignored me, hum, I am really mad at me! Wait for him to come back and see how I clean him!"

Uncle Lin Hai quickly laughed and said, "Xufeng never does things that are thoughtless. I think he has something important to do this time."

The Hammer pursed his lips and said, "It's just because of this that makes people angry! He actually took the Snow Emperor, but didn't take me!"

Uncle Lin Hai turned off the subject and said: "The problem we are facing now is that Xufeng and Xuedi have not returned yet, and Thorin obviously intends to leave. Gandalf has followed King Elrond again, so we should next How to do?"

Gong Yang shrugged again, "What else? Stay and wait for Xuedi and Xufeng. One of them is the eldest sister and the other is the eldest brother. Without them, just let us have a hairy?"

Lin Hai frowned and said, "Duke Yang, what you said seems to be very reasonable, but in fact it is wrong. Although our strength is poor, we are also a member of the Xuedi team. We should be Xuedi. The team contributes. Now, Xufeng and Xuedi have not returned, and the reward task of our Xuedi team is to protect Bilbo and Thorin, so if Thorin and Bilbo leave, we should follow them. Yes, in this way, we can protect them."

Gong Yang asked again: "Wasn't that leaving both Xuedi and Xufeng behind?"

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