Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1117

Uncle Lin Hai said sternly: "It's not to leave it behind, but we have to take on the responsibilities that we should have taken when they are away."

Gong Yang shrugged again, "Go, you go, I still think it's better to stay here and wait for them."

The hammer frowned and said: "I think Uncle Lin Hai is right. At this time, you should each take up your own duties! Again, if you don't go with us to protect Sol and Bilbo, then I will let him You have a taste."

As he said, the hammer revealed the black iron forging hammer.

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "I agree with Uncle Lin Hai! If Solin and the others leave, then we will keep up with protection! I believe that Brother Xufeng and Sister Xuedi will definitely hope that we will do this."

Uncle Lin Hai smiled helplessly: "You still have a solution, Sister Hammer."

Tie Hammer sighed and said quietly, "I hope that Xufeng and Xuedi will come back quickly. If they don't come back, I'm afraid something will happen here."

She tried to contact Xufeng with her mind, but Xufeng's mind had been locked into a state without any interference, and she could only give up.

In fact, when she contacted Xufeng with her mind, Xufeng and Xuedi were slaughtering the orc soldiers in the Underfortress.

Chapter 227: This Is Your Choice

After Thorin walked out of the Silvermoon Hall, he returned to the dwarf's temporary residence.

Bahrain and others also followed Thorin back to their residence.

Bilbo had no better place for a while, so he could only follow them.

Thorin looked around his dwarf brother, and said in a deep voice: "We are now facing an important decision, whether to stay and wait, or act in advance."

Dwarves look at me, I look at you, no one commented for a while.

Bilbo cleared his throat and said in a low voice: "I think we should stay and wait. It is safe to have Diedi, not to mention that Gandalf has been called away by King Elrond now, and I don’t know if it is. What's the situation, so we'd better stay and wait."

The other dwarves nodded.

They rarely have their own ideas, and generally when others put forward their opinions, they will nod their heads in agreement.

Thorin smiled coldly, "Isn’t King Elrond looking for Gandalf to prevent us from going to the Lonely Mountain? I’ve seen this a long time ago. King Elrond doesn’t want us to go back to the Lone Mountain, and doesn’t want us dwarves to re- Restoration, because this will threaten his Rivendell!"

Bilbo blinked in amazement, "Can't...King Elrond is a very kind elven king."

Thorin sneered, "That's only on the surface."

Bilbo asked: "Then you mean... we leave here now?"

Thorin said coldly: "Yes, I think that King Elrond called Gandalf away. He should have persuaded Gandalf to leave our business alone. The relationship between Gandalf and King Elrond is so good that he will probably be killed by King Elrond. Persuaded, King Elrond will imprison our expedition team in Rivendell, so that we can't move forward half a step, we can only watch the key underneath the opportunity to miss!"

Ouli blinked and said, "He is going to imprison us here? But, there is no guard here?"

Thorin said coldly: "There is a kind of imprisonment, which is not guarded by guards. On the surface, it is an enthusiastic retention, but in fact it is imprisonment."

The fat Pangbo asked gruffly: "Then, don't we, don't we want to get rid of vegetables every day?"

Thorin said coldly: "I'm afraid it is like this."

The dwarves roared angrily, stomping their feet and smashing the table one after another.

They are very resistant to eating vegetables. In their opinion, only cattle and sheep will eat vegetables.

In fact, Rivendell’s greens are not ordinary greens, but magic foods designed to restore physical strength and energy.

Many people want to eat this kind of silver moon green vegetables, but the dwarves actually think that giving them green vegetables is torturing them.

Bahrain stood up and said, "Sorin, we should leave here as soon as possible."


"We should leave here immediately, immediately!"

The opinions of the dwarves are surprisingly unified.

Bilbo quickly said, "What about Lord Nadiedi? What about his Snow Emperor team? What about Gandalf?"

Thorin said in a deep voice: "We didn't abandon them, but the stupid birds flew first, lest King Elrond be trapped in Rivendell. We carry a lot of luggage, and we move slowly, and the Snow Emperor team and Gandalf can both. Pack light, if they want to chase us, they can catch me soon."

Bilbo still felt that something was wrong, "But, what if we encounter an enemy on the road?"

This sentence completely angered Thorin. Thorin put his face in front of Bilbo and said in a cold voice: "Do you think that our Dwarf Expedition team are all useless and useless fools?"

Bilbo was terrified by Thorin's anger, and subconsciously took a step back, "No, Thorin, I didn't mean that..."

Thorin continued to approach, his expression still fierce: "If there is no Gandalf, Didi, and Snow Emperor team, our dwarf expedition team will still go to Lonely Mountain! We will use our blood to prove the value of our existence! Not only us Our enemies can’t stop us, even those of you who are called friends, don’t even want to stop us!"

With that, Thorin grabbed Bilbo with his big hand.

His backlog of anger over the past period of time all exploded at this moment.

The other dwarves were very nervous. After all, Bilbo had rescued them from the ogres. They didn't want to cut Thorin and accidentally hurt Bilbo when his emotions were out of control.

But then, an astonishing scene appeared.

Thorin's big hand grabbed Bilbo's shoulder, and Bilbo's feet suddenly turned strangely, avoiding Thorin's grab in a nearly impossible way.

You know, Thorin is extremely fast and powerful when he is angry. Even a quick-witted person like Kilifieri may not be able to avoid it.

But Bilbo avoided.

Although a little embarrassed, but really avoided.

The half of the crane figure that Xufeng taught him is really useful!

Thorin was startled, his emotions calmed down immediately, "...Bilbo, you can choose to stay and wait, anyway, I never counted on you."

Bilbo opened his mouth and said sadly: "Sorin, I am not greedy of life and fear of death. I just think it would be too reckless without waiting for Diego, but since you have decided to take the expedition away, then... …I’ll go with you."

Thorin said coldly: "This is your choice."

Bilbo nodded.

He already regards the expedition as his own team, so no matter what Thorin decides, he will be consistent with the other players.

Thorin said coldly: "Give you ten minutes to pack everything you can take. We will leave in ten minutes."

"Yes!" the dwarves responded in unison.

at the same time.

On the path through the Silver Moon Altar, King Elrond was talking to Gandalf about the Dwarven Expedition.

"Gandalf, you made a mistake." King Elrond pointed out bluntly.

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