Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1118

He has always been a gentleman, rarely speaking such harsh words in person.

Gandalf frowned slightly, "Eldron, I don’t know what the mistake you are referring to? Shouldn’t I bring the dwarf to your Rivendell? If so, I’m really sorry. Although his is noisy, the dwarves are just like that. They are all noble people—"

King Elrond shook his head, "Of course I know the nature of dwarves. They are guests of Rivendell. I will not be dissatisfied with their behavior. The mistake I said was not because you brought the dwarves to Rivendell. , But, you shouldn’t encourage Thorin to recover Gushan at all."

Gandalf frowned and said, "Encourage? No, I'm just assisting."

King Elrond said in a deep voice: "Gandalf, if Thorin wanted to recover the lonely mountain without you, he would only dare to think about it in his dream. It is because of you that contributed to their action, and this action is likely to be Brings an immeasurable disaster."

Chapter 228 Her Majesty the Queen

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "Eldron, what is the immeasurable disaster you are talking about?"

King Elrond said in a cold voice: "The Gushan Palace was occupied by Smaug. Smaug has been raging in Middle-earth for three thousand years. No one, or any army, can kill it, and in the last sixty years , But he was silent in the treasures of the Lonely Mountain, and the entire Middle-earth world also ushered in a short-term peace-Gandalf, this peace is hard-won, why do you want to break it?"

Gandalf sighed, "Eldron, you and I know that Smaug didn't die by himself. The past sixty years have been peaceful. What's next? Someone will pay the price for Smaug's awakening, not now, or In the future. The war between us and Smaug will not stop. On the contrary, when he just wakes up, our chances are even greater, because when he just wakes up, neither his physical strength nor mana has recovered to the apex-the apex. Smaug in his state cannot be killed even if the Holy White Council joins forces."

King Elrond frowned and said, "Okay, even if you are right, why is Thorin? Thorin Oakshield inherited all the advantages and disadvantages of the Oakshield family, and his grandfather Thor went crazy paranoidly. , And he already has such a sign now. Your idea of ​​helping Thorin regain the Lonely Mountain is good, but have you ever thought that if he is also crazy like his grandfather, the Lonely Mountain Dwarf is against the China-Earth Alliance The tearing of nations is probably no less than the destruction of Smaug!"

Gandalf sighed, and just about to continue talking, they had already walked to the Silver Moon Altar.

At the end of the silver moon altar, stood a slender elf woman.

The elf woman was dressed in a light blue robe and full of platinum hair. Although she was only carrying her back, her shocking temperament shocked Gandalf and even forgot to speak Something to say.

The noble female elf of the Elrond dynasty leaned slightly.

The noble female elf sensed the arrival of King Elrond and Gandalf, and then slowly turned around.

A corona-like halo bloomed all over her body, and her blue eyes were like stars shining in the sky.

She looked over King Elrond, looked directly at Gandalf, and smiled at Gandalf.

It is inaccurate to describe it as "all the country and the city".

The appearance and temperament of this female elf can even eclipse the moon.

Princess Arvin of Rivendell is already a top beautiful female elf, but in front of this noble and elegant female elf, it is like a flower that hasn't bloomed yet.

But this noble female elf is a flower blooming in the summer night.

Gandalf’s expression became extremely complicated, with surprises and worries, but in the end all emotions turned into polite bows.

You know, Gandalf is a secondary god of Maya, a secondary god created by the main gods to create a new order in the Middle-earth world. It stands to reason that Gandalf's status is much higher than that of the elves.

Of course, the status of elves is also very high. After all, elves are Middle-earth residents created by the Supreme Lord himself.

But in any case, as a manager, Gandalf's status is still higher than that of the elves, and even so, after seeing this noble female elves, Gandalf bowed his head respectfully and greeted: "Queen Galadriel ..."

The noble female elf smiled at Gandalf: "Misrandi."

This is the honorific name given to Gandalf by the elves, which means the one who holds the stick, or stick for short.

Gandalf said in astonishment: "Queen Galadriel, why are you here?"

Galadriel and her husband Celeborn are the rulers of the "Golden Forest" Rothlorien. The elves of the Golden Forest are the purest elves, and they also maintain the custom of the queen as the ruler.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Galadriel is the queen of all elves.

In addition, she is also the mother-in-law of King Rivendell Elrond, and her only daughter Celebrity is married to King Elrond.

In front of Galadriel, King Elrond looked more regular and respectful than anyone else.

Galadriel said lightly: "I received an invitation from King Elrond. He told me that it is necessary to come here in person."

As he said, Galadriel looked at King Elrond. "My son-in-law is always very polite and polite. He suddenly said that he wants me to come here in person. That must be a very important thing. So I came. I didn't expect to see you here again, Misrandi."

Gandalf said: "I didn't expect to see you here, my dear Queen."

When the two were chatting, a white holy light crossed the sky, and the holy light fell on the silver moon altar. After about three seconds, the dazzling halo of the holy light gradually faded. The old man with white robes and white hair and beard walked down from the altar with a majestic expression.

"Saruman!" Gandalf exclaimed.

The person here is the speaker of the Holy White Council, the guardian of the entire Middle-earth, Saruman!

King Elrond actually invited the two extremely heavyweights, Queen Galadriel and Saruman, here!

Gandalf was faintly disturbed.

Fortunately, Queen Galadriel said that after all, they have a good relationship and they are very wise. Queen Galadriel will definitely understand what he is doing.

But Saruman...

Gandalf sighed quietly in his heart.

Saruman is a very smart person, but Saruman will not like Gandalf’s self-assertive behavior. Even if the behavior itself is correct, Saruman will find all kinds of excuses to make him incorrect. .

Saruman relied on this method to make the mages of the Holy White Council dare not oppose Saruman.

Gandalf helped Thorin and them this time without telling Saruman, because he knew that once he made such a proposal to the White Council, Saruman's temper would inevitably refuse.

"Your Majesty Queen Galadriel?" Saruman was also surprised when he saw the people present.

You know, it's not easy to please Galadriel, and now there is not only Galadriel, but also him, as well as Gandalf and King Elrond.

These four people can be regarded as the most distinguished guardians of Middle-earth at present.

Galadriel just nodded slightly to Saruman, and was not as relaxed and intimate as he treated Gandalf.

Saruman frowned and asked, "King Elrond, why did you call us here? What happened?"

King Elrond raised his hand, "Everyone, please sit down first."

After Saruman glanced at Gandalf, he sat down at the round table. Gandalf and King Elrond also sat down, but Queen Galadriel was still standing there.

Chapter 229 Are You Going To Make A Decision For Me?

No one dares to force Queen Galadriel.

When she wanted to sit down, no one dared not let her sit down, and when she didn't want to sit down, no one dared to force her to sit down.

What's more, she is two meters tall, which is higher than that of an adult elf man, plus her body is very long, sitting in an ordinary seat, it is indeed a little uncomfortable.

The Elrond dynasty leaned to apologize, and then sat down at the round table with Gandalf and Saruman.

Saruman frowned and said, "Who can tell me what happened?"

His voice was low and there was an innate sense of majesty in his tone. His whole body was white, except for the two thick eyebrows, which were very iconic.

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