Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1119

Now, those two thick eyebrows were twisted together, full of anger.

King Elrond said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty Queen Galadriel, and respectable Archmage Saruman, I am calling you two urgently today for the purpose of the Lonely Mountain Expedition. I think we should have a good discussion about Thorin’s question."

Saruman said in a deep voice: "Gushan Expeditionary Team? Why have I never heard of it?"

King Elrond was taken aback, "What? Isn't this the meaning of the White Council?"

Saruman's gaze pierced Gandalf like a knife, and Gandalf lowered his eyelids, which made him very uncomfortable.

He and Saruman are obviously the archmages of the Holy White Council, but each time Saruman uses Gandalf's small mistakes to suppress him and take the opportunity to strengthen his authority.

Gandalf hated this, but he was helpless. After all, he had indeed concealed this matter first.

Queen Galadriel didn't say a word, as if she was outside the whole thing.

Gandalf cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "This is how it is, Smaug has been entrenched in the Lonely Mountain for a long time, and Thorin feels that it is time to take back their Lonely Mountain Palace."

"So you helped them form a dwarf expedition team?" Saruman shouted in a deep voice, "This is a nonsense! How could it be possible to fight Smaug with a few dwarves? They would only wake Smaug and then make the entire Middle Earth The world is in danger again!"

King Elrond nodded slightly, he agreed with Saruman's point of view.

Gandalf said helplessly: "However, Smaug will wake up eventually. Even if it weren't for Thorin and the others, Smaug will wake up. At that time, Middle-earth will still be in danger. The key is not who awakened it, but it. In itself, it is the danger of Middle-earth."

Saruman said coldly: "Let's not talk about that. I ask you, has your action been authorized by the White Council?"

When he couldn't make sense, Saruman began to suppress Gandalf with the rules he made.

Gandalf said with a guilty conscience: "No, but...I'm just a support this time, not an organizer. Even if I don't help Thorin, Thorin will form an expedition team to recover their lonely mountain. Instead of watching them go into danger. , It is better to help them."

"What can you help them?" Saruman asked sarcastically: "Can you beat Smaug? Even our Saint White Council may not be able to kill it!"

Gandalf quickly said: "Of course I can't, but I met a mercenary named Didi. I believe that with him and his Xuedi mercenary team, plus our assistance, there must be a chance to defeat. Smaug's."

Saruman sneered, "Mercenaries? How many mercenaries can kill Smaug? If they can do it, doesn't it mean that the mages of the Holy White Council are all rubbish? Even Galantui Are Queen Er, King Elrond, and King Thranduil all rubbish?"

King Elrond's face changed slightly.

Queen Galadriel's face remained unchanged, as if she hadn't heard Saruman's words.

Saruman continued to chatter about Gandalf. This was an opportunity he seized with great difficulty. Of course, he couldn't let it go so easily, especially in front of the two outsiders, Queen Galadriel and King Elrond. Gandalf, Saruman is even more vigorous.

While Saruman scolded Gandalf, Gandalf heard a soft voice coming from his mind.

"Why is this? Misrandi?"

Misrandi is Queen Galadriel's nickname for him, so this thought is naturally what Queen Galadriel said to him with her mind.

Gandalf secretly glanced at Queen Galadriel, who was also looking back at him with a soft look.

Gandalf responded with thoughts: "Galadriel, believe me, all of this is necessary. Diedi is very strong, and with him, killing Smaug and recovering Lone Mountain is not an empty talk."

Galadriel asked thoughtfully: "I believe you, but I still don't understand why I have to help Thorin? Everyone knows that the Oak Shield family has crazy genetic inheritance, and you have worked hard for him. I recaptured Gushan, but what if he turns his face behind him and doesn't recognize anyone?"

Gandalf replied with thoughts: "I know that Thorin has many shortcomings. Even if he has not regained the solitary mountain, I can't bear his stubbornness. However, I think about the longer-term-the army of half-orcs. Ready to move, the Dark Lord Sauron will come back at any time, and at that time, if Lonely Mountain is not in the hands of our Middle-earth Alliance, then the Kingdom of Rohan, Rivendell, the Dark Forest, and even the southern Gondor , Will become the target of the enemy's attack!"

"...I understand." Queen Galadriel responded indifferently.

Saruman was still chattering about Gandalf, and even King Elrond felt that he couldn't listen.

King Elrond cleared his throat, "Master Saruman, let's go back to the problem itself. I summoned a few people to vote on the Dwarf Expedition. I suggest to stop the Dwarf Expedition from moving forward. If you agree, please raise your hands."

Saruman nodded and said: "It is a very correct decision to prevent the Dwarf Expedition from awakening Smaug. This decision can save at least tens of thousands of people from being killed by Smaug, so I agree with this decision."

As he spoke, Saruman raised a hand.

"...Your Majesty the Queen?" King Elrond looked at his incomparable mother-in-law.

Galadriel said lightly: "I support Misrandi."

Both Saruman and King Elrond were taken aback.

In their view, Gandalf made an obvious mistake, and their meeting was to correct Gandalf's mistake.

But Galadriel actually supported Gandalf?


King Elrond quickly said: "Your Majesty, we may not have made it clear before. Gandalf and the Dwarf Expedition will wake up the sleeping Smaug and bring huge disasters to the surrounding towns, and even if they can kill Smaug-although The odds are very slim, but even if they can kill Smaug and let Thorin recover the Lonely Mountain, it is not a well-known choice."

Queen Galadriel looked down at her son-in-law and said coldly: "Are you going to make the decision for me?"

Chapter 230: They Are Not Qualified

King Elrond suddenly sweated, "No...Of course not, Your Majesty the Queen."

Galadriel is not only the mother-in-law of King Elrond, but also a queen recognized by the elves. King Elrond can become the elf king of Rivendell as a half-elf, thanks to the support of Queen Galadriel.

Of course he did not dare to make any trouble in front of Queen Galadriel.

Saruman wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

He can scold Gandalf with his identity as the chairman of the Holy White Council, but he can't scold Queen Galadriel with this identity.

At this moment, the meeting fell into an embarrassing situation.

The number of participants was four. These four people are all important figures in Middle-earth. It can be said that these four people can control the future development direction of Middle-earth.

However, the minds of these four people are all divided.

Saruman and King Elrond wanted to stop the Dwarf Expedition, but Gandalf wanted to help the Dwarf Expedition. Although Queen Galadriel did not explicitly say to help the Dwarf Expedition, she chose to trust Gandalf.


Don't watch Saruman chattering about Gandalf for several minutes, but in the end, the two ended up in a tie.

This irritated Saruman's heart.

A person whom he dared not dared to talk back to would be supported by Queen Galadriel!

Saruman's eyes looked at Gandalf full of jealousy.

At this time, an elven guard hurried over. After seeing Queen Galadriel, he immediately bowed respectfully and bowed before turning to King Elrond: "Report to your Majesty that the dwarves have gone from The east gate of Rivendell has left."

"What?" Saruman frowned and said, "King Elrond, why didn't you stop them?"

King Elrond said lightly: "They are my guests, I have no right to do this. Besides, our voting result is also 2:2. With this result, I can't stop them."

"You..." Saruman frowned suddenly.

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