Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1120

He felt that King Elrond should be stronger.

King Elrond asked: "Where are the members of Xuedi Team?"

The elf guard said, "Master Diego and Ms. Xuedi have not returned, but the other three players have followed the expedition team."

"Hmm." King Elrond thought this matter was a bit tricky.

Saruman complained coldly: "Now it's all right. The Dwarf Expedition is going to the Lonely Mountain. If they awaken Smaug by their own will, then the peace situation in the entire Middle-earth world will be broken."

"Peace?" Gandalf said in a deep voice, "Over the past thousand years, the power of half-orcs has expanded dramatically. When we were still in the human kingdom, we were attacked by half-orcs many times, and we went to the Mengshui swamp. More than five hundred orc scouts ambushed us, and they almost succeeded. Where is our peace? Where is peace? The so-called tranquility and peace are all false, and our enemies are brewing even greater The battle plan, and the breathing time left for us. We cannot treat this as peace, we cannot paralyze ourselves like this."

As soon as Saruman was about to speak, another elven guard hurried over.

"Your Majesty! Something happened!"

"What's the matter?" King Elrond asked with a frown.

"A certain cliff in the gloomy dense forest is blazing into the sky. It seems that something has happened. The cliff is at least half an hour away from us, but outside Rivendell, you can clearly see the flames and thick smoke. The rising situation."

"A fire on the cliff?" King Elrond was puzzled.

Before they could figure out what was going on, the third elf guard hurried over, "Report to Your Majesty, Lord Diego and Ms. Xuedi are back."

Gandalf was overjoyed, "Quick! Ask them to come here!"

Saruman frowned slightly, "It's just two human mercenaries, how can we participate in the meeting between our guardians? They are not qualified."

King Elrond quickly said: "That Lord Didi is indeed very strong. He once led the Dwarf Expedition to rescue the besieged little girl Yawen, and also used the tactics of ambushes to solve the five hundred and half orc scouts. ."

Saruman pursed his lips and no longer objected.

After all, this is Rivendell, the territory of King Elrond. Even if he objected, it would be meaningless.

However, it is not difficult to see from his facial expressions that he is really disdainful.

After the three elf guards retreated, Xufeng and Xuedi hurriedly walked onto the Silver Moon Altar.

From the outside, both of them are very embarrassed.

Their bodies were covered with traces of dried black blood, and their hands and faces were also stained with black ash.

Of course, Xuedi wears a mask and gloves, so it doesn't matter. However, although Xuedi can walk by himself, his legs and feet are still weak.

Gandalf stood up and said, "Diedi, you finally...wait, what's wrong with you?"

Xufeng sat down at the round table with a grin, and said to King Elrond: "I'm dying of thirst, get us some water first."

Saruman frowned suddenly.

This dirty human mercenary can't even kneel down?

The people sitting here are all the faces and faces in Middle-earth!

King Elrond said helplessly: "Wait a minute, I will find someone to bring water."

As soon as he finished speaking, she saw Princess Yawen walking over with a silver kettle and a silver cup, "Master Diedi, I'm here to bring you water."

She had been waiting outside the Silver Moon Altar early. Although she was the princess of Rivendell, she was still not eligible to participate in meetings of this level.

In fact, she didn't want to participate. In contrast, she was actually more curious about what "Diedi" and "Snowdy" did.

King Elrond looked at Yawen helplessly, "Have you seen Her Majesty the Queen?"

Yawen put the kettle and water cup in front of Xufeng, then turned around and bowed to Queen Galadriel Yingying, "Yawen sends greetings to the Queen's grandmother."

An intimate smile suddenly appeared on Queen Galadriel's face, and she waved to Yawen, "Come on, my little evening star, come to grandmother."

Avin hopped to Queen Galadriel's side and hugged Queen Galadriel's arm happily.

Queen Galadriel smiled and said: "The elves are a race that never grows old, but when you see that your granddaughter has grown up like this, you can really realize that you are old."

Gandalf said quickly: "No, Your Majesty, you are always young."

Xufeng picked up the kettle, "Princess Yawen, why did you take a cup?"

King Elrond couldn't help looking at Xufeng annoyed.

What does this dirty human mercenary consider this place?

Yawen is a princess!

An elf princess personally brought you water to this human mercenary. Do you still think that there is only one cup?

Xufeng completely ignored King Elrond’s murderous look, "We are two people, so you can give a cup, how do you let us drink?"

Although he didn't mind sharing a cup with Xuedi, he still had to pay attention to it in front of outsiders.

Chapter 231: Many Impossible Things Are Happening

Being complained by "Diedi", Princess Yavin was not angry at all, but quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I thought it was only you who wanted to drink water."

Xufeng sighed, "I forgot that you are a princess."

It's strange that the princess can do a good job of serving people.

Xuedi said lightly: "I don't drink."

In fact, she is also very thirsty. She has been dry and dry for a long time, but she can bear it.

Xu Feng directly poured out a glass of water and handed it to Xuedi, "You drink first."

Xuedi wanted to refuse, but in the end he couldn't resist his thirst, so he took the water glass.

Yawen was very curious how Xuedi wore a mask to drink water, she stared at Xuedi with wide eyes.

Xuedi turned his back, pulled up his cloak to cover his face, moved the Medusa mask slightly up, and then took a sip.

The Fairy Spring in Rivendell is very sweet and very thirst-quenching. The Snow Emperor only took a small cup and felt much better.

She put down the mask, removed the cloak, and returned the cup to Xufeng.

Yawen was a little disappointed, she did not see the appearance of Emperor Xue.

"Are you still drinking?" Xu Feng asked.

"Enough." Xuedi said lightly.

Xufeng put the cup on the round table, picked up the kettle, and drank directly into the kettle.

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