Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1121

King Elrond and Saruman both looked at this impolite human mercenary in dismay.

But Gandalf was smiling.

In a short while, Xu Feng drank the whole pot of Elf Spring Water, wiped his mouth, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Well, now you should tell us, what the hell did you two do?" King Elrond asked with a frown.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Oh, nothing, we woke up in the middle of the night, idle and bored, and went to set a fire."

"What?" King Elrond couldn't help being a little angry, "You did this and set fire to boredom? Just now the guards reported that there was a fire on the dark forest cliff. Could it be you who set it?"

Xufeng nodded, "Yes, that's right."

Saruman chuckled coldly: "Hmph, I know that these lowly mercenaries have nothing to do! I don't want to sit with such a guy, King Elrond, please drive them away!"

King Elrond was also very angry in his heart, but "Diedi" saved his daughter's life after all, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Xufeng glanced at Saruman, "You don't want to sit with me, you can stand up."

Saruman was shocked. He hadn't seen such a bold human, and he dared to stand up!

Seeing that Saruman was about to get angry, Gandalf quickly stood between the two for fear that Saruman would hurt Xufeng, "Saruman, he is just a mercenary, you are the speaker of the Holy White Council, don’t be familiar with him. ."

These words seemed to belittle Xufeng, but in fact they took Saruman to a high place first.

Saruman gritted his teeth in annoyance, "Gandalf, see what kind of guys you are with!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Oh, you are Saruman? With a shawl and long hair, I thought you were Snow White."

Xuedi pounced and almost couldn't help laughing. She feigned a few coughs and then covered it up.

Saruman asked suspiciously: "Who is Snow White?"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "You don't need to know about this--it just happens that you are all there, so let's put out the fire."

Saruman chuckled coldly: "You set the fire yourself, but let us kill it for you? Who do you think you are?"

Xu Feng shrugged, "Well, let the fire continue to burn. When the dark forest is burned out, it will be easier for Modo's dark army to pass through the dark forest and directly penetrate the alliance countries."

This was an understatement, but it made everyone present shudder.

The dark dense forest is a very large ancient forest. This forest occupies almost a quarter of the entire Middle-earth world. Even the elves in the dark dense forest occupy only a small piece of territory, even Including the green forest defended by Radagast, it is also part of the dark forest.

Although there are many monsters hidden in the dark forest, if there is no dark forest, the alliance countries will have lost a natural barrier, and the dark legions gathered in the Modo area can drive straight in.

Saruman said angrily: "You know this, and you have to burn the dark forest. What is your heart?"

Gandalf quickly asked, "Diedi, what is going on?"

Xuedi said lightly: "Let me do it."

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to Emperor Xue.

Xuedi said lightly: "When we came to Rivendell yesterday, we found some strange magic runes on the roof of Rivendell."

Saruman sneered, "That is the magical barrier left by the ancient Lord God. Although it has been thousands of years, it still has super magical power."

Xuedi said coldly: "I know, Princess Yawen has already told us about this. Before that, I had been to the Green Forest. Together with Archmage Ruidagast, I defeated Angmar. The Witch King, and withstood the oppression of the Dark Lord Sauron."

As soon as the words came out, the presence was silent.

Saruman and King Elrond could not believe their ears.

Angmar Witch King?The head of the ring spirit?

The dark will of Sauron?

Can an ordinary human female mercenary be able to resist?

Gandalf said: "This thing is absolutely true, I heard Ridagast say it myself."

Saruman said in a cold voice: "Rhidagast! He is a guy with a broken brain! For these years, he has been eating poisonous mushrooms, and hallucinations are not impossible! His words are not to be believed!"

King Elrond also frowned and said: "This is too outrageous. The Angmar Witch King has been buried in a tomb with a magical seal. He can't come out. Moreover, the body of Demon Lord Sauron is dead. It is impossible to resurrect."

Xuedi said faintly: "In fact, many impossible things are happening. I personally fought the Witch King of Angmar. Archmage Ruidagast poured the power of thunder on my sword and helped me defeat it. Angmar Witch King, and let me seize the Angmar Witch King’s Demon Sword."

Saruman asked: "Where is the Demon Cavern Sword?"

Xuedi said faintly: "In the hands of my player Yang Gong, but I heard that they have left now. If you don't believe it, you can catch up with him and check for yourself."

Saruman said in a cold voice, "Hmph, let me run for a mercenary? You are really arrogant!"

Queen Galadriel, who has never expressed her opinion, suddenly said: "Don't be so troublesome, I can verify whether what she said is true."

Chapter 232 Dog Men and Women!

Queen Galadriel's mana is very powerful. Among her many magic skills, there is a magic skill that can see through the opponent's mind and verify whether the opponent is lying.

Saruman said sarcastically: "Excellent, now your Majesty will expose your deceit personally. See what else you have to say!"

The Emperor Xue said lightly: "Then please come to verify it quickly. I have a lot to say afterwards. You can put out the fire after you are finished. The time will not be delayed."

Queen Galadriel said with a faint smile: "You are very calm. I have something to say. If you dare to deceive me, you will be punished by the curse of magic. You will not be able to speak for the rest of your life, lest you lie again. ,do you understand?"

Xuedi smiled coldly, "This magic is really cruel, but I don't care."

There was no lie in her words, and naturally she was not afraid of Queen Galadriel's warning.

Gandalf was also relaxed, because he believed in the Snow Emperor very much.

"Okay, stand in front of me." Galadriel stretched out his arm towards the Snow Emperor.

Her figure is long and slender, her arms are even more slender, and her fingers are as beautiful as those carved by the artist.

Xuedi looked at Galadriel's beautiful face, and couldn't help feeling a little moved.

If she were a man, she would have fallen at first sight.

I don't know if that fellow Xufeng is also tempted by a peerless female elf like Galadriel.

Hmph, that dishonest guy will definitely be tempted.

Galadriel moved his brows slightly, and said to Xuedi with his mind: "Don't think about it."

Xuedi was shocked.

The Xuedi team can communicate ideas, but they also need to use crystal shards as a medium, and they can only communicate with Xufeng one-way, not directly with other players, and Queen Galadriel can directly communicate Her own thoughts were clearly conveyed to the mind of her survivor!

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