Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1122

This strength is really too strong!

In front of such a powerful queen, Emperor Xue quickly emptied his messy thoughts and completely emptied his thoughts.

Queen Galadriel concentrated her thoughts, and her thoughts swept across Xuedi's memory, recalling the part of the memory involving Green Forest and Ruidagast, and quickly checked it.

Ten seconds later, Galadriel staggered back two steps, Xin's long and graceful figure almost fell, and her beautiful and solemn face became extremely pale at this time.

Princess Arvin quickly helped Queen Galadriel, "Grandma Queen, are you okay?"

Galadriel let out a long sigh, and then she stood firmly on her two-meter-two body, and said with a little fatigue, "I'm fine."

"How? This human female mercenary is a liar, right?" Saruman said coldly.

He didn't care about Galadriel's state at all, he just wanted to quickly convict Xufeng and Xuedi.

Galadriel said in a deep voice, "No, she is not."

Saruman was taken aback, "What? She is not? You said that what she said is true? She really defeated the Witch King Angmar? She also fought against the will of the Dark Lord Sauron?"

Galadriel said palely: "Yes, otherwise, why would I be so embarrassed? In her memory, I saw all the real things that happened at that time."

Gandalf smiled and said, "I'll just say it! The Snow Emperor team is a great mercenary team. Everything they do is legendary!"

Saruman said coldly, "Hmph, could this human mercenary deceive you with evil spells, Queen Galadriel?"

Queen Galadriel said coldly: "Saruman, you mean, I can't even tell if others lie to me?"

Saruman was startled slightly, and said quickly: "No, Queen Galadriel, I didn't mean that."

Queen Galadriel said unceremoniously: "If even I can be deceived by her, then it is equivalent to saying that her mana is stronger than all of us-if it is true, she does not need to deceive. We, when she sees us not pleasing to her eyes, she can move her fingers at will to destroy us."

This is not wrong at all.

In the entire Middle-earth Alliance, Queen Galadriel is definitely the strongest in terms of single magical power. If Xuedi can fool Queen Galadriel, then all the mages present are not Xuedi’s opponents. .

But this is simply impossible.

The only reasonable answer is that Xuedi did not lie.

Galadriel said with lingering fear: "I saw that the Dark Lord Sauron is resurrecting with the help of some kind of lost magic. Fortunately, Ms. Snowdy and Rydagast are there. Otherwise, Angmar Witch King Sauron and Demon Lord Sauron are likely to succeed."

Saruman wrinkled his nose slightly, but said nothing.

He didn't believe it at all, he just couldn't refute Queen Galadriel face to face. He felt that Queen Galadriel might not have been deceived by the Snow Emperor. It is more likely that Queen Galadriel wanted Helping Xuedi and Xufeng, after all, Gandalf supports Xuedi and Xufeng, so Queen Galadriel is actually helping Gandalf.

These two people have very good feelings, and it is reasonable for Queen Galadriel to turn to Gandalf.

Huh, dogs and men.

Saruman glanced sourly at Queen Galadriel and Gandalf.

But King Elrond didn’t have the slightest doubt about the words of Queen Galadriel. He had known the Queen for five thousand years, and he had been the queen’s son-in-law for more than 3,000 years. He knew the temper of his mother-in-law very well, Queen Galadriel. He will never lie just to take care of friendship.

In this way, the Xuedi team is really strong!

The Dark Lord Sauron is really resurrecting in some form!

Although the Dark Lord Sauron has only resurrected a doomsday eye, this is also a very terrible thing!

The peace of Middle-earth, I am afraid that no longer exists!

King Elrond began to feel that Gandalf’s plan was correct. At this time, he really shouldn’t care whether Smaug will cause damage to Middle-earth. Instead, he should take down the strategic location of Lonely Mountain as soon as possible, otherwise...

Xufeng cleared his throat, "Everyone, when you are chatting, the dark dense forest is burning."

Saruman said coldly: "Hmph, you said you fought against the Dark Lord, then you should be the great heroes of Middle-earth, two great heroes, why did you set fire in the middle of the night?"

Xuedi said lightly: "Don't worry, I'm about to talk about the key points."

Saruman said: "Why, defeating the Angmar Witch King and the Dark Lord Sauron is not the key place?"

Xuedi said lightly: "No, the real key point is how the Angmar Witch King wants to resurrect the physical body of the Dark Lord Sauron."

Everyone present pricked their ears.

This is indeed a very critical issue.

Emperor Xue said faintly: "In the black fortress in the green forest, there is the magic spring water that remains when the ancient Lord God fought Morgoth."

Just this sentence made the hairs on the backs of Saruman and Queen Elrond stand up!

Chapter 233 The Mystery of the Blue Mountain

King Elrond took a breath of air, "In the black fortress, there are still remnants of magic spring water..."

Xuedi said faintly: "Yes, although there are very few, but it is true. The Angmar Witch King is using that drop of magic spring water for the resurrection ritual, but it was interrupted by me and Ruidagast. So, only a huge magic eye was reborn."

Saruman said coldly, "But, what use do you say? What does it have to do with burning the dark forest?"

Xuedi said faintly: "Saruman, you are a white-robed mage, can't you see the connection here? I have already said it very clearly. When we just came to Rivendell yesterday, Princess Avin introduced us to the magic spells on the roof of Rivendell. They are spells with the power of the ancient gods. Although those spells have passed thousands of years, they are still powerful. Their magical power, It's far stronger than the drop of ancient magic spring water in the Black Fortress!"

King Elrond suddenly changed his face, "Wait! Ms. Xuedi, you mean, Dark Lord Sauron is going to hit me Rivendell's idea?"

Xuedi said faintly: "Yes, and this idea started more than ten years ago. The main direction of the Angmar Witch King is the magic spring in the black fortress, and the dark lord Sauron is so cunning, He naturally has a second plan, and his second plan is his real killer."

King Elrond said quickly: "Ms. Xuedi, please be specific!"

Xuedi said lightly: "I can't talk about tactics, so you should ask him."

Everyone's eyes turned to Xufeng.

Without a rush, Xu Feng took out the map from his pocket and spread it out on the altar.

"Look at everyone," Xu Feng pointed to the position of the Blue Mountain. "More than fifty years ago, the mad king Thor once brought the defeated dwarf tribe to here from Gushan and established a new stronghold. It was thirty years ago. Many years ago, Azog, the leader of the orcs, led a force of orcs to attack the Blue Mountains-I would like to ask you, why do you think Azog attacked the Blue Mountains?"

Saruman sneered, "You are embarrassed to ask such a simple question? Lonely mountain dwarves and half-orcs are feuds.

Xufeng shook his head, "You are not right. Thirty years ago, Azog didn't kill Thor or make Thorne disappear. Although the Lone Mountain Dwarf is hostile to the Orcs, it is not considered a feud. It was after the Battle of the Blue Mountains that the Lonely Mountain dwarves lost their old king Thor and Crown Prince Thorne, and they became feuds with the Orcs. Pay attention to my question, why did Azog attack the Blue Mountains? You want to understand After this question, I will naturally understand everything."

King Elrond frowned and looked at the topographical map carefully. "From the topographical map, the Blue Mountain is not next to the orcs’ lair. It is indeed a bit strange for Azogshe to seek the distance to attack the Blue Mountain. Could it be, what's in the Blue Mountain? Resources?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "If the Blue Mountains had resources, Prince Thorin would not think about recovering the Gushan every day. The dwarves of the Gushan have been rich for generations, and now they are too poor to chisel stones without any quality. They have had enough of this bitter taste."

King Elrond was startled, "If it's not for hatred, and it's not for fighting for resources, then why does Azog fight the Blue Mountains?"

Saruman sneered: "The half-orcs are evil creatures with no brains. Who knows what they think? Perhaps, they just look at the dwarves of the lonely mountain. After all, it is not a day for the dwarves of the lonely mountain to dominate horizontally. Two days."

Gandalf shook his head, "No, Saruman, the orcs are not stupid at all. They built a military fortress outside Canyon Town. Fortunately, Diego saw through it in advance and gave the military fortress that has not yet been built. It was destroyed, and later, they set up an ambush in the Mengshui Marsh and used five hundred Orc scouts to ambush it. Fortunately, it was Didi and the Xuedi team that let us alleviate the danger."

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