Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1123

Princess Yawen said excitedly: "I am the party involved in the Mengshui Swamp. I have the most say. The half-orcs look like beasts, but their IQs are not worse than ours. I don’t like to listen, but this is a fact."

Queen Galadriel looked at her granddaughter with approval.

Encouraged by the queen, Princess Yawen felt sweet.

Saruman was annoyed, but could not refute anything.

Xu Feng tapped the map with his finger, and said in a deep voice, "The half-orcs are not stupid at all. When Morgoth created the half-orcs, he combined the genes and intelligence of the elves with the power and physique of the most ferocious beasts. Yes, to say that the orcs are stupid is equivalent to saying that the elves are stupid."

"Since half-orcs are not stupid, why did they attack a meaningless Blue Mountain thirty years ago?"

King Elrond suddenly fell into thought.

"Unless..." Xu Feng stretched out his tone and said, "Unless, the Blue Mountain is blocking the next deployment of the Orcs."

King Elrond immediately took a breath of air-conditioning. He looked at the surrounding terrain of the Blue Mountains and found that starting from the Blue Mountains, there is a path that leads directly to Rivendell!

At the beginning, after the mad king Thor retreated from Lonely Mountain, he indeed reached Rivendell first, and then went to the Blue Mountains from the path of Rivendell!

In other words, occupying the Blue Mountains is equivalent to getting the key to Rivendell!

"Wait!" Saruman asked coldly, "If the orcs are smart enough, why wait for the mad king Thor to go to the Blue Mountains before they fight for the Blue Mountains? If you take it early, it won't be so. Is it troublesome?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "If he had occupied the Blue Mountains a long time ago, you Rivendell would definitely be alert, and you would definitely find a way to cut off that path."

King Elrond nodded heavily, "You are right, if the Orcs take the Blue Mountain first, we will definitely destroy the path."

Xufeng smiled and said: "What the half-orcs want is an opportunity, a chance that they can drive straight in and directly capture Rivendell when the elves are unprepared or put their troops on other battlefields. The purpose of capturing Rivendell is simple, that is, to obtain those ancient magic spells on the roof of Rivendell."

King Elrond said in awe: "You mean, Azog has been planning this game of chess since thirty years ago?".

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, but, to be more precise, Azog is not planning, but Azog's master, Dark Lord Sauron is planning, although Dark Lord Sauron's body is destroyed. , But his thoughts have always existed. He can communicate with Azog with his thoughts, and secretly control all of this."

King Elrond suddenly felt a horror.

Chapter 234 So What Are You?

Xufeng paused, and then continued: "Everything the Orcs have done in the past thirty years has been aimed at capturing your Rivendell, and they have hidden this intention very well. They know Rivendell is very difficult to conquer. Therefore, they spare no effort to build outposts and military fortresses near your Rivendell, just to wait for the opportunity. Once you Rivendell relax your guard, send troops out to help other places. , Then, their hidden military fortress can directly capture your empty city."

Xufeng moved his finger to the dense forest next to Canyon Town, "Here is the outpost that we found. The location here is perfect. Once the orcs are built here into a military fortress, they can attack Asia. In the capital of Erno, you can attack the Kingdom of Rohan to the south, attack the dwarf territory to the west, and attack Rivendell to the east. Of course, from the topographical analysis, their outpost is the easiest to attack. Kingdom, after all, Canyon Town is the territory of the Kingdom of Jarno."

"In the beginning, I also felt that the Orcs built outposts and military fortresses there to attack the Kingdom of Jarno, but I soon became suspicious of this idea."

Xu Feng pointed to the map and said: "Look, everyone, the half-orcs' nest is in the Misty Mountains. If they support the jungle outpost from the Misty Mountains, even if they have scuds, they will need about ten and a half months to help the jungle outpost. Ah! According to normal logic, as long as the jungle outpost dared to send troops, it would be wiped out soon. Unless..."

Xufeng paused for a while, and said faintly: "Unless, there are two other possibilities. First, there are other outposts around the jungle outpost, so that once the jungle outpost is attacked, the surrounding outposts You can quickly support you when you stand. But this also has a drawback, that is, the orcs' fronts will be stretched very long, and it is easy to ignore them. A little understanding of the commander of the formation will not take this risk."

"Then, only the second possibility remains."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "The jungle outpost is a target. It exists to attract firepower. When it is built as a military outpost, it can continuously send out Orcs to harass the Kingdom of Arno, and Gradually increase the scale, and when the Jarno Kingdom becomes overwhelmed, it will turn to others for help."

"Looking at the neighboring countries around Arno, only Rivendell is the strongest, and only Rivendell has the best relationship with the Arno kingdom. Therefore, Rivendell will definitely send troops to support it." Xu Feng Chao Ai King Long asked, "Am I right, King Elrond?"

King Elrond nodded slightly, "Yes, the ancestor of the kingdom of Jarno is my brother. The kingdom of Jarno is in trouble, especially when it is attacked by a half-orc, I am naturally obliged to help. "

Xufeng said: "When your elven cavalry pass through the Mengshui Swamp, the Orcs will destroy all the chains of the Mengshui Swamp, making it difficult for you to come back. Then, their army will Drive straight forward, easily capture Rivendell, and then absorb the magical energy on the roof of Rivendell, transfer it to the mind of the demon Sauron, and revive the demon Sauron. This plan is very complicated, so the demon Sauron only Think of this plan as a backup plan, but when the Black Fortress' plan to absorb magic spring water fails, then he can only rely on this backup plan."

King Elrond took a few breaths of air-conditioning, "...As the Elf King of Rivendell, I was unaware of such a conspiracy, I really..."

Saruman was also extremely astonished. Although he didn't want to believe what a human mercenary said, the human mercenary said it was justified and convincing.

"...If you say that the outpost in the dark jungle is a target, and this target has been removed by you, what means does the orc have to attack Rivendell?" Saruman frowned and asked.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "The cleverness of this plan is that you think the jungle outpost is the only stronghold for the orcs, but it is not. The jungle outpost is so far away from the Misty Mountains, how did they transport their supplies? What?"

King Elrond raised his brows, "Is there a secret transfer station?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, it's not a transit station, but a real military-level fortress. After Azog was cut off by Prince Thorin, and the Orc army was unable to take the Blue Mountain, they retreated. Secondly, new military fortresses have been established elsewhere."

King Elrond asked eagerly: "Where!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "This military fortress must be on the straight path from the Misty Mountains to the jungle outpost, and it should be at most two days away from the jungle outpost and at most one day away from Rivendell."

Princess Yawen exclaimed, "I understand! No wonder five hundred Orcs suddenly appeared to ambush me. It seems that the military fortress should be near the Mengshui Marsh!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "That's right."

King Elrond said eagerly: "I will send guards to search for that dark and dense forest!"

Xu Feng waved his hand indifferently, "No, let's go to the fire first."

King Elrond said: "When it comes to putting out the fire, it's important to find a fortress of half-orcs, half-orcs...wait!"

King Elrond looked at the map with wide eyes, "Where is the fire?"

Xufeng smiled and pointed to King Elrond.

King Elrond suddenly gasped, "It's not far from the Mengshui Swamp, shouldn't it..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "You are right, the place where the fire is on is the fortress that the orcs have run for more than ten years."


King Elrond, Gandalf, and Saruman all exclaimed.

A half-orc fortress, even if the China-Turkey Alliance unites the power of three elite corps, it cannot be defeated!

And "Diedi" and "Snow Di" actually burned the Orc Fortress?

Xufeng glanced at Saruman, "How, do you still think I am a poor human mercenary? Haha, if I am a poor human mercenary, what are you?"

The muscles on Saruman's face twitched, and he was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

This human mercenary is so arrogant that he dared to speak to the white-robed great mage of the Holy White Council like this!

Saruman could not wait for a big fireball technique to directly blast "Diedi" into scum...

However, hate to hate, after all, they only used two people to destroy a half-orc fortress with thousands of troops.

It's really amazing.

Chapter 235 I'll Be Back

"Master Diego!"

King Elrond said respectfully: "You are really a legendary hero! Why didn't I discover this earlier! Please forgive me for my insult to you before!"

Gandalf laughed and said: "Eldron, I told you a long time ago, Didi is a true legend. With Didi and Xuedi team, we have every hope of killing Smaug and regaining Lone Mountain. !"

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