Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1124

King Ailong nodded heavily, "Yes! That's right!"

What he was most worried about before was that the dwarf expedition team was unreliable. If they didn't take back the lonely mountain, but instead awakened the sleeping Smaug and angered them, then Middle-earth would be ruined.

But now it seems that the policy of forbearance and appeasement to monsters is useless. It is better to get rid of Smaug now than to deal with Smaug when Sauron officially returns!

Moreover, the most important thing is that with a legendary teammate like "Diedi", King Elrond is full of hope!

Saruman hummed coldly: "Although it is a very good thing to find and burn the Orc Fortress, it does not have much impact on the structure of the entire Middle-earth. I I still don’t approve of the dwarf expedition team returning to Lone Mountain. Even if you can kill Smaug, I don’t want a Thorin with the mad gene to become the new Lone Mountain King."

When the old king Saul was in power, the Lonely Mountain Kingdom repeatedly rejected Saruman's request. Saruman worried that after Thorin became the new king, he would be more at the mercy of him.

His priority is always whether his power can be guaranteed, not the safety of Middle-earth.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "So, you guys gathered here to discuss the issue of the Dwarf Expedition."

Gandalf nodded and said, "Yes, we have voted with a show of hands just now. Queen Kekai and I agreed to support the Dwarf Expedition. King Elrond and Saruman opposed the Dwarf Expedition to the Lonely Mountain Palace. The current number of votes It's 2:2."

Xu Feng was happy, "Can I participate?"

Saruman said arrogantly: "No, although you have done a few great things, your status is not enough."

Gandalf shrugged helplessly Chong Xufeng.

Middle-earth is still dominated by status and lineage. Even if Xufeng has saved Middle-earth many times, his status is still not equal to that of Saruman and others.

Saruman said coldly: "Because it is a 2:2 ending, we cannot support the Dwarf Expedition, nor can we oppose the Dwarf Expedition. However, if we allow the Dwarf Expedition to leave, then it is equivalent to supporting it in disguise, so I request, King Elrond, you must send someone to stop the Dwarf Expedition."

King Elrond smiled and said, "Don't bother, I have changed my mind."

Saruman was startled, "What?"

King Elrond smiled and said: "Yes, I plan to support the Dwarf Expedition, and support Gandalf and Lord Diego."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, Xiao Ai, you are very active."

Dare to call King Elrond who has lived for more than five thousand years as Xiao Ai, there is no one in Middle-earth except Xufeng.

King Elrond didn't feel angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Lord Diego."

After all, "Diedi" unknowingly saved their entire Rivendell hero!If it weren't for "Diedi," then I am afraid that Rivendell will be conquered by the Orcs in a short time.

Saruman frowned suddenly.

Princess Yavin said with a smile: "In this case, there are 3 votes for the Dwarf Expedition and one vote for the opposition to the Dwarf Expedition."

Queen Galadriel said lightly: "3:1, we want to support the Dwarf Expedition."

Saruman said angrily: "This is not right! The Dwarf Expedition will only cause trouble! You do this, you will regret it in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Gandalf to refute, so he opened a mana portal with his hand, then gave Xufeng a bitter look, and walked into the portal.

The portal closed immediately, leaving only a trace of magic burning on the ground.

Gandalf sighed helplessly.

Compared to worrying about the dwarf expedition team, he was more worried about Saruman's last vicious look. That look was not like the look that a lesser god archmage should have, but like a snake-like look.

Gandalf whispered to Xufeng, "Diedi, you have to be careful."

Today, Xu Feng gave Saruman a sturdy face. With the temper that Saruman must repay, he will never give up.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I understand."

Xu Feng is a survivor. Of course he knows who Saruman is. He also knows that in the future Lord of the Rings plot, Saruman will abandon the Holy White Council and even become the subordinate of the Dark Lord Sauron.

But this is not a problem to be solved right now. For Xu Feng, the most urgent thing is to catch up with the Dwarf Expedition as soon as possible.

"Lao Gan, you can take a trip to the dark and dense forest. Now it's almost burnt there. Go and put out the fire." Xu Feng said.

Gandalf smiled and said: "Of course the fire will be extinguished, but my strength alone is not enough, Queen Galadriel, can I ask you to extinguish the fire with me?"

Queen Galadriel smiled faintly, "Of course it's okay-Yawen, come see me with me."

Princess Avin was delighted at first, because this was the first time Queen Galadriel took her to take part in an action, which proved that the Queen had regarded her as an adult and began to gradually expose her to high-end magic.

After all, Princess Arvin is the only heir of Galadriel. According to tradition, when Galadriel dies, Princess Arvin will take over as the queen of the Golden Forest.

Although Galadriel is still not old, and according to her situation, it is possible to live for tens of thousands of years, but it is necessary to make early preparations for the training of heirs.

Of course Yawen was very happy, but... She still had a little memory of "Diedi" in her heart.

She leaned slightly towards Queen Galadriel, "Your Majesty, can you wait for me for a while?"

Galadriel nodded slightly, "Yes."

Yawen walked in front of Xufeng, "Mr. Diedi, when I come back, can I still see you?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It should not be anymore, I have to go after the Snow Emperor Team and the Dwarf Expedition Team immediately.

Yawen said with regret: "It's a pity, I also want to be friends with you and get to know each other better."

Xufeng smiled and said, "We are already friends now."

Yawen's eyes widened in surprise, "Really?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Really."

Don't even think of Yawen as a thousand years old, but she basically lives in a place like Rivendell, with a pure heart, and she is completely like a little girl.

Yawen said happily: "Great, Mr. Diego, I am very happy to be friends with you. I hope you can complete the expedition as soon as possible and then return to Rivendell."

Xu Feng thought for a while, "I will be back."

...But that will be a long time later.

Chapter 236 Water Curtain Cave?

Yawen nodded happily, "Okay, Mr. Diego, I will be waiting for you at Rivendell."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, without speaking.

Yawen curtseyed towards Xufeng, then happily jumped to Queen Galadriel's side.

Queen Galadriel asked, "May I go?"

Yawen flushed, "Sure."

Gandalf was about to recite the teleportation spell-he was not proficient in teleportation spells before, but since working with Xufeng and the others, he is still very confident in his teleportation skills.

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