Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1128

If you can get Viya, the Ring of Wind, so much the better.

Of course, this is a symbol of Rivendell's inheritance, and will not be given to others casually.

King Elrond said with a smile: "In this case, I will pour the power of Via, the Ring of Wind, into the wizard crystal."

As he said, King Elrond concentrated his mind, and Viya, the ring of wind in his hand, burst out a powerful tornado air current impact force, the more the tornado magic power rotated, the stronger it was, and finally all was poured into the wizard crystal.

The whole process lasted for nearly five minutes.

Five minutes later, everything was calm, Via, the Ring of Wind, returned to its previous state, but King Elrond seemed to be several years old.

Using his magical power to drive the power of Via, the ring of wind, and copy this power into the wizard crystal, which requires extremely strong control.

It can be seen that King Elrond is doing his best.

Although King Elrond didn't trust Xufeng and others very much when they first met, nor was he very optimistic about it, but after burning the Orc Fortress, King Elrond's attitude completely changed.

"Thank you very much." Xu Feng picked up the elven crystal filled with the power of the Wind Ring and Viya, and nodded slightly in respect to King Elrond.

King Elrond smiled tiredly: "It is the most important thing to be able to help Lord Diego. If you want to say thank you, Rivendell is the one who should thank you most."

Xu Feng cautiously placed the wizard crystal containing the magical energy of the wind next to him, and the whole person suddenly felt the light of his body.

His agility attributes were not bad, his body and speed were already quite fast, but when he held the wind crystal, this feeling of being as light as a swallow became even stronger.

King Elrond smiled faintly: "The energy of the wind can increase the wearer's speed by 50%, and every attack will be accompanied by tornado-like damage until the wind spirit crystal. Of course, you can also choose to release all the energy in it in one breath to achieve a fatal effect, but when there is no wind energy in your crystal, you can’t enjoy it. The speed increase effect is 50%."

Xu Feng asked: "How many times will the energy of the wind run out?"

King Elrond calculated, "If you count on your strength, when you pour the energy of the wind into the weapon, it will be exhausted if you use it about a hundred times."

Xu Feng smiled bitterly: "...a little bit less."

I want Via, Ring of Wind!That thing will definitely not run out of energy!

Xu Feng shouted in his heart.

King Elrond smiled and said: "Yes, it's a little bit less, but this is the biggest help I can give right now."

Xufeng nodded, "Well, I will make good use of it. Thanks for your hard work, King Elrond."

In any case, they did their best to help, and Xufeng still had to make a good relationship with him, maybe when we meet again next time, King Elrond will give him the Ring of Wind.

Well, don't worry, take your time.

Xu Feng said to the Snow Emperor: "It's late, we should go."

Xuedi nodded and said, "Yes."

King Elrond said: "Let me send you off."

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, you are very tired now, we can just go by ourselves, so we don't have to worry about it."

King Elrond quickly said: "You are our great benefactors to Rivendell, just let you go. This is really not our Rivendell hospitality."

Xufeng smiled and said: "The opportunity to be a guest is that we are short of time now, and we must quickly catch up with the Dwarf Expedition Team and give them more protection."

King Elrond nodded, "That's right, that's good, then I won't keep you, I wish you all the best-if you need it, just come back and find me."

"Okay, thanks a lot."

Xu Feng simply thanked him, and then took the Silver Moon Altar where Xuedi had left, and walked towards Rivendell's east gate.

Along the way, the elven soldiers saw Xufeng and Xuedi, and saluted them one after another to show their respect.

Xufeng left the chasing shadow in Rivendell and entrusted Rivendell's elven merchant to return the chasing shadow to Prince Arsson.

The roads ahead are all rugged and difficult mountain roads. Horses are very limited and difficult to pass.

Although a little bit reluctant, Xufeng didn't want to let the shadow follow him to suffer.

Chai Ying neighed at Xu Feng, his voice filled with nostalgia.

Xu Feng could only turn his head cruelly, took Xuedi, and left quickly.

After walking a long way, Xufeng could still hear the whine of chasing shadows.

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "You are really cruel. At the beginning, no one was convinced by the shadow chasing. Later, you were finally tamed by you and willing to become your mount, but now you have abandoned him."

Xufeng smiled bitterly: "The only way to protect him is that the road ahead of us is too dangerous."

Xuedi said, "But have you ever thought that he is not afraid of danger?"

Xu Feng smiled lightly: "Perhaps, but I won't risk losing my friends."

Xuedi pondered slightly, "Then am I your friend? One day in the future, if you feel that I will be in danger, will you leave me aside?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, you are more important than friends. You are the woman I like."

Chapter 240: The Advantages of the Elves

Just when Xufeng and Xuedi left Rivendell, Gandalf, Queen Galadriel and Princess Avin were standing on a blackened ridge, looking down at the vast expanse of fire below.

"...Too miserable." Gandalf shook his head, but there was no pathetic meaning in his tone.

The scorched corpses below were all half-orcs.

Half-orcs are evil monsters, a race created by Morgoth’s mixture of lofty elves and lowly beasts. For thousands of years, half-orcs have killed how many humans, dwarves, and elves have caused Middle-earth. The damage is even harder to estimate.

Gandalf only hated that he didn't come with Xufeng. If he was there, he could see the desperate eyes of these half-orcs before they died.

Princess Yawen sighed: "Mr. Diego is really amazing...This dark fortress is so hidden, how did he find it?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "How about Didi is a legend? He is so amazing. I have lived for so long, and I can’t remember how old I am. It’s the first time I admire a human being so much. It."

Queen Galadriel also said with a smile: "Yes, although I have just met Lord Diego, but I feel the same as Misrandi. This young human being is really amazing."

Yawen said happily, "Haha, Lord Diego is my friend!"

They had just confirmed their friendship, and Yawen was already proud of it.

Galadriel's brows moved slightly. "Yavin, my dear granddaughter, don't you like him?"

Yawen flushed, "No! Your majesty! What are you talking about! I didn't! He, he is human!"

Galadriel laughed: "Back then, your father was half-elf and half-human. Didn't I also betroth your mother to him? Race can't stop true love."

Yawen's face turned redder.

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