Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1129

Although she is also a thousand years old, for the elves, this is just an adult. Emotionally, she is still a young girl who is in love with her. She is also ignorant of emotional matters.

"Your Majesty Grandma! We are really just friends! I, I..." Yavin, I, I, I, I, I, and I couldn't say anything else after a long time.

Galadriel smiled and said: "Okay, I won't talk about it. My Yawen has grown up and will be shy. But speaking of Yawen, it is normal for young men and women to have good feelings, especially for outstanding people. It’s more normal if you have a good opinion of the man, but you have to understand that you are not an ordinary girl. When you were born in the house of the emperor, you have to shoulder the responsibility of being an emperor and prince and daughter. Only the home of the emperor can make the people more at ease."

Yawen's face faded suddenly, "I understand, my grandmother."

Galadriel said: "In addition, you have to remember one thing. Although there is no racial restriction on love, marriage does exist, especially if you have half-elf blood. If you insist on marrying a human being Wife, then you can only give up the lifespan and privileges of the elves and become an ordinary human being, and in that case, I will have no children to inherit my throne."

Yawen said quickly: "Your Majesty, I remember, I will not... marry a human."

Galadriel nodded in satisfaction, "Well, this is my good granddaughter."

Gandalf smiled and said: "We have been talking for so long, should we do something serious? The fire is getting bigger and bigger. Let me put out the fire on the south side first. There is a dark forest connected there. If it burns down, King Thranduil's Wood Elf tribe will be in trouble."

Having said that, Gandalf condensed his magic power, summoning a magic blizzard from the air, and using the power of the magic blizzard to extinguish the raging fire.

To be honest, this move is supposed to be a very useful move, but it requires continuous blizzards.

Gandalf only persisted for three minutes, and the magical energy of the blizzard was insufficient.

The fire that was suppressed before is obviously starting to rise again.

Gandalf was sweating profusely, but he didn't want to admit that he was going to be out of support.

How can a man have a bad face?

What's more, Gandalf is a secondary god, he is now in front of Queen Galadriel, and he needs face.

Queen Galadriel had long seen that Gandalf's magic power was not enough.

She faintly said: "Misrandi, the fire in the south is basically okay, you take a break, give me a chance, let me show Yawen, how to use the water ring Nanya?

"Ah! Okay!" Gandalf let out a sigh of relief, and slowly put away the magic blizzard that he was already reluctant to use.

The fire in the southern dense forest repeated immediately.

Queen Galadriel was not in a hurry, but calmly said to Yawen: "Yawen, do you know, what are the advantages of our elves?"

Yavin said without hesitation: "Our life span is longer than that of other races. This is because we are a race created by the Lord God himself. Our existence is equivalent to a demigod existence."

Galadriel nodded, "You said it well, except for lifespan?"

Yawen thought for a while, "Besides the advantage of longevity, it should be our magic? Magic is a very advanced skill, and ordinary humans simply can't learn it. There are a few human mages, but they are rare, and Most of them are dark magic mages who take shortcuts. A true archmage needs to understand the power of nature for a long time. Without a life span of more than a thousand years, this is very difficult. Humans and other races in this regard, There is no advantage at all."

Queen Galadriel said with a faint smile: "Yes, magic is also the dominant feature of our elves, what else?"

"Also?" Yawen thought for a while, "Also, our elves love peace and are gentle."

Queen Galadriel smiled and said, "What else?"

Yawen thought for a long time, but didn't expect it, she shook her head and said, "Your Majesty, I can't think of it for a while."

Queen Galadriel smiled and said: "I can't think of it, then I will tell you. Our elves have another characteristic, which is forging."

"Forging?" Princess Yavin said in astonishment: "Forging... isn't that characteristic of dwarves?"

Queen Galadriel smiled and said: "The forging of the dwarves can only be called ironing, and our forging is the real magic forging. I think back then, when the main god fought Morgoth, many weapons with magic, They are all made by our elves. For example, the enemy fencing sword in the hands of Mr. Diedi, the Boromir sword in the hands of the Snow Emperor, etc., etc.

Princess Yawen exclaimed, "Oh! It turns out that our elves are the real master forging!"

Chapter 241 The Strength of Queen Galadriel

Queen Galadriel said with a faint smile: "Yes, most of the magic weapons in the ancient times were made by our elves with the power of magic, but after the end of the second era, our elves no longer Build any weapon with magical characteristics, do you know why?"

Princess Arvin shook her head, "Why? We obviously have this ability, why don't we build more?"

Queen Galadriel sighed, "This is all because we mistakenly believed in the black-robed mage of the Holy White Council, Sauron. In fact, before the end of the first era, part of Morgoth's soul He merged with Sauron’s soul, but Sauron was deeply hidden. When Morgoth died, he persuaded us to build 19 powerful rings of mana and distribute them to the powerful men in Middle-earth. Strengthen the power of these people, this is the Lord of the Rings."

"The task of building the Lord of the Rings naturally falls on our elves, not the dwarves. We use pure elven power to build these nineteen rings, because three of them are to be given to the elves. , So we took extra care when building those three."

"The three Lords of the Rings are Naya, the Ring of Fire, Nanya, the Ring of Water, and Viya, the Ring of Wind. When the Lord Sauron used the Supreme Lord of the Rings to control the holders of other Lords They were all corrupted and became the nine great ring spirit kings. Four of the dwarves’ rings were destroyed by Smaug, and the rest were taken back by Sauron. As for the three rings with names on the elves’ side, it’s because we don’t We didn't wear it, and it didn't affect us. In addition, the Middle-earth Alliance defeated Sauron in the end, so these three named Lord Rings did not fall into the hands of Sauron and others."

"So it's like this." Princess Yawen asked curiously: "Where are these three rings now?"

Queen Galadriel looked at Gandalf who was smoking a cigarette, and then said with a faint smile: "Naya, the Ring of Fire, was originally in the hands of the legendary Elf King Gilgalad. Gilgalad was already windy. So I gave the ring of fire to the high lord of Misronde Port, Cirdan, and later, Cirdan gave the ring of fire to Misrandi."

Misrandi is Gandalf.

The Ring of Fire has always been on Gandalf, but Gandalf never used it.

He always felt that this power was too powerful, and he would use it only in extreme situations, lest he would be confused by this powerful power.

Princess Arvin looked at Gandalf in admiration, "Gandalf, you are amazing."

Gandalf grinned, "Ahem, it's nothing."

His magical fireball skills and magical fire wall skills are much better than his Frostbolt and Blizzard skills. The reason is that he hides the ring of fire Naya.

Princess Yawen asked, "What about the Ring of Wind and Water?"

Queen Galadriel smiled faintly: "Via, the Ring of Wind, is in your father's hands."

Princess Yawen said in surprise: "What? Why don't I know this?"

Queen Galadriel laughed and said: "The three magic rings of the elves are the secret of the elves. They will not be shown to others when they are not necessary to use them. What's more, your father won't tell the wind The precepts are passed on to you, so there is no point in telling you."

Princess Arvin blinked and asked, "Why didn't it pass it to me? He loves me the most."

Queen Galadriel smiled: "My dear granddaughter, it has nothing to do with love or not. Although you are his most beloved princess, you will become the mistress of the Golden Forest in the future. The elves have a rule, three elven rings cannot be placed in the same person's hands. You are destined to inherit another elven ring. Therefore, the wind ring has nothing to do with you."

Princess Yawen immediately understood, "You mean, Nanya, the water ring, is in your hands?"

Queen Galadriel smiled: "Smart boy."

As she said, she condensed her thoughts, and on Xin Chang's white fingers, there was a shiny lord ring. The transparent gems on the ring clearly felt like the waves surge.

Princess Avin saw the Lord of the Rings for the first time, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Queen Galadriel said: "The ring of the elves, in addition to the powerful magic power of our elves, also has the power of the dark lord Sauron. Therefore, when the supreme ring appears, other rings will be involuntary. The three magic rings of the elves will be better, but they can’t be worn for a long time. They can only be used when they are most needed. Of course, this time I will show them to you, and now It is also relatively safe. There is no supreme Lord of the Rings. One day in the future, when you hold the Water Ring Nanya, you must pay attention to this."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Yawen nodded seriously.

Queen Galadriel smiled and said: "Well, I will let you see the power of Nanya, the Ring of Water."

With that, Queen Galadriel condensed her mind and activated Nanya, the Ring of Water.

A cold air instantly enveloped the entire burning dense forest, and all the burning objects were instantly frozen by the chill released by Nanya, the Ring of Water!

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