Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1130

The fire disappeared instantly!

The state of ice and snow is everywhere!

Princess Arvin took a deep breath, and she exhaled white frost.

"Oh my God... a powerful force." Princess Yawen said incredulously.

No wonder everyone said that Galadriel is the most powerful magician. This is true.

Queen Galadriel's eyes also flickered with chill. At this moment, she and Nanya, the Ring of Water, were already united.

The chill in her eyes gradually faded until all the dense forests that were on fire were frozen, and the places that were frozen began to ease, and the frost turned into cold snow.

"Too amazing! Too amazing!" Yawen said excitedly.

With just this move, Queen Galadriel instantly put out the fire in the entire area. With this strength, it is no wonder that Yawen screamed like a little fan.

Queen Galadriel smiled and put away the Water Ring Nanya.

Princess Arvin suddenly asked curiously: "Your Majesty, your strength is so strong, and you have a super treasure like Nanya, the Water Ring, wouldn't it be easy for you to fight Smaug?"

Galadriel smiled helplessly, "No, I can't beat Smaug."

Princess Arvin said in surprise: "How is this possible? Is Smaug really that strong? You can't beat even the greatest magician?"

Galadriel smiled and said: "Smaug is a monster, and it is a monster created by Morgoth himself. Its scales are very special. Not only can it block more than half of the physical damage, but it can also block more than half of the magic damage. "

Yawen said: "But, even if it can block half of it, the combined power of the three elves should be able to kill Smaug."

Chapter 242 The World Is Too Complex

Gandalf cleared his throat, "Princess Yavin, things are not as simple as you think."

"Oh?" Yawen looked at Gandalf curiously.

Gandalf took a few puffs of Shire tobacco, slowly spit out a few beautiful smoke rings, and then slowly said: "The scales of the dragon Smaug are part of the reason, and the more important part is the reason. , Smaug is a fire-breathing dragon. The flames can't hurt Smaug. Even in the fire and magma, he can quickly recover."

"Hmm!" Yavin exclaimed, "It turns out that this is the case! In this way, the three Elf Rings really cannot deal with Smaug at the same time. At least, Gandalf, the fire ring in your hand, Naya, cannot be used. ."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Actually, not only is Naya, my fire ring cannot be used, but your grandmother's water ring does not have much effect."

Yavin blinked and said, "Isn't Smaug a fire dragon?"

Gandalf replied: "Yes, his fire is the fire of dragon's breath, with powerful magical effects. Your grandmother's water ring releases an ice-cold magic attack, even if you add your grandmother The magical strength of the dragon will also be melted away by the fire of dragon's breath."

Princess Arvin blinked, "So, only my father's Ring of Wind Viya, is it effective on Smaug?"

Gandalf nodded and said, "Yes, but it will also reduce the effect by half. That's why, although we have a very powerful Lord of the Rings, we still can't fight Smaug."

Yavin asked: "So, if the nations of the China-Turkey Alliance unite, can they not defeat Smaug?"

Gandalf laughed, "Princess Yavin, you must know that the alliance of Middle-earth is actually very loose. People will only truly unite when their basic survival is affected, such as dealing with demons. Gou Si, and Demon Lord Sauron. But for Smaug... how do you say, Smaug is a beast with no ambitions."

"No ambition?" Yawen blinked in confusion.

Gandalf shrugged, "Yes, there is no ambition. Morgoth's ambition is to destroy the Middle-earth world created by the lord god and turn this world into a hotbed of evil. The demon Lord Sauron also inherited this. Goals, even more than Morgoth did."

"As for Smaug... he is indeed a monster. In the era of Morgoth, he was the most beloved monster of Morgoth. He had created a remarkable battle for Morgoth. Until he encountered the hard nail intestines of Rivendell, Smaug was the first. I tasted defeat once. Then Morgoth was exiled by the Lord God, and Smaug had no master, so he had no interest in destroying the world. His greatest pleasure was to find a treasure house and then guard the pile of gold and silver treasures. ."

"...Sounds, not only is it not scary, it seems to be so cute." Princess Yawen said.

Gandalf laughed loudly: "You are still the first person to say that Smaug is cute, no, Princess Avin, Smaug is not cute at all, he just has no ambitions."

Yawen asked: "Then since Demon Lord Sauron has acquired a part of Morgoth's soul, why is Smaug not loyal to Demon Lord Sauron?"

Gandalf smiled and said: "Smaug is a very arrogant dragon. He only obeys one master in his life, and that is Morgoth. Even though Sauron resembles Morgoth to some extent, he is not after all. In the battle of the Second Age, Smaug also came out and suffered a lot, but when the battle was halfway, the advantage of Demon Lord Sauron was already obvious at that time. Smaug was a little proud. When he passed by Long Lake Town, he was A black arrow from a human dragon slayer struck him. Although his scales protected him, the scales fell off as a result. This is Smaug’s only weakness. However, this weakness is too concealed, plus Smaug’s. The speed is too fast, so he won’t wait for the enemy to take action. Long Lake Town also paid a very heavy price for hurting Smaug, and Smaug became lazy after that battle. I'm not participating in the battle, but I don't know where to hide."

"When Demon Lord Sauron was beheaded, most of the monsters were annihilated, but Smaug was not among them. Later, in the Third Age, he suddenly broke into the Palace of the Gushan Palace and brought the Gushan dwarves. Drive all away and occupy there until now."

Gandalf continued: "Look, if he is an ambitious monster like Sauron, then he has already begun planning how to exterminate the alliance, and if he wants to exterminate the alliance, all parties in the alliance will definitely cooperate sincerely to fight. Killing him is the highest goal. However, he has no ambitions, just a simple spoiler, whoever is targeted by him, then he can only consider himself unlucky. The relationship between the alliance countries is actually not good, this is not Everyone is not united enough, but when it comes to interests and responsibilities, it is difficult for everyone to agree. For example, if you want to fight against Smaug, then which country will be the vanguard? Which country provides financial and material resources?"

Yawen thought for a while, "Naturally, let the strongest country rush to the forefront."

Gandalf laughed and said: "However, the strongest country has not been attacked by Smaug! If you rush to the front, you will naturally suffer heavy casualties! Will the strongest country be willing?"

Yawen said: "Then let other countries rush to the forefront."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Even the most powerful country doesn't want to be in the forefront. Why should other countries do it?"

Yavin said: "Then let other countries give more benefits to the most powerful country, and even give the spoils obtained to the powerful country."

Gandalf smiled and said: "But, other countries have also contributed, and eventually defeated Smaug, and they couldn't get a penny? Moreover, powerful countries have become stronger because of this dragon slaying operation. As far as the surrounding countries are not powerful, are they more threatening?"

Yawen opened his mouth in surprise, "This... this world is too complicated."

Gandalf said word by word: "It's complicated."

Yavin sighed, "I don't want to bear the thought of the situation I will face in the future."

Queen Galadriel smiled faintly: "This world also has a beautiful side, but you need to observe it carefully-well, Misrandi, the matter here is solved, we should go back, if you don't mind, It’s up to me to send it back. After all, I want Yavin to see the power of elven magic.

Gandalf smiled and said, "Of course, as you wish, my lady."

Chapter 243: Azog

Queen Galadriel immediately gathered her mind and summoned a teleportation circle.

Gandalf and Yawen walked to the teleportation circle, the figures of the three of them flashed, and then disappeared.

Only a trace of magic burning was left on the ground.

After the teleportation magic disappeared completely, from the other side of the dark dense forest, a pair of orcs riding a wolf passed through the dense forest full of ice water and ashes silently, and stopped beside the burned-out cliff.

The dark fortress that used to be powerful and hidden was reduced to ashes overnight.

Ten years of hard work fell short.

The pale-skinned, tall and sturdy half-orc headed by him has a gloomy look, and the corners of his mouth are pressed tightly.

With one of his hands, he gripped the reins of the wolf tightly, and the leather reins squeaked and squeaked.

And his other hand... the other hand was chopped off a long time ago, and a sharp blade is now inserted into his broken wrist.

This person is the leader of the Orcs, Azog.

His hand was also cut off by the lone mountain dwarf Thorin Oakshield.

Whenever it rained on a cloudy day, his severed hand would faintly hurt, which reminded him that he still had a great vengeance.

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