Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1131

Of course, the matter of revenge can wait a while, but the master's order cannot.

It took him ten years of hard work to finally pave the way for this chess game. Only when the jungle outpost was upgraded to a military fortress, he could officially launch the tactics of attacking the west. , The Dark Fortress was burned again...

Ten years of hard work has now all turned into ashes.

What is going wrong?

Where is the problem?

Azog's eyes became fierce, and he turned around and asked a half-orc scout: "Tell me, who did it?"

The orc scout shivered sharply, "No, no, I don't know."

The entire dark fortress was dead, and the fortress was completely burned down. It was impossible to leave any clues.

Azog glanced at the orc scout coldly, and the orc scout suddenly numbed his scalp and entered the ice cave!

Without warning, Azog pierced the half-orc scout's chest with a knife, thrust him high, and then threw him heavily down the cliff.

The orc scout was not dead when he was thrown off the cliff, and his mouth kept screaming, but his pain did not last long. Soon, with a snoring, he screamed It stopped abruptly.

The other half-orc scouts all shuddered, everyone wanted to run, but in fact, they didn't even have the courage to escape.

Azog's cruelty is not only for the enemy, but also for his own men.

As long as he is unhappy, he will kill his men at will, never telling any truth.

The scream of the scout made Azog's mood a little better.

He said coldly to the other scouts: "Give you half a day to find out who did it, otherwise, you will all be buried in the Dark Fortress."

"Yes!" The orc scouts ran away like the wind.

Can you find out who did it? The most important thing is that they don't want to stay in front of Azog for a second.

After the orc scouts were all gone, Azog urged the huge white wolf under his crotch to slowly walk to the traces of magic transmission that had not disappeared.

The white wolf lowered his head and sniffed, and let out a creepy howl.

"Yes, the smell of that old bitch from Galadriel." Azog said in disgust: "I will never forget that proud old woman who treats us like monsters in her eyes, and our body is obviously noble. The blood of the elves, but they don’t bother to admit it. Galadriel has been here, and there are others, but...the Dark Fortress was not burned by them. If Galadriel discovered the Dark Fortress first, he would definitely let him King Elrond’s son-in-law led troops to attack here, but there was no sign of an external attack. The fire was also burning from the inside. This shows..."

Azog looked into the distance, "There is a person... who has seen through all my plans and broke my ten-year plan. This person should be the same person who destroyed my jungle post. Thorin No, that guy is brave and self-sufficient! Gandalf? Gandalf's magic power has been greatly weakened by Saruman, and Gandalf has never been a smart person."


Azog calmed down and thought for a long time, "It seems that it should be the latest human mercenary squad. They are with the dwarf expedition. They broke the big event of resurrecting my master. I have to take their heads. As a compensation!"

With that, he urged the White Wolf mount, turned and left here.

At the same time, Queen Galadriel returned to Rivendell's Silver Moon Altar with Gandalf and Yawen.

"Father!" Yawen ran out happily, wanting to tell King Elrond about her increased knowledge, but she soon discovered that King Elrond’s face was very bad, and the whole person looked like old. Like a few years old.

You know, although King Elrond is half human, half of his bloodline is elves, and he has chosen to become an elven, so his aging rate is quite slow.

After Yawenming left for a while, King Elrond became like this, which surprised Yawen very much.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

King Elrond smiled and waved his hand, "It's nothing, Yawen, you are back, everything has been taken care of? I just sent Master Diego and Ms. Xuedi away."

Queen Galadriel understood right away. King Elrond had used all his magic power to control Via, the Ring of Wind. Although Galadriel didn’t know exactly how Elrond did it, It should be to help "Diedi" them.

She then nodded to King Elrond, "Nothing else, go and rest, Yawen, help your father leave."

"Yes!" Yavin bowed his knees to Galadriel, then bowed to Gandalf to greet him, and then he helped King Elrond and walked down the Silvermoon Altar.

On the Silvermoon Altar, only Queen Galadriel and Gandalf were left.

Gandalf said: "Queen Galadriel, thank you for your help. I think I should try my best to leave and keep up with the big army."

Queen Galadriel looked at Gandalf with a soft gaze, and said softly: "Misrandi, the road ahead is dangerous. Remember, as long as you need me, I will be by your side immediately."

Gandalf did not dare to look directly into Queen Galadriel's eyes. He remembered that the Queen had said to Princess Arvin that love is love and marriage is marriage. In the house of the elf emperor, he must bear the responsibility of the family.

So, between him and Queen Galadriel

Just as he lowered his head and thought about it, Queen Galadriel disappeared in front of him, leaving only a faint trace of magic teleportation.

Gandalf looked at the empty altar, filled with melancholy.

Chapter 244: Obesity Can Save Your Life

At the same time, on the path leading to the Misty Mountains, the Dwarf Expedition was slowly advancing on the top of the snow-covered mountain.

Lin Hai, Hammer, and Yang Gongzai all followed the dwarven expedition team.

At the beginning, they couldn't get in touch with Xufeng, so they decided on their own to follow the dwarf expedition team.

The dwarf expedition team is naturally very welcome. After all, everyone in the Snow Emperor team is very powerful. With them, the dwarves immediately feel a lot safer.

After they climbed to the snow-capped mountain, Iron Hammer got in touch with Xufeng through his mind.

Xufeng told the hammer about the general process, and the hammer also reported their current location to Xufeng. Of course, it was indispensable to blame Xufeng for not taking her to act.

After interrupting the exchange of ideas, the hammer found Thorin.

"That guy has news." The hammer said lightly.

She didn't want to call Xufeng "Diedi".

Thorin was startled, "That guy? Are you talking about a swordsman?"

"Yes." The hammer nodded.

"How did you get in touch?" Thorin asked in surprise.

After all, this place is uninhabited, and Hammer and the others have never left the team.

The hammer shrugged, "We naturally have our way of communicating, so you don't need to worry about this."

Thorin nodded slightly, "What did the swordsman say?"

"He said let us wait for them for a long time, half a day or so, they should be able to get along with us," said Hammer.

"Half a day?" Thorin looked at the snowstorm environment, then shook his head, "No, we can't wait for him here for a long time. The temperature here is too low. After waiting for a long time, everyone will freeze."

The Hammer thought for a while, "Well, that's true."

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