Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1132

Thorin said in a deep voice: "We will continue to move forward, after rolling the snow-capped mountains, find a place to rest and wait."

"Alright." The hammer nodded and said.

The dwarven expedition team cheered up and continued to climb the snow-capped mountains.

Bilbo shivered with the cold. He didn't wear thick clothes at all when he went out, and now he could only wrap himself in a thick fur blanket.

And the most terrible thing is that hobbits have no shoes. Their big feet are always bare, which is more conducive for them to stand firm in all kinds of complicated terrain, and even walk fast.

And in the icy mountains and rivers, stepping on the thick snow without wearing shoes is simply self-abuse.

Fortunately, his big feet are not the same as those of ordinary people.

The dwarf expedition team went forward for more than three hours under the wind and snow, and finally climbed over this snowy mountain, but then, they saw another undulating mountain.

Kili ran back from the front panting, "Sorin, there is only a very narrow mountain road ahead, and there is no place to rest and camp."

Thorin frowned and said: "It's dark now. It is very dangerous for us to be exposed here. We must find a cave where we can rest."

Their current location is already the territory of the Misty Mountains, and the Misty Mountains have always been the world of monsters. The mountains here are intricate and complicated. If you are not careful, you may die here.

Lin Hai stood up and said, "I suggest that we should wait here. Diedi is on the way to come. I believe it won't be long before we can meet him."

The other dwarves also nodded.

Thorin asked displeasedly: "What then?"

Lin Hai asked wonderingly: "What then?"

Thorin said in a cold voice: "Wait for the swordsmen and them to come, and then what will you do? Don't you want to go deep into the Misty Mountains and find a suitable shelter? We wait for them to come, at least until the latter half of the night, and then everyone is hungry and tired. Sleepy, still want to discredit to find a shelter? Don’t you think this is stupid?"

Uncle Lin Hai blushed and said, "I just think that it will be safer to have Lord Diego and them here."

Thorin said coldly: "Our dwarf expedition team is not without combat effectiveness! Kilifili, you two are leading the battle! Everyone takes the weapons in your hands and is ready to deal with various emergencies!"


The dwarven expedition team immediately entered the Misty Mountains.

Gong Yang asked helplessly, "What should I do now?"

Lin Hai sighed, "Sorlin also has some truth in what he said. It's no way for us to wait here. Even if Xufeng comes, we have to find a clean shelter to rest."

"Well, then let's continue to follow." The hammer took out his forging hammer and knocked a hammer on the rock wall next to it.

A clear hammer mark was suddenly left on the rock wall.

Gong Yang curiously asked, "Why did you knock on the mountain? Is it to shake the tiger?"

The hammer whited Duke Yang again and said, "You are not funny at all. I did this to mark Xufeng and the others."

Gong Yang nodded again, "Wow, Big Sister Hammer, you are so smart."

"That is!" Iron Hammer said triumphantly.

In fact, Xufeng told her this idea through thoughts, and it is impossible to expect her to think about it.

After the dwarf expedition entered the mountains, heavy rain began to fall in the dim sky.

The dwarves continued to complain, but now there is no way to go back.

Although they haven't encountered any enemies during this journey, the harsh natural environment has caused them to suffer.

The heavy rain is heavy, the mountain road is slippery, and everyone is tired and hungry, and the speed of travel is very slow.

Thorin roared loudly: "Go on, don't stop! We have no way out!"

The chubby Pangbo walked in the middle of the team. Although he ate a lot, he had the greatest strength. The heaviest thing in the whole team was on his back.

He huffed his head and walked. Suddenly, his feet sank and the suspended cliff broke a big piece, and his body fell straight down!

"Pang Bo!"

All the dwarves exclaimed.

Lin Hai and the others wanted to go to rescue, but the road was too narrow, and only one person could pass at a time. They were behind the team and couldn't get past them.

Moreover, even if they can pass, their speed is not enough, it is impossible to catch Pang Bo in such a short time.

Just when everyone felt that Pang Bo was bound to die, Pang Bo's shouted at the cliff: "Save me! Save me! What are you waiting for!"

The dwarves around took a look... Pang Bo was too fat. One meter down the cliff, there were two rocks next to each other. These two rocks happened to have stuck the fat Pang Bo there.

Everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly pulled Pang Bo up.

White Beard Barin breathed a sigh of relief, "Forgive me, Pang Bo, I will never let you eat less in the future. From now on, you can eat as much as you want—sometimes, obesity can really save your life! "

The dwarves laughed suddenly.

Chapter 245 Stone Giant

The laughter of the dwarves is loud and hearty. They are bold and optimistic by nature, and they are not rigid, especially in extremely difficult situations.

This made Bilbo admire the Hobbit very much.

Bilbo wanted to turn around and return to Rivendell several times. For Bilbo, Rivendell is a paradise and holy land. In Rivendell, elves will not disturb you for no reason or come back endlessly. When I visit you, even if I meet to say hello, I just nodded faintly.

Bilbo felt that his life should be in Rivendell, not Shire, or somewhere else.

In fact, Rivendell also opened his arms to them. As long as Thorin is willing, the entire dwarf expedition team can live in Rivendell without restriction.

It is a pity that the dwarves have their own dreams. They do not pursue ease, but only want to restore their Lonely Mountain Dynasty.

The laughter of the dwarves echoed in the empty mountains, and the whole team was also infected by this optimism.

The hammer took out his profound iron forging hammer and knocked it hard on the rock next to it.

She will continue to mark Xufeng, so that Xufeng and Xuedi can find them smoothly-but in fact, after entering the mountain area, she has no need to do this at all, because there is only this one hanging in the air through this mountain area. Cliff path.

The black iron forging hammer hit the rock, smashing out a dazzling spark.

Suddenly, the entire mountain began to shake, and the suspended trails shook violently. The entire mountain seemed to have experienced a magnitude ten earthquake. Countless rocks fell from the top of the mountain, mixed with pouring rain, making the whole scene change. It's very dangerous!

Gong Yang clutched his head again and said, "Sister Hammer, why are you working so hard! Now it's good, the mountain will be crushed by you!"

The hammer said in astonishment: "I didn't exert any effort, I just tapped it gently..."

Before the words fell, another wave of violent stone rain fell.

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