Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1133

Thorin yelled: "All of you lean against the wall! Keep calm!"

The dwarves leaned on the mountain wall desperately, for fear of being shaken under the cliff.

Soon, they discovered that the rocks on the mountain were moving.

They looked up and saw that the rocks on the mountain formed a huge stone man!

This stone man is fifty meters high and occupies almost half of the mountain.

But on the other side of the mountain, there is a taller stone man.

The shorter stone man took the lead in attacking the taller stone man. He grabbed a boulder on the mountain peak and smashed it at his opponent.

Not to be outdone, the taller stone man grabbed a bigger boulder and threw it over.

Two boulders passed by, one hitting the face of the short stone man, and the other hitting the shoulder of the tall stone man.

Both stone giants almost fell from the towering peaks.

The fight between them also made the whole mountain tottering.

After throwing stones at each other, the short stone giants stretched out their stout stone arms and blasted the tall stone giants. However, the tall stone giants punched faster and stronger, in the fists of the short stone giants. Before he touched the tall stone giant's face, the tall stone giant hit the short stone giant's chin with an uppercut.

The short stone giant was blasted to another adjacent mountain, and the tall stone giant also took advantage of the victory and jumped to another mountain.

On another mountain, a taller stone giant slowly awakened...

The three stone giants fought in a group, and it was unclear whether they were fighting for territory or whether they had personal grievances.

In short, after the vibration of the mountain had disappeared, Thorin whispered to order the dwarves to pass quickly.

The dwarves passed through the dangerous mountain area nervously, and then hurried forward for more than ten minutes against the narrow mountain road before finally reaching a relatively safe place.

The battle of the three stone giants is basically over. The two short stone giants were pushed on the mountain by the tall stone giant. Later, the two short stone giants united and one held the tall stone giant waist. , A leg of a tall stone giant fell into the abyss together, and the stones all over his body were broken into slag...

Although the battle of the stone giants subsided, the heavy rain still did not stop.

The dwarves were tired and hungry, and they couldn't hold on to someone.

At this time, Philip ran back from the front, shaking the rain off his face, and eagerly said: "Solin, there is a cave in front! We can shelter from the rain there."

"Okay!" Thorin took out his battle axe, "Everyone takes out their weapons, ready to fight! This is already the Misty Mountains, and there may be monsters in the cave."

"Yes!" The dwarves showed their weapons one after another, and the hammer and others were also ready to fight.

Under the leadership of Fili and Kili, everyone went to the cave.

The opening of the cave is not too big, but the inside is extremely spacious and dry.

The dwarven expedition team dispersed and checked, and quickly got the result.

This cave is an abandoned cave, no monsters, no animals, the cave is not deep, the entrance is the exit.

...Pocket hole.

Thorin frowned slightly.

It stands to reason that such a cave is not a good shelter.

Once a problem occurs and is blocked by someone, you can't run away.

However, the dwarves are in a terrible state now, and many of them will collapse if they don't have a rest.

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Let's stay here tonight."

Ouli quickly said: "I'm going to make a fire!"

Groyin said: "I'm going to make water!"

"...I'm responsible for eating!" The chubby Pang Bohan said with a smile.

Haha, everyone.

Although everyone was embarrassed, there was finally a place to shelter from the rain, so everyone was still very happy at the moment.

Thorin said in a deep voice, "No, no fire or water is allowed. We shall not be here."

The dwarves all opened their eyes wide, looking at Thorin incomprehensibly.

They thought they could finally have a hot instant noodle meal, but Thorin didn't let it or that.

White Beard Bahrain nodded slightly, "Sorlin is right. We are no longer in the land of humans and elves, but in the Misty Mountains, which can be regarded as the land of monsters. Fire will make smoke and instant noodles will be filled. Fragrance, these will provoke monsters."

Pang Bo whispered: "Then we want to be hungry?"

Groyin also frowned and said, "The Misty Mountains are the territory of monsters. Could it be that we can't eat anymore?".

Thorin said coldly: "Let's get through this night first."

That's right, after this night, the swordsman and Ms. Xuedi returned.

Chapter 246 The cave is in danger!

The dwarves were dissatisfied with Thorin's order, but in the end they still chose to accept it.

They also knew that Thorin's order seemed unpalatable, but it was also for safety reasons.

They used to be in the land of humans and elves. Naturally, they can eat and sleep as they want, but now they are in the land of monsters, they must converge a little.

"Pover, you are here in the first half of the night, Oli, you are here in the second half of the night, and the others go to bed quickly." Thorin ordered.


Hungry, the dwarves took off their wet fur raincoats with their heads down, then found a clean blanket and spread them on the relatively dry ground.

Outside the cave, the rain was crackling and the wind was howling.

Inside the cave, there was not a trace of heat, everyone was huddled in their simple bed, shivering.

Everyone doesn't ask for anything else in their hearts, just asks to fall asleep faster, and then sleep until dawn.

When dawn comes, Lord Diedi should be there.

When everyone seemed to be asleep, a strange voice came from the cave.

Thorin opened his eyes alertly, did not get up, but concentrated on listening.

However, the strange creak disappeared immediately, as if nothing had happened.

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