Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1134

Thorin thought he was hungry, so he had auditory hallucinations, so he closed his eyes again, trying hard to get himself to sleep quickly.

When he was about to fall asleep, the creaking sound appeared again.

Thorin couldn't help frowning.

He was convinced that this time it was not an auditory hallucination, there were really weird sounds in this cave!

Not only him, but Oli, who was sleeping next to him, opened his eyes, carefully identifying.

Thorin gave Oli a wink, Oli knew it, and got up quietly.

There was a creak and the sound stopped abruptly.

Thorin and Ouli dared not make any noise.

After a while, the creaking sound rang again, and the frequency seemed to be faster.

Thorin and Oli moved towards the corner of the cave together.

In the dark corner, a blanket trembled slightly, and a strange creaking sound came from the blanket.

Ouli whispered: "Sorin, this is the quilt of the Snow Emperor Team Yang Gongzai...Listen to this voice, I am afraid that some monster has got into the quilt of Yang Gongzai and is chewing his toes!"

Thorin frowned and said: "You are from the left, I am from the right, we will pull the quilt apart and hack the monster to death!"

"it is good!"

The two quietly outflanked Yang Gongzai's quilt, and then suddenly used their strength together to lift the thick fur quilt!

Thorin's big axe was already severely chopped off, but when he saw what was in the quilt, he immediately took the axe away!

Gong Yang was curling into a ball again, holding a package of torn instant noodles in his hand, gnawing dry in his mouth...

Seeing Thorin's big axe, Duke Yang was shocked again, and the instant noodle scum in his hand was scattered all over the floor.

"Ah!" Duke Yang exclaimed again.

The dwarves throughout the cave were awakened.

"What's the matter?" The Hammer asked with a frown.

Gong Yang pointed at Thorin, who was full of shock and said, "He wants to kill me!"

White Beard Bahrain said in surprise: "Sorin, why are you killing Mr. Yang Gongzai?"

Thorin said: "Because..."

He came back to his senses this time, quickly put away the battle axe in his hand, frowned, and said, "I'm not going to kill him! Ouli and I heard weird sounds and thought it was a monster at work, so we came to kill the monster Yes! We thought that a monster got into Yang Gongzai's bed and was gnawing on Yang Gongzai's toes! Who knows, it is not the monster that is gnawing Yang Gongzai, but Yang Gongzai is eating instant noodles again! "

Pang Bo took a sip of water and asked in a naive way: "Instant noodles... can you eat it?"

Gong Yang blinked again, "What, don't you know?"

"Really capable of eating?" Ouli asked in astonishment.

Gong Yang picked up a large piece of instant noodle slag and said, "Don't believe it, you can try it."

"I'm coming!" Pang Bo squeezed in front of Oli, raised his hand to grab the instant noodle, and swallowed it in one bite.

Ouli asked, "How is it? How does it taste?"

Pang Bo thought for a while and said, "I ate too fast, I didn't feel it. Let's have another piece!"

Gong Yang reluctantly broke another piece to Pang Bo, and Pang Bo carefully took it, and then chewed it carefully.

"How?" Ouli asked impatiently.

Pang Bo didn't speak, and while chewing, he waved at Ouli and the others.

"Not delicious?" Olli was slightly disappointed.

Pang Bo swallowed the instant noodles in his mouth, and then excitedly said: "It's so delicious! I didn't expect that instant noodles can be eaten dry! Dry instant noodles are really different!"

Ou Li said annoyed: "Then what do you mean by waving your hand?"

Pangbo said frankly: "Waving your hand means, don't talk to me when I eat such delicious food!"

"You!" Ouli wanted to complain about Pang Bo, but he hurried to the place where the supplies were piled up and found two bags of instant noodles.

The other dwarves woke up like a dream, and rushed to grab two bags, and started to squeak dry.

Thorin is no exception.

Iron Hammer and Lin Hai didn’t grab it. They didn’t eat instant noodles. In fact, no matter how good the ingredients are, instant noodles are also puffed foods. When they are eaten into the stomach, the instant noodles will expand. uncomfortable.

Moreover, both Iron Hammer and Lin Hai have eaten Yinyue Cai in Rivendell, and they also brought a lot of them. Yinyue Cai seems to be no different from green vegetables, but in terms of taste, it is still full In terms of feeling, they are all very good.

It's a pity that the dwarves have unique tastes. They only look for instant noodles, but they refuse to eat better "greens".

The dwarves were also starving, so everyone ate two big bags with relish.

After eating, sleepiness came up, and they soon snored and fell asleep.

Sleeping till midnight, the rain outside the cave was still falling.

The night watcher also changed from Bofer to Ori.

When the day was about to dawn, the storm finally stopped, and the night watchman Oli was also lethargic.

At this time, small cracks slowly appeared on the ground of the cave, and then the ground began to tilt to the inside.

This tilt change is very slow, so slow that everyone is unaware of it.

After the tilt angle began to form, the dwarves squeezed together due to the tilt.

Before everyone fully reacted, the floor suddenly cracked a big gap. All the dwarves in the cave, along with Hammer, Lin Hai, and Duke Yang, all fell from the cave!

The dwarves let out a cry of exclamation, but they fell too fast, and their weapons were not nearby, they could only let their bodies collide back and forth in the narrow underground passage.

After rolling down the narrow passage for hundreds of meters, they finally fell into a big cage...

Pang Bo fell to the bottom, followed by Ouli and Groyin. The three of them formed a perfect mat.

The remaining dwarves slid down cracklingly, then Bilbo, and finally Duke Lin Haiyang and Hammer.

Chapter 247 Goblin

"what happened!"

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