Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1135

"The people above come down quickly!"

"It smells so bad! I'm about to throw up!"

"Sorry, I fart!"

"Poverty! Why did you face my mouth when you fart!"

"I don't want to either! I'm stuck!"

The dwarves were in a mess, and the more they struggled, the more chaotic they became.

Hammer, Lin Hai, and Duke Yang and others took the lead to jump from the pile of dwarves. At this time, a large number of monsters similar to the Hobbit, holding sharp spears, passed through the fence of the large cage and pointed at them. Body.

"What the hell?" The Hammer asked in astonishment.

Thorin said in a deep voice, "They are goblins."


"Yes, goblins are a kind of evil and dirty monsters who like to use conspiracy and tricks. They are not high in size, but they are large in number, and they are fierce by nature and like to make fun of people." Thorin said with disgust: I think we should have fallen into the underground kingdom of the Goblin."

White Beard Bahrain finally got out of the crowd, "...this is troublesome."

The hammer said coldly: "Huh, can we not even beat so many goblins?"

Bahrain quickly persuaded: "Ms. Hammer, don't mess around. Now our dwarves' lives are threatened. If you fight them, the rest of us will suffer."

The hammer looked around quickly, and sure enough, she saw some of those ugly goblins with blow arrows in their hands.

The number of these arrow-blowing goblins is as many as hundreds of people. If the hammer is really used, even if the members of the Snow Emperor team can save their lives, Thorin and Bilbo will probably suffer.

Uncle Lin Hai lowered his voice and said, "Hammer, calm down. I'll talk about it later."

Hammer nodded with an annoyed frown.

She doesn't like the feeling of being besieged and coerced, it's better to be with Xufeng.

With Xufeng, there would be no such trouble.

Bah, baah!I don't want that bastard!He must have hooked up with Xuedi now!

The hammer thought bitterly.

At this time, a guy with the appearance of a captain came out of the goblin. This guy is not tall, holding a spiked mace that is about the same size as him, and his body is crouching, looking like a sick ghost. same.

The sick goblin yelled, and Thorin's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The Hammer asked, "What is this ugly thing saying?"

Thorin said coldly: "He asked us to surrender our weapons and capture them with all hands, otherwise, we will die in a cage."

"Damn it!" The hammer could not wait for a hammer to fly over, directly smashing the head of the goblin captain.

The strength of these goblins should not be very strong, but there are too many.

If it really fights, the Dwarf Expedition team must suffer.

The hammer endured and endured, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

The goblin captain yelled again, and then, all the goblins were aimed at the dwarven expedition.

The dwarves roared angrily and screamed for a heads-up.

Goblins don’t stand up against the dwarves. In terms of combat effectiveness, none of the three goblins may be an opponent of a dwarf, but the problem is that this is the lower Goblin City, and the number of goblins is probably the number of dwarves. hundred times!

People have such a big advantage, naturally they won't be singled out with the dwarves.

Thorin frowned and shouted: "Everyone is calm! Now we are trapped in the cage, we can't do anything, we should hand over the weapon first, and then talk to the Goblin King."

Bahrain whispered: "Kroger, the Goblin King, knows you! Moreover, he has enemies with us!"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "I know, let's change it now."

Bahrain said helplessly: "That can only be done."

Thorin said loudly: "We can hand over the weapons."

With that said, Thorin handed over his battle axe.

His battle axe is so heavy that only three goblins can hold it.

Seeing that Thorin had handed over his weapons, the other dwarves naturally cooperated with them and handed over their weapons.

After a while, all the weapons of the dwarves were confiscated by the goblins.

The goblin captain pointed at the hammer and the others whispered.

Thorin translated: "They want the three of you to also hand over their weapons."

The hammer raised his brows, "Weapon? What kind of weapon? We are all civilians, how can we have weapons?"

As he said, the hammer spread his hands and turned around.

The goblins looked around, and they found that the three hammers did not have weapons on them.

Thorin was also very surprised. He clearly saw the hammer and the others using weapons, but how could such a big weapon suddenly disappear without a trace?

Of course he didn’t know that as a survivor, he had an inventory of the spirit table, and the so-called inventory of the spirit table was an inventory constructed by mind. The inventory of the spirit table could store extraordinary items, and the hammers and their weapons were all Extraordinary items, so the weapon can be taken out in an instant, and the weapon can be hidden in an instant.

Of course, Thorin was curious, but he would not say it at this time.

After all, the hammer hides their weapons, which is vital for them to counter the goblins.

The other dwarves knew well, and they were all quiet.

The Goblin Captain yelled a few more words, and Thorin said coldly to him: "They are just passing passengers. They are going to Long Lake Town. They do not carry weapons."

The captain of the goblin rolled his eyes in a big circle, then waved his hand and gave up.

A goblin next to him put down his weapon and walked to the cage. If he opened the door of the cage, the dwarves lined up and walked out one by one.

Kili was the first to walk out. As soon as he came out, the goblin tied his hand with a tendon rope.

The next Philip, his encounter with Kellett was the same.

When it came to Thorin, it was the same treatment.

Thorin was very angry, but at this time, anger was meaningless.

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