Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1136

As for the hammer and others, their hands were also tied.

The hammer was originally unwilling to tie it up, but she tried it secretly, and found that with her own strength, she could completely break this tendon rope.

So, she will do everything she can, without resisting.

The happiest person is Pangbo. He didn't like being tied up at first, but when he found that he was tied up with beef tendon, his saliva flowed down.

While the goblins were not paying attention, he secretly took a bite.

After everyone was tied up, the goblins pushed them towards the center of the dungeon.

Hundreds of goblins pushed the Dwarf Expedition and Hammer, like a tide.

After the goblins had gone away, Bilbo stood tremblingly from the corner.

He was too short, mixed among the dwarves, and was completely undetected.

Now, the dwarf expedition team was wiped out, and he was the only one safe.

However, he was not happy at all, because he didn't know how to escape from here, and he couldn't save all the dwarves by one person.

How to do it?

Chapter 248-Goblin King

Bilbo was helpless.

He felt that he had made a mistake and that he should have been taken away with the dwarves.

If they are caught together, the big deal is that if there is a problem, everyone can carry it together. But now he is alone, and he can't escape or save, and he is surrounded by goblin monsters. What can I do?

Find a place to hide?

But, do you want to hide here for a lifetime?

Bilbo was suddenly upset.

He got up and observed the dungeon, trying to see if there was a way out.

This underground city is extremely large. The dome is at least one hundred meters above the ground where Bilbo is located. The sky is full of various cables. I don't know what these cables are used for.

And more terrifying is under the feet.

Bilbo looked down and saw that in front of him was a somewhat broken wooden rope bridge. Below the wooden bridge was a black hole in the canyon abyss, and waves of stench floated from the canyon abyss. Bilbo quickly held his breath.

Goblin City can't see the sun, but there are always bright lights hung on the high cables as lighting.

But this is still dim.

Only in the direction of the center of the dungeon, is the sight of torches bright.

Thorin was taken there to meet them.

Bilbo hesitated and decided to follow it quietly and see what happened.

After all, he is also a member of the Dwarf Expedition. According to the contract, he can't watch his teammates in deep danger without saving.

As soon as he stepped on the shaky wooden bridge, a goblin patrol spotted him.

The goblin patrol gave a grin, jumped directly onto the rickety wooden bridge, and drew a steel knife from his waist.

Bilbo was shocked, and said quickly: "Sorry, I went the wrong way."

The goblin patrol laughed and slashed Bilbo's head with a steel knife.

Obviously, he regarded Bilbo as his own food.

When there are a thousand goblins here, no one can enjoy it alone, but they can only be dedicated to their goblin king, but when there is only one goblin, he can enjoy the food exclusively.

"No, no, I'm peaceful, I don't want to fight." Bilbo said as he stepped back.

The goblin patrol did not listen to what Bilbo said, and continued to slash at Bilbo.

Bilbo was terrified to the extreme, but the Goblin Patrol slashed three times without hitting him.

The goblin patrol was suddenly surprised.

After all, judging from his body shape, Bilbo is indeed a weak one, and has no combat power at all. However, every time the goblin patrol is going to cut Bilbo, Bilbo can always avoid strangely. .

After three moves, Bilbo himself was shocked.

But soon, he understood that he subconsciously used the posture that Xufeng taught him, so no matter how fierce the goblins were, he couldn't hurt a single hair.

Knowing this, Bilbo relaxed.

He smiled and said to the goblin patrol: "Come on, come on, come and chop me!"

The goblin patrol suddenly felt insulted and rushed towards Bilbo with a roar.

This move is extremely fast and powerful, and the Goblin Patrol must have used all of its strength.

Bilbo turned around calmly, and while avoiding the goblin patrol, raised his foot and kicked him in the leg.

The body of the goblin patrol suddenly lost his balance, and howled and turned down from the wooden bridge.

Bilbo was overjoyed.

This is the first time he has faced an enemy alone and defeated the opponent easily!

If this incident were written in a book, he would definitely become a hero in the Hobbit's mind!

Before Bilbo laughed happily, the goblin patrol who fell from the wooden bridge grabbed his arm and directly grabbed Bilbo from the wooden bridge. Bilbo exclaimed. With a cry, when I wanted to dodge, it was too late!

Although he has strong dodge skills, his combat experience is so bad that he made such a low-level mistake, but if he has a little combat experience, he will not patrol the Goblin. When he fell, he was standing on the edge of the wooden bridge.

The goblin patrol and Bilbo screamed and fell to the bottom of the abyss.

Bilbo's body hit the rock several times, and finally landed on a huge umbrella-shaped mushroom.

And the goblin patrol fell on the hard rock.

Both of them fainted.

At the same time, in the center of Goblin City, a bloated, wart-covered giant goblin was sitting on a throne in the center of the city, looking at his men with joy, A large group of dwarves were sent to him.

This giant goblin is actually only 1.8 meters tall.

Such a height, even among dwarves, is not considered huge.

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