Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1137

However, the figure of a monster like a goblin is very similar to a hobbit. The height of a hobbit is about 1.4 meters, and the average height of a goblin is about the same.

Then, a one-meter-eight goblin, in this race of goblin, is even very tall.

This Goblin King is not only tall, but more importantly fat.

His plump chin dropped to his heart, and his stomach was bulging like a balloon. However, his two legs were not strong at all, instead they were short and shrunken.

He was sitting on the spacious goblin throne full of skulls and he was holding a sheep's head staff.

When the dwarves were pushed by other goblins, his shrunken legs kicked back and forth on the throne, and the whole person looked very excited.

"Ahaha! Welcome you, new friends! Welcome to the colorful Goblin City! Goblin is the most hospitable race in Middle-earth. In our Goblin City, you will feel like you are back. It’s as warm as my own home--" The Goblin King giggled and laughed, "I am so happy. I have prepared this welcome speech for several years, and now it finally comes in handy. Of course, you didn’t. I have to be happy with me, because the welcome word is a welcome word. In fact, everyone knows that the welcome word and the real situation are not the same thing."

The dwarves had a kind of hope, thinking that this ugly warty goblin king would be a reasonable man, but now it seems that this guy is cruel and cunning.

Moreover, it is ugly.

One sentence is ugly and can't fully convey the appearance of the Goblin King, it must be two.

White Beard Bahrain touched Thorin lightly, and then stood in front of Thorin.

Other dwarves also deliberately or unconsciously walked in front of Thorin, preventing the Goblin King from seeing Thorin.

Thorin pursed his mouth and stood beside Hammer and others.

Chapter 249 How Can You Help Me?!

"So, the exciting welcome speech session is over. Which step should it be now?" The Goblin King raised his hand and scratched the wart on his chin, thinking.

A rickety goblin next to him stepped forward and stammered: "Big, king, it's time to cook them."

Thousands of goblins raised their arms and shouted, and bloodthirsty enthusiasm appeared in each of the goblins' eyes.

The dwarves gathered together in horror and approached Thorin unconsciously.

The hammer frowned and asked, "What are these goblins shouting?"

Thorin translated: "The adviser next to the Goblin King said that we are going to cook now."

The hammer laughed, "Dare to eat Laozi? You are looking for death!"

Bahrain said quickly: "Ms. Hammer, keep your voice down! This is the kingdom of goblins. There are not ten thousand goblins here, but eight thousand! With a few of us, we can't fight them at all!"

Hammer smiled coldly, "Okay, let them be arrogant for another hour."

In another hour, Xufeng and Xuedi can arrive!

When the time comes, the Xuedi team will attack together, and even if the goblins are in great numbers, what can we do!?

The Goblin King pressed his palm against his fanatical people and shouted loudly: "It's all quiet! Boiling them, that is the last step, and it is extremely unfriendly and extremely uncivilized! As your king, I am opposed to such an unartistic approach! At the very least, we should first ask who they are, what family members they have, and whether their family members will come to pay a certain amount of gold coins for redemption!"

The goblins smirked, and they were very happy with this arrangement.

Goblins are not as eager to eat as ogres, but their desire for wealth is stronger than Smaug.

They accumulate treasure, but rarely spend the treasure. They use the amount of treasure to determine their social status in the goblins.

The goblin king moved his fat body laboriously, and the little goblins next to the throne quickly acted as his foot pads.

The Goblin King was very fat, and the little goblins were very thin. When they were stepped on by the Goblin King, two of the little goblins could not bear it and were trampled to death on the spot.

The dwarves all watched this scene in disgust and horror.

The goblins paid no attention to it.

After the little short legs of the Goblin King finally got off his Skeleton Throne, the Goblin threw the two little goblins that had been trampled to death into the abyss.

Goblin City is a very unique city.

The city was built in a mountain, and the entire mountain was hollowed out. The Goblin King’s throne is in the middle of the mountain and is the largest platform. The remaining small platforms are connected by wooden bridges.

The Goblin King’s platform in the center is surrounded by eight wooden bridges, which can be said to extend in all directions, and under the wooden bridges, there is an abyss exuding various foul smells.

Goblins like to live in closed mountains, which will keep them safe, but transporting rubbish outside the mountain is too troublesome and dangerous. After all, when someone sees rubbish, they will know that there is a gob hidden in this mountain. Lin out.

Goblins' combat effectiveness is very weak and they rely on cunning to win, so their location will never be revealed.

In the abyss, there are not only goblin rubbish, but also all kinds of bones left over from their eating, goblin corpses who have died of illness or cannibalism.

Of course, it also includes the little goblin who was trampled to death by the Goblin King.

The corpses of the two little goblins who had been trampled to death were just under the cliff, and immediately two little goblins filled their seats to the king's side.

Next to the Goblin King’s throne, there is a huge treasure chest. The height of the treasure chest is 1.2 meters, the width is one meter, and the length is three meters!

When the Goblin King stood on the ground with his short legs, he snapped his fingers at the advisor next to him.

The rickety advisor immediately climbed up a small ladder, and then strenuously opened the treasure chest, took out a shiny glass ball from the treasure chest, and threw it to the little goblins who were stepping up the Goblin King.

More than a dozen little goblins immediately scrambled frantically, for a small glass ball, instantly beaten blood.

Finally, a relatively strong little goblin smashed the head of a big-headed little goblin and snatched the shiny glass ball.

Other little goblins can't beat this strong little goblin and can only give up.

The Goblin King didn't care about what happened behind him, even a little proud.

In the world of goblins, the strong eating of the weak is the most standard attack. As long as you have strength, you can get wealth, as long as you have wealth, you can become a master.

Even the Goblin King is responsible for his wealth. There are countless treasures in his chest. One day, if a Goblin can defeat him, then that Goblin will occupy his treasure and become The new Goblin King.

Their king has never been hereditary, and there is no blood unity, and it is completely occupied by the "capable".

The Goblin King scratched the wart on his chin and laughed grimly: "One, two, three, four... Well, so many dwarf friends, aha! Good, I like dwarves the most. I don’t like humans and Elf, do you know why?"

He quickly asked himself and replied: “Because there are too many poor people, most of their families cannot afford the ransom I want, and the elves are too united. If we dare to catch the elves, the elves’ cavalry will All were dispatched to level our entire mountain. Therefore, one of them is too poor and the other is too scary. I don't want to provoke them."

"My favorite is to meet the dwarf brothers. The dwarves have six kingdoms, each of which is fat and oily, and the dwarves have a strong clan concept. Generally speaking, as long as I ask for a ransom, they will give it. "

The Goblin King said with a smile.

Thorin really couldn't help it, lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "Seven."

"What?" King Goblin's eyes widened in astonishment. "Who was talking just now?"

Goblins, look at me, and I look at you, shrugging and shaking their heads.

Thorin was about to stand up, but Bahrain next to him came out first, "It's me, I said just now."

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