Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1138

The Goblin King looked at Bahrain the White Beard with interest, "Oh, what did you just say?"

Bahrain cleared his throat. "I said, seven."

"What seven?" The Goblin King scratched the wart on his chin.

Bahrain said solemnly: "The dwarves have seven kingdoms, not six, but seven."

"Oh, is it?" The Goblin King thought for a while, "Well, if you count Gushan, there are indeed seven, but the Gushan Dynasty no longer exists, hahaha! Those idiot dwarves!"

Chapter 250

Thorin wanted to jump out angrily, Bahrain and others hurriedly blocked Thorin.

When the enemy is widowed, we can't be impulsive.

Impulse once, and lose everything!

All previous efforts will be wasted!

Thorin knew this in his heart, but he just couldn't control it.

He felt that for a moment, he had completely lost his mind.

Fortunately, this time is not long.

With the efforts of other dwarves blocked, he quickly recovered some sanity.

The Goblin King looked at the expressions of these dwarves, "Wait, don't tell me, you are Lone Mountain Dwarves."

Bahrain said quickly: "No, we are... the dwarves of the Iron Mountain Kingdom."

"Hmm." The Goblin King breathed a sigh of relief, "The Iron Mountain Kingdom is good, it is considered richer in the Dwarf Kingdom, especially since the Lone Mountain was occupied by the Great Demon Dragon Smaug, only Iron Mountain can be mined. Very rare mythril ore. By the way, are you the royal family of Iron Mountain? If so, that would be great. I will treat you with royal courtesy. Of course, your family also needs to help you every time. Everyone pays a piece of Mithril ore before I can release you."

Bahrain opened his mouth, "No, we are just ordinary civilians."

The Goblin King sighed helplessly, "Well, I originally wanted to entertain you, but it's a pity that you are not from a good background. Let's do this. Each of you is worth 1,000 gold coins. If you get the gold coins, I will let them go.

Grolin roared angrily: "1000 gold coins! You are a robbery!"

The Goblin King smiled and corrected: "No, my friend, this is kidnapping. If you are smart enough, then it's best not to offend me, because offending me will end up being torn."

In fact, no matter whether he offends the Goblin King, he will kill and cook the people who break into the Goblin Dungeon, because the location of the Dungeon cannot be revealed.

The reason for talking about ransom is to let these dwarves leave their own letters, and then the Goblin King will sell these letters asking for the ransom to black-hearted merchants at a tenth of the price.

After the black-hearted businessmen get the ransom letter, they will find special thugs to ask for the account. As for whether the kidnapped person is dead or alive, they don't care.

The Goblin King is very smart. He knows that it is impossible to earn the ransom by himself. Therefore, he only earns the money of the ransom note. In this way, he can not only cook the meat ticket and eat it, but also earn one-tenth of the ransom. For example, if the ransom is 1000 gold coins, then he can earn 100 gold coins.

This kind of trading saves effort and worry, and the benefits are really not small.

Seeing the anger on the faces of the dwarves, the Goblin King's face became cold, "Why, your life, isn't it worth your family to raise a thousand gold coins for you?"

The dwarves blushed and couldn't speak.

Yes, how could their lives be worthless than a thousand gold coins?Doesn't this mean that his life is cheap?

You know, they are the nobles of the Gushan dwarves!

They were once the noblest, richest, and most arrogant dwarves in the seven kingdoms of dwarves!

Even Thrandil, the king of the wood elves, would bow his head when he saw them!

Yes, even the most unbelievable elves who think they are a demigod race must bow to them, but now, these nobles are reduced to what they are now!

Going forward in the rain, with fear, suffering and humiliation!

Now, even a disgusting goblin dare to show off in front of them, but they can't do anything!

The dwarves are all sad, and even a little desperate.

Falling into the hands of treacherous people like Goblin Kings, they might not be able to escape.

"Let them go."

At this moment, a deep voice sounded.

The Goblin King widened his muddy eyes, "Who? Who is talking."

White Beard Bahrain said nervously, "No, no one!"

Bahrain tried to stop Thorin, but Thorin no longer wanted to shrink.

Thorin separated the dwarves in front of him and said loudly, "I said, let them go."

His voice is steady, his expression is cold, and he is born with a kingly temperament.

The Goblin King laughed hahaha, "Let them go? Why? Just rely on your words? Who do you think you are? You think...wait!"

The Goblin King approached Thorin and took a closer look, "Wait, wait, wait, I know you! Ahahaha! Thorin Oakshield! The bloodline of the last king of the Lone Mountain Kingdom! Hahaha! It's really you! I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! The king of the most powerful dwarf empire ever-oh no, you are not a king yet, you are just a prince, of course, if you retake the lone mountain, you can You are called king, but this is something that will never happen-I still remember, your mad grandfather Thor, when he retreated from the Lonely Mountain Palace, took the dwarf army to Rivendell, passing by me on the way, My people arrested you dwarves, and your army completely destroyed the cave where I lived! Have you seen the cave where we live now? It took more than 20 years to gradually It develops like this! But it is far worse than the cave where we lived before! This is thanks to your Oak Shield tribe!"

The Goblin King became more and more excited as he spoke, the fat on his body trembled wave after wave, his eyes began to turn red, and his muddy eyes were full of murderous intent.

It is conceivable that the old king Thor caused much damage to the Goblin Kingdom.

Thorin said coldly: "You have hatred for our Oak Shield family. I know that. I am standing in front of you right now, wanting to kill and slash, listening and respecting, but these dwarves who accompany me , They are innocent, you must let them go."

"Hahaha!" The Goblin King laughed loudly: "Innocent? Prince Thorin, do you think all the people who died in the hands of our Goblins are guilty? No, they may be more innocent than you. Well. Also, this is my Goblin Kingdom, not your Lonely Mountain Palace, so you better not talk to me in that imperative tone!"

Thorin raised his head arrogantly, "No matter what you want to do, you can even cut me off, but please let the others go."

The Goblin King sneered: "Otherwise?"

Thorin said coldly: "Otherwise, I will fight you! My grandfather once wiped out your goblins, and I can do it too!"

The Goblin King clutched his stomach and laughed hahaha, "Too funny, hahaha! Thorin Oakshield, you are as crazy as your grandfather, no, no, you are crazier than your grandfather, and your grandfather was destroyed. To destroy my Goblin Kingdom, I still used the army of Lone Mountain Dwarves, and you, there are just a few trash fish around you, your hands are all tied up by me, and my weapons are all seized by me. Dare to yell at me? Okay, let me show you some color first, lest you don't know how powerful my goblins are!"

The Goblin King shouted loudly: "Come here, knock out all the teeth of Prince Thorin!"

Chapter 251


Goblin soldiers rushed up, scrambling.

Of course, they were not brave, nor did they have a deep hatred of Thorin, they just wanted to compete for rewards.

The Goblin King asked them to knock out Thorin's teeth. As long as this task is completed, the Goblin King will throw out a handful of gold coins.

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