Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1139

Grabbing gold coins is their real goal.

As a prince, all his teeth were knocked out, which is simply the greatest humiliation.

Thorin's eyebrows were cold, and struggling to break free from the tendon rope in his hand, the other dwarves also rushed forward, blocking the fierce goblins with the body stick Thorin.

The situation at the scene suddenly became chaotic. Although there were many goblin fighters and weapons in their hands, the dwarves were united and shared the same hatred. It was difficult for the goblin soldiers to take advantage of them for a while.

The Goblin King raised the sheep's head staff in his hand and shouted loudly: "Who can smash a tooth of Thorin, I will give him 10 gold coins! 10!"

When the goblins heard this, they immediately besieged the dwarves frantically.

Thorin and others broke the tendon rope in their hands and fought back.

However, there are too many goblins, one after another, one after another.

The Goblin King laughed proudly. He walked back to his Skeleton Throne with his short legs, stepped on the little goblin’s body and sat on the throne, watching the goblins and the dwarves with relish. battle.

"It's time for us to move around." The hammer broke the tendon rope in his hand, contorting two mysterious iron forging hammers.

The weapons of the other dwarves have been confiscated, but the weapons of the three of them are hidden in the inspiration inventory, and now it is time to use them when they are fighting.

Lin Hai also used concentrated thoughts and the power of the flames on his wrists to burn the tendon ropes, and then took out the Ruidagast Staff.

The iron hammer wielded the black iron forging hammer, and with a direct leap hammer blow, instantly blasted dozens of goblins rushing towards her down the abyss.

"Wow! This short-haired woman is quite powerful!" The Goblin King exclaimed, but he soon comforted himself: "Humans, physical disadvantages are very bad, she alone , How many goblin soldiers can I kill? One hundred? Two hundred? Three hundred? Ha ha, whatever, anyway, the population in this dungeon kingdom is too much, more deaths, everyone eats meat Just more!"

At this time, Lin Hai poured his thoughts on the Ruidagast Staff, summoned a blizzard, and smashed the goblin soldier who rushed over from another wooden bridge.

"Wow! What did I see?" The Goblin King suddenly widened his eyes. "A mage? And a human mage? Well, I recognize the staff in his hand... it's the Rida Gast staff. I want that staff! Goblins, who can snatch that staff for me, I will give him one hundred...no, three hundred gold coins!"

The value of the Ruidagast Staff, even 30,000 gold coins can not be bought!

This is the only one in the world!

However, three hundred gold coins are simply a shocking reward for goblin soldiers!

King Goblin has never been so generous!

Therefore, the Goblin troops did not rush to Thorin's side, all turned to Lin Hai's side.

Lin Hai's pressure suddenly increased. Although there was a hammer on the side to protect him desperately, many goblin soldiers rushed in front of Lin Hai. In order to avoid the rushing goblins, Lin Hai could only temporarily interrupt the magic blizzard.

As a result, the situation becomes even worse, and a vicious circle is about to begin.

While the iron hammer quickly swung the warhammer in his hand, he shouted loudly at Duke Yang: "The surname is Yang! Why don't you come to help anymore, I will blow you a bastard!"

Gong Yang said helplessly: "Sister Hammer is big, it's not that I don't help, it's the tendon that I keep on hand!"

"Simple! I'll help you!" The hammer kicked Duke Yang again, and Duke Yang happened to fall on a group of goblins with knives.

Duke Yang shouted again in horror: "Damn! Don't don't, don't kill me! I love peace!"

The leading goblin didn't care about three-seven-one or four-seven-two-eight, and he slashed at Duke Yang with his long knife.

Gong Yang was kicked over again, and his body couldn't change the line in the air at all, so the whole person was hit by the knife edge.


A blood arrow spurted out, and the long knife pierced the front of Yang Gongzai in an instant, cutting off the tendon rope on his wrist.

Bahrain, who was fighting on the side, saw this scene and immediately exclaimed: "Master Yang!"

Although Duke Yang did not help the Dwarf Expedition Team any more, Duke Yang was a member of the Snow Emperor Team after all, and the dwarves respected the Snow Emperor Team very much because of "Diedi".

Now, a member of the Xuedi team has been assassinated by a long knife. How can the dwarves explain to Lord Diedi!

When Bahrain was feeling sad, he saw Gong Yang staggering up from the pool of blood again.

Gong Yang looked at the blood hole in his chest again, frowning and said, "...My clothes! You bastards of tasteless!"

The Goblin soldier who had just stabbed Duke Yang was taken aback. He had no idea that Duke Yang would stand up like an okay person.

Not only did the goblins unexpectedly, but also Bahrain.

Although the goblin’s attack power is not very strong, the goblin’s long knife really pierced Yang Gongzai’s chest just now!

What... It's like Duke Yang hasn't happened before?

How did they know that Yang Gong couldn't do anything else, but there was only one thing, and that was resistance to beating.

Not only is it resistant to beating, but its health is also very long.

Not only is his health extremely long, he also has a magic cave sword that can suck blood.

When the goblin soldier slashed at Duke Yang again, Duke Yang took out the Demon Cave Sword slowly.

His speed was too slow, the goblin soldier's long knife stabbed him again, and his long sword swung at the goblin soldier.

Seeing that Duke Yang was not dead, the goblin soldier immediately drew out his long knife and slashed.

Until this time, Duke Yang's Demon Cave Sword flicked across the arm of the Goblin soldier.

The goblin soldier suddenly felt a chill, and immediately afterwards, the whole person became extremely weak, and his life value was rapidly lost and transferred.

The other goblin soldiers rushed to Duke Yang, Duke Yang was still not hurried, and the goal was specific.

Goblin Soldier No. 2 slashed at the back of Duke Yang. Duke Yang completely ignored him and continued to chop the weakened Goblin Soldier in front of him.

Goblin Soldier No. 3 slashed in Yang Gongzai’s thigh, and Duke Yang completely ignored him, and continued to chop the weakened Goblin Soldier No. 1 in front of him...

Why do you have to catch a sheep wool?

Save effort!

Chapter 252 Gushan Bloodline

After Yang Gong entered the war again, a large number of goblin soldiers were blocked by him.

Although Duke Yang's damage was not enough, every sword he slashed on Goblin No. 1 could restore blood to himself.

Moreover, when Goblin No. 1 died, he turned to Goblin Soldier No. 2. When No. 2 died, he turned to No. 3, and when No. 3 died, he turned to No. 4, one by one.

Although he did not kill a few goblins, the goblins did not even want to kill him.

As a result, Lin Hai’s pressure dropped by more than half!

Lin Hai can also free up his hand and continue to summon the magic blizzard.

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