Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1140

The Goblin King widened his eyes and looked at Duke Yang, "What did I see? This is impossible! The Demon Sword? It's really the Demon Sword! Why does the Demon Sword of His Majesty the Witch King of Angmar look so much? In the hands of weak human men? Why!"

The Goblin King roared loudly: "Get me the Demon Sword! I want the Demon Sword! Who can give me the Demon Sword, I will give him a thousand gold coins!"

The attraction of the Demon Cavern Sword to the Goblin King is obviously much higher than that of the Ridagasta Staff!

After all, the Demon Cavern Sword is the sword of the Angmar Witch King!

Angmar Witch King is the deputy of Demon Lord Sauron!

If you can get the Demon Sword, then sell the Demon Sword at a high price-no, return it to the Angmar Witch King, then in the future, the Goblin Kingdom will become a very high-ranking kingdom under the Demon Lord Sauron!After the Dark Lord Sauron rules the entire Middle-earth world, the Goblin Kingdom will rise, and it will be no problem to want anything!

Thinking of the future stakes, a happy smile appeared on the plump face of the Goblin King.

But when the goblin soldiers heard that one thousand gold coins could be earned, their eyes flashed, and they rushed towards Duke Yang, ignoring them all.

They no longer aimed to kill Yang Gongzai, but wanted to hold Yang Gongzai, and then forcibly snatch the Demon Cave Sword from Yang Gongzai's hands.

Right now, Duke Yang was a little flustered again.

With his life value, of course others can't kill him, but if you want to forcibly snatch the Demon Cave Sword from his hand, there is still a possibility.

Once the Demon Cave Sword is lost, Duke Yang can no longer recover his blood!

Duke Yang retreated again and screamed: "Uncle Lin Hai! Save me! Save me! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

Lin Hai quickly concentrated his thoughts and used the magic blizzard to slow down the goblin soldiers who were chasing Yang Gongzai, but there were too many goblin soldiers. The magic blizzard alone would have too limited a containment effect.


"There are so many goblins!"

"We are less than twenty people! Goblins have tens of thousands!"

"We're fucked!"

The dwarves roared in despair.

They have been fighting continuously for almost half an hour, and now they have no strength at all.

Lin Hai's mental energy was almost exhausted. He drank three cups of Xingyue tea in a row, but the mental energy still couldn't be refilled.

The hammer is still physically strong, but she is also trapped by many goblins. Even if these goblins are just puppets, she has to clean up these puppets. It is impossible to do it within an hour or two.

Seeing such a scene, the Goblin King triumphantly twisted his fat body, "Hahaha, it's mine, it's all mine! So many babies, I'm so lucky this time! No wonder I wake up today! My eyelids jumped right after I came here, and I was going to be unlucky at the time. It turned out to be lucky! Hahahaha!"

Thorin looked at his tired companions and more and more goblin soldiers, and couldn't help but sigh up to the sky: "My lofty ambition is not rewarded! God will destroy my Gushan bloodline!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a boom!

With a dazzling white light, the back of the Goblin King’s Throne exploded, and the magical shock wave force generated instantly knocked the Goblin in the entire area to the ground!

Even the Goblin King was overturned to the ground by this sudden force, crushing to death the three little goblins who had not had time to escape.

All the people present were stunned.

After the white light faded, only three figures appeared there.

The man in the middle is Xufeng!

The gray-robed old man on the left is Gandalf!

And the one with the silver Medusa mask on the right is the Snow Emperor!

Xufeng and Xuedi could have dared to catch up with Thorin two hours ago, but in order to wait for Gandalf, they delayed for two hours.

It was just these two hours that Thorin and the others were caught in the cave trap and fell into the Goblin Dungeon.

However, it was very troublesome to find the entrance to the Goblin Dungeon. Fortunately, Gandalf arrived in time and used the teleport spell to teleport directly to the mountain.

Xufeng looked around and said coldly: "Stand up, take up your weapons, and continue fighting!"

The dwarves looked at each other and didn't react for a while.

Xu Feng continued: "The Gushan dwarves may be cut off, but it is definitely not cut off in the hands of these dirty and cunning goblins!"

Thorin's fighting spirit was instantly ignited, and he shouted, "Kill! Kill them all!"

The dwarves cheered up immediately, and fought with the goblin soldiers next to them.

Gandalf and Lin Hai formed a perfect magical match. Lin Hai used a low-efficiency snowstorm to slow down the goblin soldiers, while Gandalf summoned a wall of fire at the feet of the slower goblins.

Large swaths of goblin soldiers fell.

The Snow Emperor also showed the sword of Borromir and rushed to the hammer.

With Xuedi's powerful front row, Hammer didn't need to think about defense, but went all out to attack.

Goblin soldiers have fallen in large swathes.

The Goblin King struggled to get up from the ground and grinned: "Haha, here are three more to die. Well, the gray-robed mage Gandalf? This is very difficult to deal with, but as far as I know, all magicians They all need the support of magic energy. How much magic energy can you afford? Anyway, I am not afraid that my goblins will die one or two thousand, or four or five thousand. Aha, what did I see? Boro Sword of Mir? Tsk tsk, today's luck is really great, so many treasures were gathered in one go."

Xufeng stepped to the front of the Goblin King, and said with a sneer: "It seems that you are still a very knowledgeable goblin."

"That is!" The Goblin King said triumphantly.

Xu Feng slowly revealed his enemy's fencing, "Then, you can judge, what is my sword?"

As soon as the Goblin King saw the enemy fencing, he jumped up in horror, "What? How could this be possible! Get away! This is enemy fencing! The enemy fencing that kills monsters! The monsters who die under this sword are more than enough Hundreds! No! Take it away!".

Enemy fencing has a natural deterrent to any monster!

Before Xufeng started, the Goblin King was too afraid to move!

Chapter 253 This group of chaotic officials and thieves!

Without hesitation, Xu Feng raised the enemy's fencing sword and slashed at the fat head of the Goblin King.

The Goblin King hurriedly raised his claw staff, forming a dark magical barrier on his body, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Protect me! Protect me!"

Goblin soldiers came from all directions, and they wanted to swallow Xufeng with crowd tactics.

But Xufeng’s reaction was faster. He had two swords in his hand, one was the enemy fencing sword, the other was the sword of Triton. King Brin’s magic shield is split open!

And Triton was not idle at this time, but the sword of Triton was not at the surging goblin soldiers, but at the huge treasure chest beside the throne.

The big lock on the treasure chest was cut off by Terry Tongjian!

Xu Feng kicked over the huge treasure chest with one foot, and the countless gold and silver treasures inside instantly flowed all over the field!

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